26 research outputs found

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    mediate postoperative period of cardiac arrest due to cardiac arrhythmia. Conclusion: Right hepatectomy for LDLT may be associated with significant morbidity, including death and it should be performed only by surgeons with great experience. The first living-donor liver transplantation (LDLT) was performed by Raia et al. Due to the shortage of cadaveric donor and the elevated death rate on the waiting list, the number of LDLT has increased in 1990s. However, with recent reports of serious donor complications, including some deaths, the number of LDLT has reached a plateau and even a de- Key Words Peptic ulcer ؒ Portal vein thrombosis ؒ Biliary fistula ؒ Bilioma Abstract Background/Aims: Our objective is to assess donor complications in all right hepatic lobe living-donor liver transplantation (LDLT) at our center. Methods: Of a total of 352 liver transplantations performed, 60 were right-lobe LDLT. Most donors (88.3%) were related to the recipients. Results: Mean hospital stay was 5.4 8 0.6 days. No complications occurred due to preoperative evaluation. Most donors received one or two units of autologous blood transfusion. Only 5 (8.3%) needed nonautologous blood transfusion. Most complications were minor and treated conservatively. Bile leaks from the cut surface of the liver occurred in 5 donors (8.3%). Two patients had potentially fatal complications: perforated duodenal ulcer and portal vein thrombosis (PVT). The donor with perforated ulcer developed septicemia and multiple organ failure. He was discharged from the hospital with hemiparesis due to cerebral ischemia. The patient with PVT remained asymptomatic and the portal vein was recanalized by the 3rd postoperative month. One donor died in the im

    How are legal matters related to the access of traditional knowledge being considered in the scope of ethnobotany publications in Brazil?

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    Perfuração gástrica secundária a tricobezoar gigante: descrição de caso e revisão da literatura

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    Gastric bezoars are impactations offoreign material in lhe stomach. When they are caused by hail; they are named tricho- bezoars. The complications oftrichobezoars are very rare. In this papel; we describe a case of a 16-year-old girl that had a previous history oftricophagia, and had an acute abdominal pain with a pneumoperitoneum in the abdomen radiography. An operation was performed and a gastric perforation was founded associated with a giant trichobezoa7: The trichobezoar was removed by traction through a gastrostomy which was performed in order to remove lhe trichobezoa7: Some fragments of the ulcer were obtained to histological study. The gastrostomy was treated by a gastrorraphy confection. In lhe post- operative period a left subfrenic abscess was revealed and has been drained by laparatomy 15 days after the fisrt operation. After the second surgical procedure the patient had a good evolution, and left the hospital in good health conditions

    Custo do transplante hepático no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná Cost of liver transplantation at the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Parana, Brazil

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    OBJETIVO. Determinar o custo do transplante hepático no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná. MÉTODO. Os dados do prontuário de 24 pacientes submetidos a 25 transplantes hepáticos foram avaliados do dia da internação para o transplante hepático até a data da alta hospitalar ou óbito para determinar o número de dias de internação, o local de internação, a quantidade de material e medicamentos usados, os exames complementares e procedimentos realizados. Honorários médicos não foram incluídos no estudo. RESULTADOS. A idade dos pacientes variou de 6 a 56 anos, tendo seis deles menos que 14 anos de idade. Cinco pacientes foram a óbito durante a internação hospitalar. Retransplante foi realizado em somente um paciente. O custo médio da retirada do fígado do doador foi de US2,783.19.Ocustototaldotransplantehepaˊticovariouamplamenteentreospacientes,nadepende^nciadeocorre^nciadecomplicac\co~espoˊsoperatoˊrias,donuˊmerodediasdeinternac\ca~ohospitalaredaquantidadedetransfusa~odehemoderivados.OcustototalvarioudeUS 2,783.19. O custo total do transplante hepático variou amplamente entre os pacientes, na dependência de ocorrência de complicações pós-operatórias, do número de dias de internação hospitalar e da quantidade de transfusão de hemoderivados. O custo total variou de US 6,359.84 a US75,434.18,commeˊdiadeUS 75,434.18, com média de US 21,505.53. O item mais caro do transplante hepático foi o custo com a hemoterapia, seguido do custo com medicamentos e diária hospitalar. CONCLUSÃO. O custo do transplante hepático varia muito entre os pacientes e pode ser realizado no Brasil a um custo inferior ao relatado nos Estados Unidos e na Europa.<br>PURPOSE - To determine the cost of liver transplantation at the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Parana. METHODS - The data of 24 patients subjected to 25 liver transplantations were evaluated from the day of hospital admission until the day of discharge to determine the length of hospitalization, quantity of material and medications used, and exams and procedures performed. Professional fees were not included in the study. RESULTS - The age of the patients varied from 6 to 56 years. Six patients were younger than 14 years of age. Five patients died during hospitalization. Re-transplantation was performed in only one patient. The average cost for liver procurement was US2,783.19.Thetotalcostofthelivertransplantationvaried,dependingontheoccurrenceofcomplications,lengthofhospitalizationandtheamountofbloodproductstransfused.ThetotalcostvariedfromUS 2,783.19. The total cost of the liver transplantation varied, depending on the occurrence of complications, length of hospitalization and the amount of blood products transfused. The total cost varied from US 6,359.84 to US75,434.18,withanaverageofUS 75,434.18, with an average of US 21,505.53. The most expensive item of the liver transplantation was blood products transfused, followed by medications, and intensive care and room charges. CONCLUSION - The cost of liver transplantation varies among the patients and may be performed in Brazil at a cost less than that reported in the United States and Europe