13 research outputs found

    Improving Conversational Recommender System via Contextual and Time-Aware Modeling with Less Domain-Specific Knowledge

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    Conversational Recommender Systems (CRS) has become an emerging research topic seeking to perform recommendations through interactive conversations, which generally consist of generation and recommendation modules. Prior work on CRS tends to incorporate more external and domain-specific knowledge like item reviews to enhance performance. Despite the fact that the collection and annotation of the external domain-specific information needs much human effort and degenerates the generalizability, too much extra knowledge introduces more difficulty to balance among them. Therefore, we propose to fully discover and extract internal knowledge from the context. We capture both entity-level and contextual-level representations to jointly model user preferences for the recommendation, where a time-aware attention is designed to emphasize the recently appeared items in entity-level representations. We further use the pre-trained BART to initialize the generation module to alleviate the data scarcity and enhance the context modeling. In addition to conducting experiments on a popular dataset (ReDial), we also include a multi-domain dataset (OpenDialKG) to show the effectiveness of our model. Experiments on both datasets show that our model achieves better performance on most evaluation metrics with less external knowledge and generalizes well to other domains. Additional analyses on the recommendation and generation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in different scenarios

    Improving End-to-End Speech Processing by Efficient Text Data Utilization with Latent Synthesis

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    Training a high performance end-to-end speech (E2E) processing model requires an enormous amount of labeled speech data, especially in the era of data-centric artificial intelligence. However, labeled speech data are usually scarcer and more expensive for collection, compared to textual data. We propose Latent Synthesis (LaSyn), an efficient textual data utilization framework for E2E speech processing models. We train a latent synthesizer to convert textual data into an intermediate latent representation of a pre-trained speech model. These pseudo acoustic representations of textual data augment acoustic data for model training. We evaluate LaSyn on low-resource automatic speech recognition (ASR) and spoken language understanding (SLU) tasks. For ASR, LaSyn improves an E2E baseline trained on LibriSpeech train-clean-100, with relative word error rate reductions over 22.3% on different test sets. For SLU, LaSyn improves our E2E baseline by absolute 4.1% for intent classification accuracy and 3.8% for slot filling SLU-F1 on SLURP, and absolute 4.49% and 2.25% for exact match (EM) and EM-Tree accuracies on STOP respectively. With fewer parameters, the results of LaSyn are competitive to published state-of-the-art works. The results demonstrate the quality of the augmented training data.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 8 tables, Accepted to EMNLP 2023 Finding

    M4LE: A Multi-Ability Multi-Range Multi-Task Multi-Domain Long-Context Evaluation Benchmark for Large Language Models

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    Managing long sequences has become an important and necessary feature for large language models (LLMs). However, it is still an open question of how to comprehensively and systematically evaluate the long-sequence capability of LLMs. One of the reasons is that conventional and widely-used benchmarks mainly consist of short sequences. In this paper, we propose M4LE, a Multi-ability, Multi-range, Multi-task, Multi-domain benchmark for Long-context Evaluation. M4LE is based on a diverse NLP task pool comprising 36 NLP datasets, 11 task types and 12 domains. To alleviate the scarcity of tasks with naturally long sequences and incorporate multiple-ability assessment, we propose an automatic approach (but with negligible human annotations) to convert short-sequence tasks into a unified long-sequence scenario where LLMs have to identify single or multiple relevant spans in long contexts based on explicit or semantic hints. Specifically, the scenario includes five different types of abilities: (1) explicit single-span; (2) semantic single-span; (3) explicit multiple-span; (4) semantic multiple-span; and (5) global context understanding. The resulting samples in M4LE are evenly distributed from 1k to 8k input length. We conducted a systematic evaluation on 11 well-established LLMs, especially those optimized for long-sequence inputs. Our results reveal that: 1) Current LLMs struggle to understand long context, particularly when tasks require multiple-span attention. 2) Semantic retrieval task is more difficult for competent LLMs. 3) Models fine-tuned on longer text with position interpolation have comparable performance to those using Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) aware scaling methods without fine-tuning. We make our benchmark publicly available to encourage future research in this challenging area.Comment: Code and data are available at https://github.com/KwanWaiChung/M4L

    Aligning Large Language Models with Human: A Survey

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on extensive textual corpora have emerged as leading solutions for a broad array of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Despite their notable performance, these models are prone to certain limitations such as misunderstanding human instructions, generating potentially biased content, or factually incorrect (hallucinated) information. Hence, aligning LLMs with human expectations has become an active area of interest within the research community. This survey presents a comprehensive overview of these alignment technologies, including the following aspects. (1) Data collection: the methods for effectively collecting high-quality instructions for LLM alignment, including the use of NLP benchmarks, human annotations, and leveraging strong LLMs. (2) Training methodologies: a detailed review of the prevailing training methods employed for LLM alignment. Our exploration encompasses Supervised Fine-tuning, both Online and Offline human preference training, along with parameter-efficient training mechanisms. (3) Model Evaluation: the methods for evaluating the effectiveness of these human-aligned LLMs, presenting a multifaceted approach towards their assessment. In conclusion, we collate and distill our findings, shedding light on several promising future research avenues in the field. This survey, therefore, serves as a valuable resource for anyone invested in understanding and advancing the alignment of LLMs to better suit human-oriented tasks and expectations. An associated GitHub link collecting the latest papers is available at https://github.com/GaryYufei/AlignLLMHumanSurvey.Comment: work in progres

    DINO-VITS: Data-Efficient Noise-Robust Zero-Shot Voice Cloning via Multi-Tasking with Self-Supervised Speaker Verification Loss

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    Recent progress in self-supervised representation learning has opened up new opportunities for training from unlabeled data and has been a growing trend in voice conversion. However, unsupervised training of voice cloning seems to remain a challenging task. In this paper we propose a semi-supervised zero-shot voice cloning approach that works by adapting a HuBERT-based voice conversion system to the voice cloning task and shows the robustness of such a system to noises both in training data (we add noises resulting in up to 0db signal-to-noise-ratio to 35% of training data with no significant degradation of evaluation metrics) and in the target speaker reference audio at inference. Moreover, such a method does not require any type of denoising or noise-labeling of training data. Finally, we introduce a novel multi-tasking approach by incorporating self-supervised DINO loss into joint training of a CAM++ based speaker verification system and a unit-based VITS cloning system. We show that it significantly improves the quality of generated audio over baselines, especially for noisy target speaker references.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 202

    FollowBench: A Multi-level Fine-grained Constraints Following Benchmark for Large Language Models

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    The ability to follow instructions is crucial for Large Language Models (LLMs) to handle various real-world applications. Existing benchmarks primarily focus on evaluating pure response quality, rather than assessing whether the response follows constraints stated in the instruction. To fill this research gap, in this paper, we propose FollowBench, a Multi-level Fine-grained Constraints Following Benchmark for LLMs. FollowBench comprehensively includes five different types (i.e., Content, Situation, Style, Format, and Example) of fine-grained constraints. To enable a precise constraint following estimation on diverse difficulties, we introduce a Multi-level mechanism that incrementally adds a single constraint to the initial instruction at each increased level. To assess whether LLMs' outputs have satisfied every individual constraint, we propose to prompt strong LLMs with constraint-evolution paths to handle challenging open-ended instructions. By evaluating ten closed-source and open-source popular LLMs on FollowBench, we highlight the weaknesses of LLMs in instruction following and point towards potential avenues for future work. The data and code are publicly available at https://github.com/YJiangcm/FollowBench.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, 14 table

    SELF: Self-Evolution with Language Feedback

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable versatility across various domains. To further advance LLMs, we propose 'SELF' (Self-Evolution with Language Feedback), a novel approach that enables LLMs to self-improve through self-reflection, akin to human learning processes. SELF initiates with a meta-skill learning process that equips the LLMs with capabilities for self-feedback and self-refinement. Subsequently, the model undergoes an iterative process of self-evolution. In each iteration, it utilizes an unlabeled dataset of instructions to generate initial responses. These responses are enhanced through self-feedback and self-refinement. The model is then fine-tuned using this enhanced data. The model undergoes progressive improvement through this iterative self-evolution process. Moreover, the SELF framework enables the model to apply self-refinement during inference, which further improves response quality. Our experiments in mathematics and general tasks demonstrate that SELF can enhance the capabilities of LLMs without human intervention. The SELF framework indicates a promising direction for the autonomous evolution of LLMs, transitioning them from passive information receivers to active participants in their development.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, 11 table