242 research outputs found

    Composition of Binary Quadratic Forms over Number Fields

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    In this article, the standard correspondence between the ideal class group of a quadratic number field and the equivalence classes of binary quadratic forms of given discriminant is generalized to any base number field of narrow class number one. The article contains an explicit description of the correspondence. In the case of totally negative discriminants, equivalent conditions are given for a binary quadratic form to be totally positive definite.Comment: 16 pages, a small change made in signs in the bijection (because of a further use of the result

    Vishik equivalence and similarity of quasilinear pp-forms and totally singular quadratic forms

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    For quadratic forms over fields of characteristic different from two, there is a so-called Vishik criterion, giving a purely algebraic characterization of when two quadratic forms are motivically equivalent. In analogy to that, we define Vishik equivalence on quasiliner pp-forms. We study the question whether Vishik equivalent pp-forms must be similiar. We prove that this is not true for quasilinear pp-forms in general, but we find some families of totally singular quadratic forms (i.e., of quasilinear 22-forms) for which the question has positive answer.Comment: 24 page

    Composition of Bhargava's Cubes over Number Fields

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    In this paper, the composition of Bhargava's cubes is generalized to the ring of integers of a number field of narrow class number one.Comment: 18 page

    Functionally directed balance testing: Are task-oriented balance tests a future ?

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    This paper deals with static and functionally directed balance testing. Traditionally, static posturography have been used to assess postural stability under various conditions. Though such assessment has shown sufficient reliability of repeated measurements, there has been a problematic discrimination of individuals with different level of balance capabilities, and its ability to detect slight changes in postural control system after intervention. Recently, task-oriented balance tests in form of visually-guided center of mass (COM) target-matching task and visually-guided COM tracking task have become a part of test battery evaluating the efficiency of athletic training and rehabilitation. These tests have been found sensitive to reveal within and between group differences, as well as changes in postural control system after different forms of exercise programs. Findings gained in the field of sport and rehabilitation can be explored in clinical medicine and physical therapy. This also supports future research toward exploring novel alternatives of functional balance assessment

    Core Stability and Strength Assessment for Performance and Health

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    Given the importance of core stability and strength in athletic performance and in the activities of daily living, its assessment should be considered an integral part of functional diagnostics. This paper presents our approach to assessing the power performance during exercises involving muscles of the core, such as lifting tasks and trunk rotations under a variety of conditions and in various population. Experience showed that core stability and strength tests are able to reveal within and between-group differences in core performance and the effectiveness of training or rehabilitation programs in competitive athletes, as well as in general population of different age and physical fitness

    Maximales den widerstand überwindendes Laufen alseine Alternative des wingate anaeroben Tests

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    An “all-out” tethered running on the treadmill represents an alternative form of exercise used for the assessment of anaerobic capacity. Contrary to the well known and frequently used “all-out” test on the cycle ergometer (Wingate anaerobic test), there is a lack of information concerning the parameters of anaerobic capacity obtained from tethered running on the treadmill. The aim of our study was therefore to compare the parameters of anaerobic capacity (maximal and mean power, fatigue index, and blood lactate concentration) in 30-second “all-out” tests performed on the isokinetic cycle ergometer and in the form of tethered running on the treadmill, respectively. The subjects underwent in random order in two different days a period of 30-second “all-out” cycling on the isokinetic ergometer at a revolution rate of 100 rpm and tethered running on the treadmill at a velocity of 13 km/h. Analyses of the results showed that tethered running and isokinetic cycling did not differ significantly either in maximal or mean power. However, the fatigue index and blood lactate were significantly higher in tethered running than in isokinetic cycling. Taking into account the similar values of maximal and mean power production between the exercise modes examined it may be concluded that the 30-second “all-out” tethered running on the treadmill represents an acceptable alternative for the assessment of anaerobic capacity. However, in comparison with isokinetic cycling slightly higher values of fatigue index and blood lactate have to be expected.Uvod Maksimalno opterećenje na biciklergometru tipičan je oblik vježbanja koji se koristi za procjenu anaerobnoga kapaciteta u laboratorijskim uvjetima. Međutim, pedaliranje za mnoge sportove nije ekvivalentna mišićna aktivnost zato što ne omogućuje specifičan oblik mišićnog rada. Za većinu aktivnosti s opterećenjem, trčanje se čini prikladnijom alternativom. Međutim, u jednostavnom slobodnom trčanju na pokretnom sagu praktički nije moguće primijeniti maksimalno radno opterećenje u ograničenom vremenu. Taj se nedostatak može izbjeći primjenom modificirane aktivnosti koja se zove trčanje na pokretnom sagu sa svladavanjem otpora (tethered running), za vrijeme koje ispitanik, osim što trči, povlači za svoj pojas pričvršćen konopac koji je pričvršćen na zid iza saga za trčanje. U konopac je ugrađena dinamometrijska sonda. Jednostavan računalni sustav može se koristiti za praćenje sile povlačenja, brzine trčanja i za izračunavanje postignute snage trčanja. Prikupljeni podaci ukazuju na to da sila ovisna o frekvenciji koraka i snaga fluktuiraju u vremenu te omogućuju izračunavanje vršnih (maksimalnih) i prosječnih vrijednosti sile i snage za određeni period. Ponavljani kratkotrajni sprintovi (maksimalno brzo trčanje), u trajanju od 5 do 10 sekundi, sa svladavanjem otpora pri različitim brzinama pokretnog saga daju podatke koji se mogu koristiti za konstruiranje individualnih krivulja sile-brzine, odnosno snage-brzine. Slično kao i u ostalim vrstama mišićne aktivnosti, i ovdje se javlja pad ukupne sile s povećanjem brzine. Osim toga, ukupna snaga raste od nižih brzina, postiže maksimum te potom, s približavanjem višim brzinama, opada. Maksimalna snaga povlačenja i korespondirajuća brzina također se može izvesti iz takve krivulje. Tako maksimalno trčanje na pokretnom sagu, u trajanju od 30 sekundi, sa svladavanjem otpora, kao pandan testu Wingate, također daje podatke o maksimalnoj i prosječnoj snazi, na osnovi čega se može izračunati indeks umora. Međutim, suprotno u literaturi dobro dokumentiranim i često korištenim maksimalnim testovima na biciklergometru, o testu trčanja sa svladavanjem otpora nedostaju dokumentirane informacije vezane uz parametre anaerobnih sposobnosti. Cilj je stoga ovog istraživanja bio usporediti parametre anaerobnih sposobnosti (maksimalna i prosječna sna-ga, indeks umora i laktati u krvi) dobivenih u maksimalnom testu od 30 sekundi izvedenom na izokinetičkom biciklergometru s onim parametrima prikupljenima testom trčanja na pokretnom sagu sa svladavanjem otpora. Metode Grupa od 17 studenata tjelesnog odgoja (prosječna dob 21,8±1,1 godina, visine 179,4±5,9 cm, težine 75,3±7,1 kg) dobrovoljno je sudjelovala u istraživanju. Prema slučajnom rasporedu ispitanici su izvodili maksimalni test u trajanju od 30 sekundi na izokinetičkom biciklergometru, uz brzinu okretaja od 100 okretaja/ min, i test maksimalnog trčanja na pokretnom sagom sa svladavanjem otpora pri brzini saga od 13km/h u dva različita dana. Koristilo se opterećenje utemeljeno na ranije utvrđenoj vrijednosti maksimalne snage na uzorku netreniranih ispitanika. Ispitanici su počeli izvoditi oba zadatka naglo, bez zagrijavanja, a završavali su s dvije minute opuštanja i hlađenja. Za vrijeme opterećenja na pokretnom sagu ispitanici su uz trčanje morali povlačiti uže pričvršćeno za sredinu pojasa i za zid iza uređaja. Jednostavan računalni sustav koristio se za praćenje sile povlačenja, brzine trčanja i izračunavanje proizvedene snage. Iz sirovih podataka prikupljenih pri 100 Hz, izračunate su vrijednosti u intervalima od 5 sekundi kako bi se grafički prikazali odnosi postignute sile u vremenu. Rezultati Izračunati su sljedeći parametri: Pmax (inicijalni period od 5 sekundi), Pmean (prosječna vrijednost izračunata na osnovi cijelog trajanja testa, 30 sekundi) i indeks umora (omjer opadanja snage, razlike Pmax i Pmin i Pmax vrijednosti). Rasprava i zaključak Za vrijeme vježbanja na biciklergometru, kao i za vrijeme maksimalnog trčanja sa svladavanjem otpora kontinuirano je praćena frekvencija srca. Uzorci krvi iz prsta uzimali su se u šestoj minuti oporavka kako bi se procijenila koncentracija laktata. Korelacijska analiza pokazala je visoku povezanost između parametara anaerobnih sposobnosti dobivenih za vrijeme trčanja na sagu u trajanju 30 sekundi sa svladavanjem otpora i vožnje na izokinetičkom bicikl-ergometru, kao što su maksimalna snaga (r=0.877), prosječna snaga (r=0.920) i indeks umora (r=0.896). Trčanje sa svladavanjem otpora i izokinetičko bicikliranje ne razlikuju se statistički značajno ni po maksimalnoj snazi (745.2±143.7 W i 757.1±130.7 W) ni po prosječnoj snazi (598.4±87.6 W i 614.9±80.6 W). Međutim, indeks umora i koncentracija laktata u krvi statistički su značajno bili veći u maksimalnom trčanju sa svladavanjem otpora (30.8±6.1% i 12.5±1.3 mmol/l; p<.05). Uzme li se u obzir da se nije pokazala statistički značajna razlika u ispoljenoj prosječnoj i maksimalnoj snazi između korištenih modaliteta vježbanja, može se zaključiti da je maksimalno trčanje na pokretnom sagu u trajanju od 30 sekundi sa svladavanjem otpora prihvatljiva alternativa za procjenu anaerobnog kapaciteta. Međutim, u usporedbi s izokinetičkim bicikliranjem, mogu se očekivati više vrijednosti indeksa umora i koncentracije laktata u krvi.Maximales den Widerstand überwindendes Laufen auf dem Laufband repräsentiert eine Alternativ-Belastung für die Diagnostik anaerober Leistungsfähigkeit. Im Vergleich zu dem bekannten und oft benutzten all-out Test am Fahrradergometer (Wingate test), gibt es über die Parameter, die bei so einem anaeroben Testverfahren behoben werden, nur ungenügende Informationen. In dieser Arbeit werden die Parameter anaerober Leistungsfähigkeiten (maximale und durchschnittliche Schnellkraft, Ermüdungsindex und Blutlaktat nach der Belastung), die bei der 30-sekündlichen maximalen Belastung am isokinetischen Fahrradergometer und bei dem den Widerstand überwindenden Laufen am Laufband ermittelt wurden, mit jenen vom Fahrradergometer-Test verglichen. Eine Gruppe von 17 Sportlern hat in einer zufälliger Reihenfolge in zwei unterschiedlichen Tagen eine 30-sekündliche maximale Belastung am isokinetischen Fahrradergometer (Trittfrequenz von 100 Umdrehungen pro Minute) und maximales den Widerstand überwindendes Laufen am Laufband (Geschwindigkeit von 13 km.h-1) absolviert. Die Korrelationskoeffiziente zeigten einen engen Zusammenhang zwischen den Parametern von beiden Tests. Es wurden auch keine statistisch signifikante Unterschiede zwischen der durchschnittlichen und maximalen Schnellkraft während beider Belastungsformen ermittelt, allerdings der Ermüdungsindex und der Blutlaktat nach der Belastung waren signifikant höher (P<0,05) bei der Belastung am Laufband als am Fahrradergometer. Aufgrund ähnlicher Werte durchschnittliche und maximaler Schnellkraft bei den beiden Belastungsformen kann das 30-sekündliche maximale den Widerstand überwindende Laufen auf dem Laufband als eine akzeptable Alternative für Diagnostik von anaerober Leistungsfähigkeit betrachtet werden. Allerdings im Vergleich zu dem Fahrradergometertest sollten ein bisschen höhere Werte des Ermüdungsindex und des Blutlaktats erwartet werden

    Study of gender stereotypes of students (both girls and boys) of the selected basic schools

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    Cílem diplomové práce je zjistit, zda jsou žáci a žákyně devátých ročníků vybraných základních škol ovlivněni genderovými stereotypy a zda se genderové stereotypy promítají do jejich představ, vnímání a rozhodování. Teoretická část práce obsahuje kromě vymezení pojmu gender i kapitoly týkající se teorií genderu, postojů, genderových stereotypů, rovných příležitostí mužů a žen v zaměstnání, role muže a ženy v rodině. Stěžejní kapitola se týká oblasti genderu a vzdělávání. Praktická část diplomové práce je zaměřena na mapování žákovských postojů dotýkajících se oblasti genderu. Pomocí dotazníkového šetření byla získána data celkem od 204 žáků a žákyň. Získané výsledky byly konfrontovány s poznatky, které uvádí odborná literatura.The thesis is aimed at finding if the ninth-year students (both girls and boys) of selected basic schools have been affected by gender stereotypes, and if the gender stereotypes approach their ideas, perception and decision making. Besides gender concept, the theoretical part also includes chapters related to gender theories, attitudes, gender stereotypes, equal opportunities for men and women in occupation, and the role of men and women in a family. The central chapter deals with topics of gender and education. The practical part of the thesis is focused on determining students'attitudes towards gender area. Using questionnaire inquiry, the author has got data from 204 students (both girls and boys). The obtained data were faced with finding from the relevant literature.Katedra pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult