14 research outputs found

    Impact chains of energy sufficiency policies : a proposal for visualization and possibilities for integration into energy modeling

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    Impact chains are used in many different fields of research to depict the various impacts of an activity and to visualize the system in which this activity is embedded. Research has not yet conceptualized impact chains specifically for energy sufficiency policies. We develop such a concept based on current evaluation approaches and extend these by adding qualitative elements such as success factors and barriers. Furthermore, we offer two case studies in which we test this concept with the responsible climate action managers. We also describe options for integrating these impact chains into different types of energy models, which are key tools in policy consulting

    Das Gebot der Stunde : Energiesparen durch Energiesuffizienz

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    Energiesparen ist durch den Krieg in der Ukra­ine das Gebot der Stunde, um uns unabhängig von russischen Energieträgern zu machen; vor Kriegsbeginn spielte dieses Thema keine allzu große Rolle in der breiteren politischen Diskus­sion. In Szenarien und Strategien, wie mittel­- und langfristige Klimaziele erreicht werden könnten, gewann das Thema Energiesparen durch Ener­giesuffizienz in den vergangenen Jahren hinge­gen immer mehr an Bedeutung, wobei die tech­nischen Strategien Effizienz und Konsistenz, also die Umstellung auf erneuerbare Energien, noch immer maßgebend sind. In diesem Beitrag zeigen wir, welche Rol­le das Senken des Energieverbrauches spielt, um Klimaziele zu erreichen, und warum dies eine ge­eignete Möglichkeit ist, multiple Krisen gleich­zeitig zu lösen. In Hinblick darauf ist Energie­suffizienz unabdingbarer Bestandteil möglicher Lösungsstrategien. Außerdem skizzieren wir, welche kurz­, mittel­- und langfristigen Politikin­strumente derzeit diskutiert werden, und ergän­zen dies um weitere Ideen zu Einsparpotenzialen sowie um Umsetzungsbeispiele

    Building a database for energy sufficiency policies

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    Sufficiency measures are potentially decisive for the decarbonisation of energy systems but rarely considered in energy policy and modelling. Just as efficiency and renewable energies, the diffusion of demand-side solutions to climate change also relies on policy-making. Our extensive literature review of European and national sufficiency policies fills a gap in existing databases. We present almost 300 policy instruments clustered into relevant categories and publish them as "Energy Sufficiency Policy Database". This paper provides a description of the data clustering, the set-up of the database and an analysis of the policy instruments. A key insight is that sufficiency policy includes much more than bans of products or information tools leaving the responsibility to individuals. It is a comprehensive instrument mix of all policy types, not only enabling sufficiency action, but also reducing currently existing barriers. A policy database can serve as a good starting point for policy recommendations and modelling, further research is needed on barriers and demand-reduction potentials of sufficiency policy instruments

    Sufficiency in transport policy : an analysis of EU countries' national energy and climate plans and long-term strategies

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    On the pathway to climate neutrality, EU member states are obliged to submit national energy and climate plans (NECPs) with planned policies and measures for decarbonization until 2030 and long-term strategies (LTSs) for further decarbonization until 2050. We analysed the 27 NECPs and 15 LTSs submitted by October 2020 using an interrater method. This paper focuses on energy sufficiency policies and measures in the transport sector. We found a total of 236 sufficiency policy measures with more than half of them (53 %) in the transport/mobility sector. Additionally, we found 41 measures that address two or more sectors (cross-sectoral measures). From the explicit sufficiency measures within the transport sector, 82 % aim at modal shift. A reduction of transport volumes is much less addressed. Countries plan to use mainly fiscal and economic instruments. Those are in many cases investments in infrastructure of low-carbon transport modes and taxation instruments. Plans on decarbonisation measures are also frequently mentioned. The majority of cross-sectoral measures are carbon taxes or tax reforms, also economic instruments. On the one hand it is encouraging that Member States strongly emphasize the transport sector in their NECPs and LTSs - at least quantitatively and concerning sufficiency measures - because this sector has been the worst-performing in climate mitigation so far. On the other hand, the measures described seem not sufficient to reach ambitious climate targets, and we doubt that the presented set of policy instruments will get the transport sector on track to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in the necessary extent

    Enough? The role of sufficiency in European energy and climate plans

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    Energy sufficiency is one of the three energy sustainability strategies, next to energy efficiency and renewable energies. We analyse to what extent European governments follow this strategy, by conducting a systematic document analysis of all available European National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) and Long-Term Strategies (LTSs). We collect and categorise a total of 230 sufficiency-related policy measures, finding large differences between countries. We find most sufficiency policies in the transport sector, when classifying also modal shift policies to change the service quality of transport as sufficiency policies. Types of sufficiency policy instruments vary considerably from sector to sector, for instance the focus on financial incentives and fiscal instruments in the mobility sector, information in the building sector, and financial incentive/tax instruments in cross-sectoral application. Regulatory instruments currently play a minor role for sufficiency policy in the national energy and climate plans of EU member states. Similar to energy efficiency in recent decades, sufficiency still largely referred to as micro-level individual behaviour change or necessary exogenous trends that will need to take place. It is not treated yet as a genuine field of policy action to provide the necessary framework for enabling societal change

    Citizens call for sufficiency and regulation : a comparison of European citizen assemblies and National Energy and Climate Plans

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    There is a growing body of scientific evidence supporting sufficiency as an inevitable strategy for mitigating climate change. Despite this, sufficiency plays a minor role in existing climate and energy policies. Following previous work on the National Energy and Climate Plans of EU countries, we conduct a similar content analysis of the recommendations made by citizen assemblies on climate change mitigation in ten European countries and the EU, and compare the results of these studies. Citizen assemblies are representative mini-publics and enjoy a high level of legitimacy. We identify a total of 860 mitigation policy recommendations in the citizen assemblies' documents, of which 332 (39 %) include sufficiency. Most of the sufficiency policies relate to the mobility sector, the least relate to the buildings sector. Regulatory instruments are the most often proposed means for achieving sufficiency, followed by fiscal and economic instruments. The average approval rate of sufficiency policies is high (93 %), with the highest rates for regulatory policies. Compared to National Energy and Climate Plans, the citizen assembly recommendations include a significantly higher share of sufficiency policies (factor three to six) with a stronger focus on regulatory policies. Consequently, the recommendations can be interpreted as a call for a sufficiency turn and a regulatory turn in climate mitigation politics. These results suggest that the observed lack of sufficiency in climate policy making is not due to a lack of legitimacy, but rather reflects a reluctance to implement sufficiency policies, the constitution of the policy making process and competing interests

    Building a database for energy sufficiency policies

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    Sufficiency measures are potentially decisive for the decarbonisation of energy systems but rarely considered in energy policy and modelling. Just as efficiency and renewable energies, the diffusion of demand-side solutions to climate change also relies on policy-making. Our extensive literature review of European and national sufficiency policies fills a gap in existing databases. We present almost 300 policy instruments clustered into relevant categories and publish them as 'Energy Sufficiency Policy Database'. This paper provides a description of the data clustering, the set-up of the database and an analysis of the policy instruments. A key insight is that sufficiency policy includes much more than bans of products or information tools leaving the responsibility to individuals. It is a comprehensive instrument mix of all policy types, not only enabling sufficiency action, but also reducing currently existing barriers. A policy database can serve as a good starting point for policy recommendations and modelling, further research is needed on barriers and demand-reduction potentials of sufficiency policy instruments

    Umsetzung Aktionsprogramm Klimaschutz 2020 – Begleitung der Umsetzung der Maßnahmen des Aktionsprogramms. 1. Quantifizierungsbericht (2016): Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB)

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    Um die Erreichung der Minderungsziele bis 2020 (unter anderem Minderung der Treibhausgas-Emissionen um 40% gegenüber 1990) sicherzustellen, hat die Bundesregierung am 3. Dezember 2014 das Aktionsprogramm Klimaschutz 2020 beschlossen, das auch die Maßnahmen des am gleichen Tag beschlossenen Nationalen Aktionsplans Energieeffizienz (NAPE) beinhaltet. Das Programm enthält ein Bündel von rund 110 Maßnahmen, mit denen eine Emissionsminderung in Höhe von 62 bis 78 Mio. t CO2-Äq. erreicht werden soll. Dieser Bericht stellt den ersten Quantifizierungsbericht dar. Auf Grundlage des aktuellen Umsetzungsstands kann mit einem Treibhausgasminderungseffekt im Jahr 2020 von 38,7 Mio. t CO2-Äq. bis 45,6 Mio. t CO2-Äq. (ohne Landnutzung, Landnutzungsänderung und Forstwirtschaft (LULUFC)) gerechnet werden. Unter Berücksichtigung der sich in Planung befindlichen Maßnahmen kann im Jahr 2020 mit einem Minderungseffekt von 45,5 Mio. t CO2-Äq. bis 55,1 Mio. t CO2-Äq. (ohne LULUFC) gerechnet werden