34 research outputs found


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    U članku se daje pregled studija koje su u razdoblju od 2005. do 2007. godine izrađene u koordinaciji i pod pokroviteljstvom WEC-a. Studije su obradile energetski sektor u horizontu do 2050. godine. Neke od studija su globalnog karaktera, dok su neke rađene za europsku regiju. Izrađeni su scenariji porasta potrošnje energije i moguće opcije podmirivanja te potrošnje. U analizama je primjereni naglasak stavljen na problem klimatskih promjena, problem ranjivosti energetskog sustava i pitanje budućnosti nuklearne energije.The article gives a survey of studies made over the period 2005 to 2007 in coordination with and under the sponsorship of WEC. The studies deal with the energy sector with a long-term horizon up to 2050. Some studies are global in character, others are intended for the European region. Scenarios of energy consumption growth have been prepared, including possible options for meeting energy demands. Appropriate emphasis is laid on the problems concerning climate change and vulnerability of energy systems, as well as the future of nuclear energy

    Ancient Origins of Cytoskeletal Crosstalk: Spectraplakin-like Proteins Precede the Emergence of Cortical Microtubule Stabilization Complexes as Crosslinkers

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    Adhesion between cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM) is one of the prerequisites for multicellularity, motility, and tissue specialization. Focal adhesions (FAs) are defined as protein complexes that mediate signals from the ECM to major components of the cytoskeleton (microtubules, actin, and intermediate filaments), and their mutual communication determines a variety of cellular processes. In this study, human cytoskeletal crosstalk proteins were identified by comparing datasets with experimentally determined cytoskeletal proteins. The spectraplakin dystonin was the only protein found in all datasets. Other proteins (FAK, RAC1, septin 9, MISP, and ezrin) were detected at the intersections of FAs, microtubules, and actin cytoskeleton. Homology searches for human crosstalk proteins as queries were performed against a predefined dataset of proteomes. This analysis highlighted the importance of FA communication with the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton, as these crosstalk proteins exhibit the highest degree of evolutionary conservation. Finally, phylogenetic analyses elucidated the early evolutionary history of spectraplakins and cortical microtubule stabilization complexes (CMSCs) as model representatives of the human cytoskeletal crosstalk. While spectraplakins probably arose at the onset of opisthokont evolution, the crosstalk between FAs and microtubules is associated with the emergence of metazoans. The multiprotein complexes contributing to cytoskeletal crosstalk in animals gradually gained in complexity from the onset of metazoan evolution

    Modeling Push–Pull Converter for Efficiency Improvement

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    In this paper, we model and analyze the power losses of push–pull converters. The proposed model considers conduction and dynamic power losses, as well as transformer and inductor losses. Transformer and inductor models include skin and proximity effects, as well as power losses in the core. Moreover, the model includes the diode recovery time losses. We derived the equations for both continuous and discontinuous current operating modes. All model parameters can be obtained either from the datasheets of the used components or by simple measurement techniques. The model is verified experimentally by measuring the efficiency of the 500 W push–pull converter prototype. Simulations and experimental validation are conducted using the assumption that the converter is used in a permanent magnet (PM) wind turbine generator

    Importance of Reliability Criterion in Power System Expansion Planning

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    The self-sufficiency of a power system is no longer a relevant issue at the electricity market, since day-to-day optimization and security of supply are realized at the regional or the internal electricity market. Research connected to security of supply, i.e., having reliable power capacities to meet demand, has been conducted by transmission system operators. Some of the common parameters of security of supply are loss of load probability (LOLP) and/or loss of load expectation (LOLE), which are calculated by a special algorithm. These parameters are specific for each power system. This work presents the way of calculating LOLP as well as the optimization algorithm of LOLP, which takes into consideration the particularities of the power system. It also presents a difference in the treatment of LOLP regarding the observed power system and the necessary installed power capacity if applied to the calculated LOLP in relation to the optimized LOLP. As a conclusion, the study analyzed the parameters impact the regional electricity market—where the participants are countries with different development levels and various particularities of power systems—i.e., what it means when the same LOLP criterion is applied to them and the optimized LOLP

    Lidocaine suppository for transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy of the prostate: a prospective, double-blind, randomized study

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    AIMS: To investigate analgesia using lidocaine suppositories for prostate biopsy. ----- METHODS: From 2007 to 2009, 160 patients underwent transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy at the Department of Urology, KBC Zagreb. 80 patients received a 60-mg lidocaine suppository intrarectally at different time points from 15 to 120 min before biopsy and 80 patients received a glycerin suppository as placebo. The pain level was evaluated using a visual analogue scale (VAS). ----- RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between the groups, i.e. they were similar regarding patients' age, prostate-specific antigen levels, prostate volume and the incidence of diagnosis of malignancy on biopsy. The mean pain score in the lidocaine group (3 ± 1) was significantly lower than the mean pain score in the glycerin group (4.1 ± 1.3) (p < 0.001). A noticeable trend towards lower pain scores in the lidocaine group was observed with more time elapsing from placing the suppository till the biopsy and the optimal time for performing biopsy starting approximately 1 h after placing the suppository. ----- CONCLUSIONS: Lidocaine suppositories are an easy-to-use, self-applicable (by the patient) and cheap method of local analgesia, with acceptable results. Possible complications related to this procedure are insignificant

    Does the Energy Sector Reform Call for Reform?

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    Izgradnja otvorenog tržišta energije u umreženim sustavima (električna energija i plin, a na lokalnoj razini i toplinska energija) je najznačajnija aktivnost u posljednjih desetak godina s kojom su zaokupljeni svi koji se bave energetikom ili su na neki način vezani uz nju. Iako je otvaranje tržišta energije proces koji je u razvijenom dijelu svijeta daleko odmakao i kao takav nema alternativu, u raspravama su još uvijek prisutna dva suprotstavljena stava: prvi, otvoreno tržište će omogućiti slobodu izbora i razriješiti sve probleme na koje nailazi i drugi, otvoreno tržište ne donosi ništa novo, osim što smanjuju sigurnost opskrbe. U članku se raspravlja o dosadašnjem tijeku reforme energetskog sektora u Europi, ciljevima, postignućima, problemima i nedoumicama. Posebno su analizirani dugoročni i sigurnosni aspekti opskrbe energijom u Europi. Osim zakonodavnih promjena pravila uređenja otvorenog tržišta energije, a prije svega tržišta električne energije i prirodnog plina, proteklo razdoblje je dinamično i u promjenama institucionalnog okvira, kao što su: porast broja članica EU-a, povećanje broja zemalja koje žele biti članicom EU-a (zemlje kandidati ili potencijalni kandidati), te promjene u ostalim europskim zemljama od kojih je Rusija najznačajniji proizvođač energije. Analizirana su i pitanja odgovornosti na liniji država – regulator - operator sustava - trgovac - kupac energije. U Europi je to još složenije jer se u sustav odgovornosti uključuju i institucije Europske unije, pa su osobito važni odnosi: EU - država – regulator – operator sustava – trgovac - kupac energije. Analizirano je i pitanje okrupnjavanja energetskih tvrtki, stvaranje energetskih megasubjekata te njihov utjecaj na daljnji razvoj tržišta. Pitanje monopola sada se pojavljuje u sasvim drugom obliku. U zaključcima su dane sugestije za moguće mjere institucionalnog utjecaja na razvoj tržišta energije, posebno umreženih sustava, koje mogu pozitivno utjecati na sigurnost i stabilnost sustava te razvoj tržišta energije i njegovu dugoročnu održivost.This paper discusses the course of the energy sector reforms in Europe so far, its objectives, achievements, issues, and dilemmas. In particular, long term and security aspects of energy supply of Europe are analyzed. In addition to the legislative changes regarding the open energy market regulation, and primarily the changes concerning electricity and natural gas markets, the past period saw dynamic changes of institutional framework, such as: increasing members of the European Union, increased number of countries aspiring to the EU (candidate countries or potential candidates), and changes in other European countries out of which Russia is the most significant energy producer. The paper analyzes the issue of responsibility between state – regulator – system operator – trader – energy buyer. In Europe, it is more a complex question because the system of responsibility includes the institution of the European Union. Therefore, the relations between EU - state – regulator – system operator – trader – energy buyer are especially important. The paper looks in to the issue of energy company integrations, creation of energy mega-undertakings and their influence on further market development. The question of monopolies now appears in a new form. The conclusions suggest possible measures for institutional influence on energy market development, especially in the network energy systems, which may have a positive impact on system security and stability and markets development and their long term sustain ability

    Does the Energy Sector Reform Call for Reform?

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    Izgradnja otvorenog tržišta energije u umreženim sustavima (električna energija i plin, a na lokalnoj razini i toplinska energija) je najznačajnija aktivnost u posljednjih desetak godina s kojom su zaokupljeni svi koji se bave energetikom ili su na neki način vezani uz nju. Iako je otvaranje tržišta energije proces koji je u razvijenom dijelu svijeta daleko odmakao i kao takav nema alternativu, u raspravama su još uvijek prisutna dva suprotstavljena stava: prvi, otvoreno tržište će omogućiti slobodu izbora i razriješiti sve probleme na koje nailazi i drugi, otvoreno tržište ne donosi ništa novo, osim što smanjuju sigurnost opskrbe. U članku se raspravlja o dosadašnjem tijeku reforme energetskog sektora u Europi, ciljevima, postignućima, problemima i nedoumicama. Posebno su analizirani dugoročni i sigurnosni aspekti opskrbe energijom u Europi. Osim zakonodavnih promjena pravila uređenja otvorenog tržišta energije, a prije svega tržišta električne energije i prirodnog plina, proteklo razdoblje je dinamično i u promjenama institucionalnog okvira, kao što su: porast broja članica EU-a, povećanje broja zemalja koje žele biti članicom EU-a (zemlje kandidati ili potencijalni kandidati), te promjene u ostalim europskim zemljama od kojih je Rusija najznačajniji proizvođač energije. Analizirana su i pitanja odgovornosti na liniji država – regulator - operator sustava - trgovac - kupac energije. U Europi je to još složenije jer se u sustav odgovornosti uključuju i institucije Europske unije, pa su osobito važni odnosi: EU - država – regulator – operator sustava – trgovac - kupac energije. Analizirano je i pitanje okrupnjavanja energetskih tvrtki, stvaranje energetskih megasubjekata te njihov utjecaj na daljnji razvoj tržišta. Pitanje monopola sada se pojavljuje u sasvim drugom obliku. U zaključcima su dane sugestije za moguće mjere institucionalnog utjecaja na razvoj tržišta energije, posebno umreženih sustava, koje mogu pozitivno utjecati na sigurnost i stabilnost sustava te razvoj tržišta energije i njegovu dugoročnu održivost.This paper discusses the course of the energy sector reforms in Europe so far, its objectives, achievements, issues, and dilemmas. In particular, long term and security aspects of energy supply of Europe are analyzed. In addition to the legislative changes regarding the open energy market regulation, and primarily the changes concerning electricity and natural gas markets, the past period saw dynamic changes of institutional framework, such as: increasing members of the European Union, increased number of countries aspiring to the EU (candidate countries or potential candidates), and changes in other European countries out of which Russia is the most significant energy producer. The paper analyzes the issue of responsibility between state – regulator – system operator – trader – energy buyer. In Europe, it is more a complex question because the system of responsibility includes the institution of the European Union. Therefore, the relations between EU - state – regulator – system operator – trader – energy buyer are especially important. The paper looks in to the issue of energy company integrations, creation of energy mega-undertakings and their influence on further market development. The question of monopolies now appears in a new form. The conclusions suggest possible measures for institutional influence on energy market development, especially in the network energy systems, which may have a positive impact on system security and stability and markets development and their long term sustain ability