496 research outputs found

    Nonlinear dynamics of microtubules - A new model

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    In the present paper we describe a model of nonlinear dynamics of microtubules (MT) assuming a single longitudinal degree of freedom per tubulin dimer. This is a longitudinal displacement of a dimer at a certain position with respect to the neighbouring one. A nonlinear partial differential equation, describing dimer`s dynamics within MT, is solved both analytically and numerically. It is shown that such nonlinear model can lead to existence of kink solitons moving along the MTs. Internal electrical field strength is calculated using two procedures and a perfect agreement between the results is demonstrated. This enabled estimation of total energy, kink velocity and kink width. To simplify the calculation of the total energy we proved a useful theorem.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    The technology park: A new spatial form of industry at major infrastructure corridors in Serbia

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    In this paper, technology parks as new spatial forms of industry and instruments of multilateral development are considered along with possibilities for establishing them at major transportation corridors in Serbia. The experiences of some developed countries and domestic practices in using these instruments of spatial and economic policy are portrayed. It is stressed that establishing and using these spatial planning instruments is of great importance for our country given the imminent macroeconomic reforms, privatization, open economy, economic restructuring, internationalization and trade exchange, in which direct foreign investments play an increasing role

    Regional competitiveness and territorial industrial development in Serbia

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    In the paper are investigated the regional competitiveness and the territorial aspects of industry in Serbia. There are analyzed the key recent movement in industrial development of Serbia and macrolocational factors and territorial organization of industry. The research of possible structural changes of industry and identification of its key development sectors is the important component of territorial development analysis in Serbia. This paper points to the kinds and types of industrial zones and industrial parks as fundamental models of regional and urban development of that activity with critical retrospection on the industrial zones in Serbia (greenfield and brownfield industrial locations). There are shown results of evaluation the regional competitiveness from a stand-point of possibilities of industrial development on the regional level (NUTS 3) by comparative analyzes and Spider method. Results are used as one of the bases for making preliminary draft of territorial development scenario of this activity in Serbia and for the possible allocation of the future industrial zones and industrial parks in region level

    Possibilities of Spatial Development of Industry in the Serbia's Cities

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    In the paper are considered strategic framework for long-term spatial industrial development in the cities of Serbia. There are consider some approaches and propose a strategy of spatial industrial development and location of the new location form of industry in the cities of Serbia consistent Strategy of economic development of Serbia till 2012 and Spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia. In the paper are elaborated the problems of spatial industrial development in Serbia in the last time and possibilities for the sustainable spatial industrial development and pattern, in the urban context. Three scenarios of spatial industrial development have been identified

    Mogućnosti održivog razvoja industrije u Srbiji

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    Industry is one of the most endangering sources of the environmental quality, even in case when the production process indicates minimal polluting emissions. The ecological consequences of industrial production might be quite essential, especially because of the use of non-renewable resources, emissions of damaging materials and environmental risks.Industrija je jedan od važnih izvora ugrožavanja kvaliteta životne sredine čak i onda kada proizvodni proces ima minimalne emisije zagađujućih materija. Ekološke konsekvence industrijske proizvodnje mogu da budu veoma značajne, posebno zbog upotrebe neobnovljivih resursa, emisija štetnih materija i rizika po okruženje

    Foreign investments and environmental protection in FRY

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    The work analyses interrelations between foreign direct investments and environmental protection in Yugoslavia/Serbia in legistrature and in space planning. It points out that globalization and more recent tendency in development of economic activities have initiated a strategic allocation of capital and different models of foreign investments. It also points to different models of foreign investments, the greatest role among which may be attached to joint venture, B.O.T. investment system, concessions, multilateral investment contracts etc

    Possibilities for transformation of the urban land management in Serbia

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    The paper presents possibilities for establishment of a new market-based concept of the urban land management in Serbia in the period of transition. Urban land system and land policy are very important factors for competitiveness of cities in Serbia and initiating changes in this field is a necessity. The article discusses an option for privatization of urban public land and possible establishment and inclusion of leasehold land. Some open questions concerning the choice of the urban land system concept are considered, the possibility of urban land privatization and possibility for the establishment of leasehold of urban public land in Serbia. The paper concludes that there is a lack of political will to fairly solve problems of urban land reforms under the new market conditions. Some current research options suggested a reform based on privatization of public urban land, but there was no research on other options (leasehold for the majority of public land)

    Global economic challenges for sustainable development in the Bor basin of copper

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    The paper gives an overview of the global economics condition and strategic business challanges for the development of the mining&metallurgy copper sector and its possible impact on the future development of the Bor basin of copper. An analysis of strategic prospects in copper sector is undertaken by application of a comprehensive development as the broadest integrated framework for the preliminary general, sectoral, corporate, territorial and environmental assessment. Paper indicates that economics and impacts of global sectoral challenges on the future sustainable development of Bor basin copper should be included in corporate making-decision, as well as in local and regional plans

    Mogućnosti stranih direktnih investicija na atraktivnim lokacijama primorskog pojasa Crne Gore

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    The implementation of strategic development determination in the coastal zone of Montenegro depends on: (a)local and domestic economy potentials in respect to economic restructuring and privatization; (b)construction land market; (c)possibilities of attracting foreign capital; (d)policies and instruments of development management beyond spatial and urban planning (macroeconomic, investment, credit, fiscal, industrial, environmental, regional, land use, etc) and involving relevant institutions and mechanisms of consequence for activating economic activities and land use. This encompasses the promotion of new regulatory mechanisms, the process of democratic planning, public participation in planning and development decision making. Attracting direct foreign investments is one of basic instruments for the better use of location and urban potentials. The major role should be reserved to joint ventures, B.O.T. investment system, concessions, etc.U radu se razmatraju mogućnosti i modeli stranih direktnih ulaganja na atraktivnim lokalitetima u Primorskom pojasu Republike Crne Gore. Ukazuje se da su novije tendencije razvoja ekonomskih aktivnosti i proglašenje zone Mediterana (i Republike Crne Gore) kao slobodnog ekonomskog i trgovinskog prostora, inicirali stratešku alokaciju kapitala i različitih modela stranih ulaganja. Na prostoru Primorskog pojasa Crne Gore izdvojeni su atraktivni lokaliteti za smeštaj industrije na osnovu plansko-razvojne dokumentacije i kriterijuma za izbor lokaliteta (lučko - industrijska zona u Baru, industrijska zona u Grbaljskom polju kod Tivta, manja industrijska zona iznad Sutorinskog polja, manji lokaliteti na području Tivta, lokaliteti u Ulcinjskom polju). Preporučuju se različiti modeli direktnih stranih ulaganja, od kojih bi najveću ulogu mogli da imaju joint venture ulaganja, B.O.T. sistem ulaganja, koncesije i dr