8 research outputs found

    Serum leptin levels are inversely correlated with omental gene expression of adiponectin and markedly decreased after gastric bypass surgery

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    Adipose tissue is the most abundant endocrine tissue in the body, producing leptin, a hormone important in regulating hunger, and adiponectin, a hormone involved in insulin sensitivity and inflammation. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of gastric bypass surgery (GBS) on leptin levels and its relation to adipose tissue expression of adiponectin

    Necdinā€“E2F4 interaction provides insulin-sensitizing effect after weight loss induced by gastric bypass surgery

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    The insulin/ growth factor 1 (IGF-1) signaling pathway promotes adipocyte differentiation and therefore insulin sensitivity via suppression of Necdin expression, which represses PPAR Ī³ promoter activity via interaction with E2F4 in mouse adipocytes

    Lipid Phosphate Phosphatases Regulate Lysophosphatidic Acid Production and Signaling in Platelets: STUDIES USING CHEMICAL INHIBITORS OF LIPID PHOSPHATE PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY

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    Blood platelets play an essential role in ischemic heart disease and stroke contributing to acute thrombotic events by release of potent inflammatory agents within the vasculature. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a bioactive lipid mediator produced by platelets and found in the blood and atherosclerotic plaques. LPA receptors on platelets, leukocytes, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells regulate growth, differentiation, survival, motility, and contractile activity. Definition of the opposing pathways of synthesis and degradation that control extracellular LPA levels is critical to understanding how LPA bioactivity is regulated. We show that intact platelets and platelet membranes actively dephosphorylate LPA and identify the major enzyme responsible as lipid phosphate phosphatase 1 (LPP1). Localization of LPP1 to the platelet surface is increased by exposure to LPA. A novel receptor-inactive sn-3-substituted difluoromethylenephosphonate analog of phosphatidic acid that is a potent competitive inhibitor of LPP1 activity potentiates platelet aggregation and shape change responses to LPA and amplifies LPA production by agonist-stimulated platelets. Our results identify LPP1 as a pivotal regulator of LPA signaling in the cardiovascular system. These findings are consistent with genetic and cell biological evidence implicating LPPs as negative regulators of lysophospholipid signaling and suggest that the mechanisms involve both attenuation of lysophospholipid actions at cell surface receptors and opposition of lysophospholipid production

    Src family kinases mediate neutrophil adhesion to adherent platelets

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    Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN)ā€“platelet interactions at sites of vascular damage contribute to local and systemic inflammation. We sought to determine the role of ā€œoutside-inā€ signaling by Src-family tyrosine kinases (SFKs) in the regulation of Ī±MĪ²2-integrinā€“dependent PMN recruitment by activated platelets under (patho)physiologic conditions. Activation-dependent epitopes in Ī²2 integrin were exposed at the contact sites between PMNs and platelets and were abolished by SFK inhibitors. PMNs from Ī±MĪ²2(āˆ’/āˆ’), hck(āˆ’/āˆ’)fgr(āˆ’/āˆ’), and hck(āˆ’/āˆ’)fgr(āˆ’/āˆ’)lyn(āˆ’/āˆ’) mice had an impaired capacity to adhere with activated platelets in suspension. Phosphorylation of Pyk2 accompanied PMN adhesion to platelets and was blocked by inhibition as well as by genetic deletion of Ī±MĪ²2 integrin and SFKs. A Pyk2 inhibitor reduced platelet-PMN adhesion, indicating that Pyk2 may be a downstream effector of SFKs. Analysis of PMN-platelet interactions under flow revealed that SFK signaling was required for Ī±MĪ²2-mediated shear-resistant adhesion of PMNs to adherent platelets, but was dispensable for P-selectinā€“PSGL-1ā€“mediated recruitment and rolling. Finally, SFK activity was required to support PMN accumulation along adherent platelets at the site of vascular injury, in vivo. These results definitely establish a role for SFKs in PMN recruitment by activated platelets and suggest novel targets to disrupt the pathophysiologic consequences of platelet-leukocyte interactions in vascular disease