19 research outputs found

    Omphalolith: An underdiagnosed entity

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    Abstract Omphalolith is a rare and underdiagnosed entity due to the accumulation of sebum and keratin in the umbilicus. It usually occurs in the elderly with deep and narrow umbilicus. Early recognition of omphalolith is important to prevent complications, unnecessary investigations, and anxiety. We report herein two new cases of omphalolith

    Multiple keratoacanthomas of Ferguson‐Smith type

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    Abstract We report a case of a 41‐year‐old male patient with no family history, presented with extensive multiple keratoacanthomas with disfiguring scars. The diagnosis of a sporadic form of Ferguson‐Smith syndrome was made. Treatment with acitretin showed a marked response. Recognizing this syndrome is crucial. Early treatment helps avoid scar formation

    Chronic Actinic Dermatitis: Two Patients with Successful Management using Narrowband Ultraviolet B Phototherapy with Systemic Steroids

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    Background. Chronic actinic dermatitis (CAD) is a debilitating photodermatosis with characteristic clinical, histological and photobiological features (reduced minimal erythema dose: MED). Its management involves various therapeutic approaches, among them there is phototherapy. Efficacy of psoralen ultraviolet therapy (PUVA therapy) was previously demonstrated but there are no current data on the use of narrowband ultra violet B (UVB) therapy (NB-UVB) in CAD. NB-UVB has already been proven to be effective and safe in several other photodermatoses. Case reports. We report here two dark-skinned patients (skin type IV and V) with CAD, successfully treated with an incremental regimen of NB-UVB phototherapy coupled to a 3 month-course of systemic steroids (1mg/Kg/day). Conclusion. Our protocol of NB-UVB with steroids seems to be effective for the management of CAD with a good short term safety profile

    Traitement du psoriasis par mĂ©thotrexate Ă  l’ùre des biothĂ©rapies : Ă©tude chez 21 patients tunisiens

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    Introduction. Nous prĂ©sentons ici les rĂ©sultats en terme d’efficacitĂ© et de tolĂ©rance du mĂ©thotrexate administrĂ© chez 21 patients tunisiens atteints de psoriasis sĂ©vĂšre. MĂ©thode. Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective menĂ©e, de janvier 2002 Ă  dĂ©cembre 2009, au service de dermatologie de l’HĂŽpital Charles Nicolle de Tunis. Nous avons recensĂ© 21 patients atteints de psoriasis sĂ©vĂšre et mis sous mĂ©thotrexate. RĂ©sultats. La moyenne d’ñge des patients Ă©tait de 53 ans avec un sex-ratio de 6. La durĂ©e moyenne d’évolution du psoriasis Ă©tait de 10 ans (un mois - 60 ans). Il s’agissait d’un psoriasis en plaques dans 18 cas (85,8 %) [surface cutanĂ©e moyenne atteinte de 63 %], d’un psoriasis Ă©rythrodermique dans 2 cas (9,5 %) et d’un psoriasis arthropathique dans 1 cas (4,7 %). Le mĂ©thotrexate a Ă©tĂ© administrĂ© per os Ă  une dose initiale de 5 Ă  7,5 mg/semaine. La dose maximale hebdomadaire Ă©tait de 7,5 mg Ă  12,5 mg. La rĂ©mission Ă©tait totale dans 62 % des cas et partielle dans 28,5 % des cas. Des effets indĂ©sirables hĂ©matologiques et hĂ©patiques ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s chez 2 patients (9,5 %). La pĂ©riode de rĂ©mission aprĂšs l’arrĂȘt du mĂ©thotrexate Ă©tait en moyenne de 14 mois (3 mois-3 ans). Une rĂ©cidive Ă  type de psoriasis sĂ©vĂšre a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e chez 7 patients. Conclusion. Notre Ă©tude montre une bonne rĂ©ponse clinique du psoriasis sĂ©vĂšre au mĂ©thotrexate et ce en terme de taux et de durĂ©e de rĂ©mission, malgrĂ© des doses hebdomadaires plus faibles que celles classiquement utilisĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature