23 research outputs found

    Factors driving pig owners' motivation and satisfaction to perform eradications from Swine dysentery.

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    Brachyspira hyodysenteriae is one of the agents of swine dysentery (SD) and its eradication is an effective, but costly control measure. Being a voluntary measure, knowledge about drivers of motivation and satisfaction regarding the eradication of SD would help to convince farmers to eradicate. We aimed to describe eradications performed in Switzerland and to analyse factors influencing the pig owners' perception (motivation and satisfaction) of SD eradications to provide a basis to formulate recommendations and guidelines. Pig farmers (n = 68) having conducted an SD eradication and being interested in the study were interviewed using a standardised digital questionnaire. We assessed their motivation as moderately or highly motivated. Based on the farmers' evaluation of nine aspects of the eradication, satisfaction was considered to be moderate (<7/9 aspects positively evaluated) or high (≥7/9). Farms with fattening pigs and farms with breeding stock were analysed separately in subsets. First, multivariable factor analysis for mixed data (FAMD) were performed to describe the main patterns of variation. Then, risk factors for motivation and satisfaction were quantified by means of logistic regression models. Mainly total depopulations (73.5%) had been performed. Of the 36 farmers with breeding pigs, 24 were highly motivated, and 20 highly satisfied. Of the 61 farmers with fattening pigs, 45 were highly motivated and 42 highly satisfied. The FAMD revealed that the two main components explained only 17.0% and 11.0% (breeding stock) and 13.0% and 11.0% (fattening pigs) of the total variation, respectively. For farmers with breeding stock no significant factors for motivation were detected, but they were more satisfied (OR 25.0) when they had a batch farrowing of 3 weeks. Farmers with fattening pigs were more likely to be more motivated when providing access to outdoor areas (OR 3.3) and when it was their own initiative (OR 5.5). Farmers were more likely to be satisfied when they had only fattening pigs (OR 5.7), when the eradication was their own initiative (OR 5.5) and when they did not disinfect the barns during the eradication (OR 15.6). Farmers deciding themselves to eradicate are presumably more likely convinced of the benefits of the eradication. Satisfaction associated with a 3-weeks batch farrowing might be related to an easier to organise eradication and no disinfection to reduced labour and costs. In summary, the majority of the farmers were satisfied with the eradication. Education could promote self-motivation of farmers, and subsidies might support the implementation of SD eradications

    Whole-genome analyses reveal a novel prophage and cgSNPs-derived sublineages of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae ST196

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    Background: Brachyspira (B.) hyodysenteriae is a fastidious anaerobe spirochete that can cause swine dysentery, a severe mucohaemorragic colitis that affects pig production and animal welfare worldwide. In Switzerland, the population of B. hyodysenteriae is characterized by the predominance of macrolide-lincosamide-resistant B. hyodysenteriae isolates of sequence type (ST) ST196, prompting us to obtain deeper insights into the genomic structure and variability of ST196 using pangenome and whole genome variant analyses. Results: The draft genome of 14 B. hyodysenteriae isolates of ST196, sampled during a 7-year period from geographically distant pig herds, was obtained by whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and compared to the complete genome of the B. hyodysenteriae isolate Bh743-7 of ST196 used as reference. Variability results revealed the existence of 30 to 52 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), resulting in eight sublineages of ST196. The pangenome analysis led to the identification of a novel prophage, pphBhCH20, of the Siphoviridae family in a single isolate of ST196, which suggests that horizontal gene transfer events may drive changes in genomic structure. Conclusions: This study contributes to the catalogue of publicly available genomes and provides relevant bioinformatic tools and information for further comparative genomic analyses for B. hyodysenteriae. It reveals that Swiss B. hyodysenteriae isolates of the same ST may have evolved independently over time by point mutations and acquisition of larger genetic elements. In line with this, the third type of mobile genetic element described so far in B. hyodysenteriae, the novel prophage pphBhCH20, has been identified in a single isolate of B. hyodysenteriae of ST196

    Whole-genome analyses reveal a novel prophage and cgSNPs-derived sublineages of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae ST196

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    Background: Brachyspira (B.) hyodysenteriae is a fastidious anaerobe spirochete that can cause swine dysentery, a severe mucohaemorragic colitis that affects pig production and animal welfare worldwide. In Switzerland, the population of B. hyodysenteriae is characterized by the predominance of macrolide-lincosamide-resistant B. hyodysenteriae isolates of sequence type (ST) ST196, prompting us to obtain deeper insights into the genomic structure and variability of ST196 using pangenome and whole genome variant analyses. Results: The draft genome of 14 B. hyodysenteriae isolates of ST196, sampled during a 7-year period from geographically distant pig herds, was obtained by whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and compared to the complete genome of the B. hyodysenteriae isolate Bh743-7 of ST196 used as reference. Variability results revealed the existence of 30 to 52 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), resulting in eight sublineages of ST196. The pangenome analysis led to the identification of a novel prophage, pphBhCH20, of the Siphoviridae family in a single isolate of ST196, which suggests that horizontal gene transfer events may drive changes in genomic structure. Conclusions: This study contributes to the catalogue of publicly available genomes and provides relevant bioinformatic tools and information for further comparative genomic analyses for B. hyodysenteriae. It reveals that Swiss B. hyodysenteriae isolates of the same ST may have evolved independently over time by point mutations and acquisition of larger genetic elements. In line with this, the third type of mobile genetic element described so far in B. hyodysenteriae, the novel prophage pphBhCH20, has been identified in a single isolate of B. hyodysenteriae of ST196

    Distribution, genetic heterogeneity, and antimicrobial susceptibility of Brachyspira pilosicoli in Swiss pig herds

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    Brachyspira (B.) pilosicoli is a bacterium causing porcine intestinal spirochaetosis, a disease characterized by diarrhoea and depressed growth rates especially in nursery and fattening pigs. Knowledge of the epidemiology and antimicrobial susceptibility of this pathogen is limited. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyse the distribution, genetic heterogeneity, and antimicrobial susceptibility of B. pilosicoli field isolates from Swiss pig farms. Faecal swabs of 693 animals originating from 156 herds were analysed for the presence of Brachyspira spp. using culture and polymerase chain reaction identification. Further characterisation was performed using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and broth dilution antimicrobial susceptibility testing. With 52.6% positive herds, B. pilosicoli could be frequently isolated from herds with animals suffering from diarrhoea. In herds with animals without clinical signs of diarrhoea, detection was significantly less frequent with only 10.5% positive herds (p 0.001). Among 80 isolates used for typing, genetic heterogeneity was observed with 44 different sequence types (ST) which often differed from herd to herd. No predominant ST was observed. More than 73.0% of the 41 B. pilosicoli isolates analysed, showed minimal inhibitory concentration values above the wild type cut-off values for lincomycin, tylvalosin and/ or tylosin. For tiamulin, valnemulin and doxycycline, this was the case in 48.8%, 43.9% and 36.6%, respectively. In conclusion, a diverse population of B. pilosicoli exhibited decreased susceptibility to antimicrobials used against Brachyspira infections. Monitoring of resistance in Brachyspira spp. is highly recommended to support targeted use of antimicrobials in pigs

    Atemwegserkrankungen beim Schwein

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    Sind die Wildschweine schuld?

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    Die Enzootische Pneumonie (EP), eine gefürchtete Lungenerkrankung der Schweine, soll in der Schweiz möglichst eliminiert werden. Dazu ist es nötig, die Infektionswege zu kennen. Ein Projekt der Vetsuisse Fakultät Bern untersucht deshalb die mögliche Rolle des Wildschweins als Krankheitsüberträger

    Complete Circular Genome Sequences of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae Isolates of the Four Different Sequence Types Causing Swine Dysentery in Switzerland.

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    The complete genomes of four Brachyspira hyodysenteriae isolates of the four different sequence types (STs) (ST6, ST66, ST196, and ST197) causing swine dysentery in Switzerland were generated by whole-genome sequencing and de novo hybrid assembly of reads obtained from second (Illumina) and third (Oxford Nanopore Technologies and Pacific Biosciences) generation high-throughput sequencing

    Seroprevalence of atypical porcine pestivirus in a closed pig herd with subclinical infection.

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    Atypical porcine pestivirus (APPV) has recently been reported to be associated with congenital tremor in newborn piglets. Only limited information is available about the prevalence at herd level in endemically infected herds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the within-herd prevalence of APPV in a sub-clinically infected sow herd in Switzerland and to analyse associations between the serological status as well as the age and sex of the pigs, litter number and days after the last insemination. In a census sampling, blood was collected from 125 sows, aged 180 days or older, and six boars. Sera were examined applying an indirect APPV-specific ELISA to individual sera and an APPV RT-PCR targeting the NS3 encoding regions of APPV to pools of five. The APPV antibody status was classified into low (S/P value ≤ 0.5), intermediate (S/P value = 0.5-1) and high reactivity (S/P value > 1.0). None of the pooled serum samples was positive for specific genome fragments of APPV. Of the 131 samples, 53.4% were highly reactive, 39.7% showed an intermediate reactivity, and 6.9% showed a low reactivity in the indirect ELISA, that is, were serologically negative. Significant associations between the S/P values and the age of the pigs (p < .001), the litter number (p < .001) and the numbers of days after the last insemination (p = .0188) were observed. The results indicate that this sow herd was previously infected with APPV, while viremia was not detected in any of the adult pigs. This might explain the absence of clinical signs in the suckling pigs. Potential reinfection and circulation of APPV in this sow herd might be due to semen from commercial boar studs or APPV-positive animals in the absence of specific clinical signs

    Risk factors for the infection with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae in pig herds.

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    Swine dysentery (SD), caused by infection with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae, is a serious disease in pig production worldwide. Quantitative risk factors triggering the occurrence of infection are unknown. The present case-control study aimed at identifying major risk factors related to presence of B. hyodysenteriae in pig herds. Twenty case herds and 60 randomly selected control herds with a minimum herd size of '10 sows/ 80 fattening pigs' were examined by means of a questionnaire-based interview and a herd examination. Herds with previous eradication of SD were excluded. Logistic regression models revealed that the 'positive/suspicious SD status of source herds', the regular application of treatment, purchasing more than 4 batches/ year, contact to foxes, diagnostics performed during last 12 months, liquid feeding systems, rats on farm, and >250 fatting places were associated with higher chances of a herd to be infected. On the contrary, having different sources of grower pigs within one batch, the presence of raptor birds and the presence of martens in the region were associated with fewer chances of being infected. The final multivariable logistic regression model identified purchasing more than 4 batches/ year (OR = 7.5, 95 % CI 1.8-54.3) and contact to foxes (OR = 5.9; 97.5 % CI 1.2-34.6) as the two main risk factors in our study. 'More than 4 batches/ year' implies continuous herd management supporting persistence of B. hyodysenteriae in an infected herd, but also increased number of purchases each increasing the risk of B. hyodysenteriae introduction by carrier pigs or transport vehicles. Foxes might be infected with B. hyodysenteriae by feeding on positive piglets and rodents. Besides, 'contact to foxes' might represent a lack in biosecurity. In conclusion, the risk factors detected underline the importance of biosecurity in SD prevention and control

    Diversity of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in pig farms revealed by direct molecular typing of clinical material

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    Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is the etiological agent of enzootic pneumonia in swine. Various reports indicate that different strains are circulating in the swine population. We investigated the variety of M. hyopneumoniae strains by a newly developed genetic typing method based on the polyserine repeat motif of the LppS homolog P146. PCR amplification using M. hyopneumoniae specific, conserved primers flanking the region encoding the repeat motif, followed by sequencing and cluster analysis was carried out. The study included strains isolated from different geographic regions as well as lysates from lung swabs from a series of pig farms in Switzerland. High diversity of M. hyopneumoniae was observed but farms being in close geographic or operative contact generally seemed to be affected by the same strains. Moreover, analysis of multiple samples from single pig farms indicated that these harbored the same, farm-specific strain. The results indicate that multiple strains of M. hyopneumoniae are found in the swine population but that specific strains or clones are responsible for local outbreaks. The method presented is a highly reproducible epidemiologic tool allowing direct typing of M. hyopneumoniae from clinical material without prior isolation and cultivation of strains