164 research outputs found

    Search for sterile neutrinos in holographic dark energy cosmology: Reconciling Planck observation with the local measurement of the Hubble constant

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    We search for sterile neutrinos in the holographic dark energy cosmology by using the latest observational data. To perform the analysis, we employ the current cosmological observations, including the cosmic microwave background temperature power spectrum data from the Planck mission, the baryon acoustic oscillation measurements, the type Ia supernova data, the redshift space distortion measurements, the shear data of weak lensing observation, the Planck lensing measurement, and the latest direct measurement of H0H_0 as well. We show that, compared to the Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology, the holographic dark energy cosmology with sterile neutrinos can relieve the tension between the Planck observation and the direct measurement of H0H_0 much better. Once we include the H0H_0 measurement in the global fit, we find that the hint of the existence of sterile neutrinos in the holographic dark energy cosmology can be given. Under the constraint of the all-data combination, we obtain Neff=3.76±0.26N_{\rm eff}= 3.76\pm0.26 and mν,sterileeff<0.215 eVm_{\nu,\rm sterile}^{\rm eff}< 0.215\,\rm eV, indicating that the detection of ΔNeff>0\Delta N_{\rm eff}>0 in the holographic dark energy cosmology is at the 2.75σ2.75\sigma level and the massless or very light sterile neutrino is favored by the current observations.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; typos corrected, published in PR

    Synergy between CSST galaxy survey and gravitational-wave observation: Inferring the Hubble constant from dark standard sirens

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    Gravitational waves (GWs) from compact binary coalescences encode the absolute luminosity distances of GW sources. Once the redshifts of GW sources are known, one can use the distance-redshift relation to constrain cosmological parameters. One way to obtain the redshifts is to localize GW sources by GW observations and then use galaxy catalogs to determine redshifts from a statistical analysis of redshift information of the potential host galaxies, commonly referred to as the dark siren method. The third-generation (3G) GW detectors are planned to work in the 2030s and will observe numerous compact binary coalescences. Using these GW events as dark sirens requires high-quality galaxy catalogs from future sky survey projects. The China Space Station Telescope (CSST) will be launched in 2024 and will observe billions of galaxies within a 17500 deg2^2 survey area with redshift up to z∼4z\sim 4, providing photometric and spectroscopic galaxy catalogs. In this work, we simulate the CSST galaxy catalogs and the 5-year GW data from the 3G GW detectors and combine them to infer the Hubble constant (H0H_0). Our results show that the measurement precision of H0H_0 could reach the sub-percent level, meeting the standard of precision cosmology. We conclude that the synergy between CSST and the 3G GW detectors is of great significance in measuring the Hubble constant.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Cosmology with fast radio bursts in the era of SKA

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    We present a forecast of the cosmological parameter estimation using fast radio bursts (FRBs) from the upcoming Square Kilometre Array (SKA), focusing on the issues of dark energy, the Hubble constant, and baryon density. We simulate 10510^5 and 10610^6 localized FRBs from a 10-year SKA observation, and find that: (i) using 10610^6 FRB data alone can tightly constrain dark-energy equation of state parameters better than CMB+BAO+SN, providing a single cosmological probe to explore dark energy; (ii) combining the FRB data with gravitational wave standard siren data from 10-year observation with the Einstein Telescope, the Hubble constant can be constrained to a sub-percent level, serving as a powerful low-redshift probe; (iii) using 10610^6 FRB data can constrain the baryon density Ωbh\Omega_{\rm b}h to a precision of ∼0.1%\sim 0.1\%. Our results indicate that SKA-era FRBs will provide precise cosmological measurements to shed light on both dark energy and the missing baryon problem, and help resolve the Hubble tension.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    First statistical measurement of the Hubble constant using unlocalized fast radio bursts

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    Fast radio bursts (FRBs) can be used to measure the Hubble constant by employing the Macquart relation. However, at present, only a small number of FRB events are localized to their host galaxies with known redshifts. In this paper, we develop a Bayesian method to statistically measure the Hubble constant using unlocalized FRBs and galaxy catalog data, which makes it possible to constrain cosmological parameters by using a large number of FRB data without known redshift information. Using the six FRB events observed by ASKAP combined with the big bang nucleosynthesis result, we obtain H0=71.7−7.4+8.8H_0=71.7^{+8.8}_{-7.4} km s−1^{-1} Mpc−1^{-1} in the simulation-based case and H0=71.5−8.1+10.0H_0=71.5^{+10.0}_{-8.1} km s−1^{-1} Mpc−1^{-1} in the observation-based case (68%68\% highest-density interval), assuming different host galaxy population parameters. We also estimate that in the next few years, using thousands of FRBs could achieve a 3%3\% precision on the random error of the Hubble constant.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Fast radio burst energy function in the presence of DMhost\rm DM_{host} variation

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    Fast radio bursts (FRBs) have been found in great numbers but the physical mechanism of these sources is still a mystery. The redshift evolutions of the FRB energy distribution function and the volumetric rate shed light on revealing the origin of the FRBs. However, such estimations rely on the dispersion measurement (DM)-redshift (zz) relationship. A few of FRBs detected recently show large excess DM beyond the expectation from the cosmological and Milky Way contributions, which indicates large spread of DM from their host galaxies. In this work, we adopt the lognormal distributed DMhost\rm DM_{host} model and estimate the energy function using the non-repeating FRBs selected from the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME)/FRB Catalog 1. By comparing the lognormal distributed DMhost\rm DM_{host} model to the constant DMhost\rm DM_{host} model, the FRB energy function results are consistent within the measurement uncertainty. We also estimate the volumetric rate of the non-repeating FRBs in three different redshift bins. The volumetric rate shows that the trend is consistent with the stellar-mass density redshift evolution. Since the lognormal distributed DMhost\rm DM_{host} model increases the measurement errors, the inference of FRBs tracking the stellar-mass density is nonetheless undermined.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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