12 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Yield and Composition of Essential Oils of Culinary Herbs before and after Decontamination

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    Herbs and spices are widely used in food industry due to the presence of nutrients and nonnutritive biologically active compounds. Their primary functions are to provide diversified taste, smell and colour to products. Additionally, spices provide preservative, nutritional and health function. Most spices owe their unique flavour character mainly to essential oil content. Essential oils that are mixtures of volatile fragrant compounds are used as natural antioxidants as well as antimicrobial agents against food-borne pathogens and food spoilage bacteria. Fresh and dried spices are contaminated by microorganisms that should be removed before introducing them to food products in order to ensure their safety and prolong shelf life. Sterilization, including steam sterilization, is the common method used for spices decontamination. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of steam sterilization on the amount and composition of essential oil of two common leaf spices, mint and sage

    Irradiation decontamination of herbal raw materials

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    Przedmiotem badań było określenie wpływu dawek promieniowania jonizującego gamma (1-10 kGy) na poziom przetrwalników Bacillus subtilis i Bacillus cereus oraz tlenowych laseczek z rodzaju Bacillus obecnych w surowcach ziołowych. Po zastosowaniu dawki 10 kGy liczba przetrwalników Bacillus subtilis (D10=2,l l) i Bacillus cereus (D10=2,22) zmalała o 5 cykli log. Po zastosowaniu tej dawki liczba tlenowych laseczek obecnych w surowcach ziołowych uległa redukcji od 2 (melisa) ( D10=3,44) do 4 cykli log (dziurawiec) (D10=2,36). Użycie dawek powyżej 5 kGy pozwala na osiągnięcie przez surowce ziołowe jakości mikrobiologicznej zalecanej przez FPV.This study evaluates the effect of gamma radiation (1-10 kGy) onto level of spores Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus cereus and spore-forming aerobes kind of Bacillus present in herbs. After use of dose 10 kGy number of spores Bacillus subtilis (D10=2,l 1) and Bacillus cereus (D10=2,22) decreased about 5 log cycles. After use of this dose number of spore-forming aerobes in herb materials reduction from 2 for melissa (D10=3,44) to 4 cycles log for St John's herb (D10=2,36). It was possible to reduce spore-forming aerobes Bacillus in herbs by means of irradiation at 5 to 10. kGy

    Ability of Intestinal Lactic Acid Bacteria to Bind and/or Metabolise Indole

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    Intestinal microbiota can contribute to the development of colon cancer by the production of many substances playing a role in carcinogenesis. Metabolites of protein fermentation in the colon, such as ammonia, amines, indole, phenol, skatole and their derivatives are toxic. On the other hand, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) existing in the colon may exert an anticarcinogenic action, but the mechanism is still poorly understood. In the present study, the aim is to determine the ability of intestinal lactobacilli to adsorb or metabolise indole in vitro. Lactobacillus strains were cultivated in MRS and a modified MRS broth with reduced concentrations of nitrogen and carbon. Indole concentration in the media was from 2 to 20 μg/mL. The decrease in indole concentration was from 1 to 10 μg/mL after cultivation in MRS broth, and from 4.3 to 6.7 μg/mL after cultivation in a modified MRS broth. It was shown that the higher concentration of indole in the medium, the higher reduction of its level. Killed bacteria displayed slight binding capacity. After the interaction of alive lactobacilli with 10 μg/mL of indole, it displayed a lower genotoxicity, as evaluated by the alkaline comet assay. The phenomenon did not depend on the decrease of indole concentration, but on the culture medium and the strain of LAB and ranged from 7 to 96 %

    Probiotics as alternative for antibiotics

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    W pracy przedstawiono przegląd danych literaturowych dotyczących stosowania antybiotykowych stymulatorów wzrostu w żywieniu zwierząt. Omówiono również celowość zastosowania probiotyków jako rozwiązania alternatywnego w stosunku do antybiotyków.The work includes the relevant literature on the applying of antibiotics growth stimulators in nourishment of animals. Advisability of use probiotics as alternative solution in relation to antibiotics was talked over also

    Sposobnost crijevnih bakterija mliječne kiseline da vežu i/ili metaboliziraju indol

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    Intestinal microbiota can contribute to the development of colon cancer by the production of many substances playing a role in carcinogenesis. Metabolites of protein fermentation in the colon, such as ammonia, amines, indole, phenol, skatole and their derivatives are toxic. On the other hand, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) existing in the colon may exert an anticarcinogenic action, but the mechanism is still poorly understood. In the present study, the aim is to determine the ability of intestinal lactobacilli to adsorb or metabolise indole in vitro. Lactobacillus strains were cultivated in MRS and a modified MRS broth with reduced concentrations of nitrogen and carbon. Indole concentration in the media was from 2 to 20 μg/mL. The decrease in indole concentration was from 1 to 10 μg/mL after cultivation in MRS broth, and from 4.3 to 6.7 μg/mL after cultivation in a modified MRS broth. It was shown that the higher concentration of indole in the medium, the higher reduction of its level. Killed bacteria displayed slight binding capacity. After the interaction of alive lactobacilli with 10 μg/mL of indole, it displayed a lower genotoxicity, as evaluated by the alkaline comet assay. The phenomenon did not depend on the decrease of indole concentration, but on the culture medium and the strain of LAB and ranged from 7 to 96 %.Crijevna mikroflora može pridonijeti razvoju raka crijeva pomoću tvari koje sudjeluju u procesu karcinogeneze. Metaboliti fermentacije proteina u crijevima, kao što su amonijak, amini, indol, fenol, skatol i njegovi derivati, imaju toksični učinak. S druge strane, bakterije miječne kiseline što se nalaze u crijevima mogu potaknuti antikancerogene procese, a mehanizam njihova djelovanja još uvijek je slabo poznat. Svrha je ovoga rada ispitati sposobnost adsorpcije ili metaboliziranja indola in vitro s bakterijama mliječne kiseline, izoliranim iz intestinalnog trakta. Bakterije roda Lactobacillus uzgojene su u MRS-podlozi i modificiranoj MRS-podlozi s manjom koncentracijom dušika i ugljika. Koncentracija indola u podlozi iznosila je od 2 do 20 μg/mL. Nakon uzgoja u MRS-podlozi koncentracija indola smanjila se za 1-10 μg/mL, a u modificiranoj za 4,3-6,7 μg/mL. Što je bila veća početna koncentracija indola u podlozi, manja je bila njegova koncentracija nakon uzgoja. Interakcija živih laktobacila s 10 μg/mL indola smanjila je njegovu genotoksičnost, što je dokazano komet-testom u alkalnim uvjetima, dok su nežive bakterije imale malu sposobnost vezanja. Smanjenje genotoksičnosti iznosilo je 7-96 %, a nije ovisilo o koncentraciji indola, već o podlozi za uzgoj i o bakterijskom soju

    Obtention of frozen, concentrated cultures of lactic bacteria and obtaining of their usefulness in edam cheese production

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    W doświadczalnej produkcji sera edamskiego sprawdzono przydatność nowej formy zakwasów w postaci zamrożonej zagęszczonej biomasy bakterii fermentacji mlekowej, wprowadzanej bezpośrednio po rozmrożeniu do wanny serowarskiej. W poszczególnych seriach doświadczeń wprowadzano monokultury szczepów Str. lactis, Str. diacetilactis oraz L. casei w różnym stosunku ilościowym, w ilości 5,2% lub 1%

    Dietary resistant dextrins positively modulate fecal and cecal microbiota composition in young rats

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    The objective of the present study was to demonstrate the effect of dietary resistant dextrins, as potential prebiotics, on the intestinal microflora of young rats. Enzyme-resistant dextrin, prepared by heating of potato starch in the presence of hydrochloric (0.1% dsb) and tartaric (40% dsb) acid at 130ºC for 2 h (CA-dextrin). The experiment was performed on 24 Wistar male rats at 3-wk of age, divided by analogues in three experimental groups (control, starch and dextrin). Analyses determined the overall bacterial counts and the counts of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides and Clostridium strains within the feces and cecal contents of rats using fluorescence in situ hybridization method. CA-dextrin had no effect on primary growth indicators (body weight, body weight gain, dietary consumption) or the mass of the small intestine and the cecum, but dextrins caused a reduction in pH and the concentration of ammonia within the cecal contents. That supplementation of diet with resistant dextrins had a positive effect on composition of intestinal microflora in rats. It increased the counts of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains both in the feces and in the cecum. Moreover, it reduced the counts of Clostridium and Bacteroides strains. These results may suggest that resistant dextrins exerted a prebiotic-like effect in the large intestine