4 research outputs found

    Potencjał hydroegergetyczny Wisły

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    The present article discusses hydropower potential of the Vistula River in view of the formal conditions for power generation in Poland. Having compared different sources, it is shown that the Vistula hydropower infrastructure and the social/economic/environmental benefits thereof and public safety, ought to be given priority in government operations. Their neglect not only violates the Water Law provisions but also runs contrary to the national interest.Na tle uwarunkowań formalnych produkcji energii elektrycznej w Polsce omówiono potencjał hydroenergetyczny Wisły. Porównując różne źródła energii, wykazano, że hydroenergetyczna zabudowa całej Wisły oraz towarzyszące jej korzyści społeczne, środowiskowe, gospodarcze i bezpieczeństwo publiczne winny stanowić priorytet dla działań rządu, a ich zaniechanie jest nie tylko sprzeczne z Prawem wodnym, ale również z interesem narodowym

    The small projects fund and social capital formation in the Polish-German border Region: an initial appraisal

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    This paper examines the small projects fund, a European Union-funded initiative to promote good citizen relations across borders. This paper presents this fund as an attempt to foster ‘social capital’ in the Polish–German border region. The fund is examined in light of seven conditions of social capital formation. In the Polish–German border region, the fund scores well on the first four conditions, related to the promotion of individual trust. It performs less well on the three conditions for scaling up individual trust to form social capital. However, it remains to be seen whether small project support can deliver improved citizen relations