35 research outputs found

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    Prikaz knjige: Thomas M. Scanlon, Why Does Inequality Matter? Oxford University Press, New York, 2018., 192 pp

    La psychologie politique rousseauiste du « bon sauvage »

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    Kao nastavljač smjera kontraktualne filozofije, Rousseau pristupa poimanju čovjeka na drugačiji način od prethodnika. Svojom tezom o plemenitom divljaku uspostavlja originalno prirodno stanje, a time priprema put za drugačiju konstrukciju društvenog ugovora. U tom teorijskom slijedu on pravi razliku između naturalističke definicije slobode i građanske slobode koja implicira moralnu slobodu. Svojim osebujnim terminima Amour de soi-même i amour propre pripremio je antropološku transformaciju čovjeka u sociološku dimenziju. Osobito snažnom pokazat će se njegova teorija suverena kao opće volje svih sudionika društvenog ugovora. Iako se smatra nastavljačem filozofa društvenog ugovora, Rousseau nalazi inspiraciju u grčkoj i rimskoj filozofskoj misli. Ovim se radom pokušalo razviti neke od važnih pretpostavki Rousseauove filozofske misli, a time i sudjelovati u mišljenju kakvo nam je Rousseau u naslijeđe ostavio.En tant que successeur du courant philosophique contractualiste, Rousseau aborde une conception de l’homme de manière bien différente de celle de ses prédécesseurs. A travers sa thèse du « bon sauvage », il élabore un état naturel originel et ainsi prépare la voie à une construction autre du contrat social. Dans cette suite théorique, il fait une différence entre la définition naturaliste de la liberté et la liberté civile, qui elle, implique la liberté morale. Par ses termes particuliers d’« amour de soi » et d’« amour-propre », il annonce la transformation anthropologique de l’homme au sein de sa dimension sociologique. La théorie de la souveraineté en tant que volonté générale de tous les acteurs du contrat social aura une importance particulière. Bien qu’il soit considéré comme l’un des successeurs des philosophies du contrat social, Rousseau trouve son inspiration dans la pensée philosophique grecque et romaine. Ce travail tente de développer certaines présuppositions de la pensée rousseauiste, et de ce fait, de participer à sa réflexion telle qu’elle nous a été léguée

    The Issue of Relativism in the Historical, but also Contemporary Context

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    Obzirom na pojavu većeg broja filozofske literature u kojoj se tematizira i podupire relativizam reagirao je prethodni papa Benedikt XVI. nazvavši ga diktaturom relativizma. Tim je stavom motivirao mnoge filozofe, teologe i znanstvenike da iznesu svoje mišljenje o suvremenom relativizmu. Autor u prvom dijelu ovoga rada pokazuje neke specifičnosti najistaknutijih starogrčkih filozofa i njihov odnos spram relativizma. No, kako se relativizam pojavljivao, u različitim je vremenskim epohama različito bio tretiran. U drugom dijelu rada naglašena je osebujnost, izvori i značenje suvremenog relativizma u današnjem svijetu. Tu se problematizira relativizam kroz radove najeminentnijih antropologa i filozofa koji su dali doprinos u afirmiranju i nijekanju relativizma. Autor na kraju donosi zaključak da relativizam ne može biti konačan u rješavanju međuljudskih problema jer postoje opća i apsolutna rješenja koja vrijede uvijek i svuda. U tom smislu relativizam može derogirati društvene, a i osobne vrijednosti temeljene na nepromjenljivim vrijednostima ljudske naravi koja se ne mijenja.Amassing philosophical literature on the topic of relativism and in support of it brought about a reaction on the part of the previous pope, Pope Benedict. His stance has motivated many philosophers, theologians and scholars to come forward with their opinions on contemporary relativism. The author illustrates, in the first section of this article, certain specificities of the most prominent philosophers of Ancient Greece and their approach to relativism. Still, as relativism emerged through the ages, so it was treated differently in each time period. The second section of the essay highlights the particularities, sources and significance of relativism in the world today. The author takes issue with relativism through the works of the most eminent anthropologists and philosophers who have made a contribution to either its affirmation or negation. Finally, the author concludes that relativism cannot have the ultimate say in solving human relationship problems for there exist general and absolute solutions which apply always and everywhere. Hence, relativism may derogate social, but also personal values that are based on the immutable values of human nature which is constant

    Philosophia civilis

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    Humanistički aspekt u Hobbesovim djelima izazivao je velike nedoumice među teoretičarima svih narednih epoha. Odnos humanizma i moderne znanosti određivao je narav i značenje Hobbesove misli tako da su njegova djela različito tumačena sve do danas. Hobbes je kritizirao ars civilis na način da je istovremeno na njenim temeljima gradio svoju philosophiu civilis. Utjecaj jedne i druge na njegova glavna djela pokazat će određeno nesuglasje među Hobbesovim nastavljačima u vezi njegove misli. Tematiziranje zamršenog koncepta razuma pomaže u rasvjetljavanju naizgled nerješivih paradigmi koje Hobbesovu filozofiju čine posebno intrigantnom.The humanistic aspect in Hobbes’s works has been widely discussed by many theoreticians during the history. Since Hobbes’s thoughts and their meaning were strongly influenced by the relationship between the humanism and the modern science, consequently they provoked numerous interpretations of his work. Hobbes criticized ars civilis in a way that it at the same time laid foundations of his philosophia civilis. The influence of both on his mayor works provoked many different opinions among his followers. However, discussion of the confusing reason concept could help us to understand some of the seemingly unsolved paradigms which make his philosophy extremely intriguing

    Thomas M. Scanlon: Why Does Inequality Matter?

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    Thoughts about Freedom in the Work of Kant

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    Ovim se radom želi izložiti poimanje slobode u filozofijskoj povijesti počevši s mišljenjem starih Grka koji su na neki način bili prethodnica svim kasnijim europskim misliteljima. Grci se nisu bavili izdvojenim pojmom slobode na način analiziranja slobode kao vrijednosti po sebi. Slobodu su analizirali u različitim odnosima prema bitku. Radi toga njihova sloboda ima različita značenja. Pojavom kršćanstva sloboda dobiva suprotno obilježje od onoga kakvog poznaju Grci. Glavni predstavnik kršćanstva Aurelije Augustin u svojim će djelima, posebice u djelu O slobodi volje, iznijeti kršćanski pristup poimanja slobode. Njegova je sloboda heteronomna i ima ishodište u svetopisamskom Bogu, koji ima i atribut istine. Njemački filozof Immanuel Kant slobodi će pristupiti sa suprotnih pozicija. Kant će, za razliku od Augustina, temeljiti svoju slobodu na autonomnom djelovanju. Mislitelji nakon Kanta prepoznat će njegovu misao kao vrijednost i slijedit će ga na različite načine, ovisno o misaonom pravcu koji zastupaju.The research aims to present understanding of freedom in the history of philosophy. It starts with the thought of the ancient Greeks, who preceded in a certain way all European philosophers who came later. The ancient Greeks did not deal with the concept of freedom by treating it as a value in itself. They analyzed freedom in different relation with being. For that reason their concept of freedom had a different meaning. With the arrival of Christianity freedom is characterized differently in comparison to the notion accepted by the ancient Greeks. St. Augustine, who has been considered a major representative of the Christian thought, brought a Christian approach to the concept of freedom. His concept was described in his works, the most notable one On Free Choice of the Will. “Freedom can be defined with more than one norm or standard” – claimed St. Augustine. He also believed that freedom has its origin in the God of the Bible who has the quality of the truth. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant approached freedom from an opposite viewpoint. Kant, unlike Augustine, based his concept of freedom on autonomous acting. Philosophers that followed Kant recognized his thought as a value and followed him in different ways depending on the cognitive trend they represented

    Hobbes’ philosophia prima

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    Ovim se radom želi prikazati polazna osnova Hobbesovog filozofskog mišljenja. Ona je važna jer je prisutna u svim segmentima njegove filozofije – negdje eksplicitno, a negdje implicitno. Tematizirajući o prvoj filozofiji, Hobbes je pokazao svoja osnovna gledišta kojim želi pokazati znatno razlikovanje od Aristotela i skolastike. Inspiriran dostignućima moderne znanosti svoju filozofiju usmjerava prema mehanicizmu i materijalizmu. Napuštajući tradicionalnu metafiziku, koja je u centar zbivanja stavljala bitak, Hobbes pokazuje privrženost logici i epistemologiji. Taj način filozofiranja omogućuje mu drugačije sagleda realnost od onoga kako je bila poimana kod njegovih prethodnika. Hobbes stvarnost objašnjava kao gibajuću materiju koja se najvjerodostojnije razotkriva proučavajući mehaničke zakone. On nije pokazao samo svoje filozofsko razlikovanje spram prethodnika već i spram suvremenika. Osobitu pažnju plijeni njegova kritika Descartesova dualizma koji razdvaja um i tijelo na dvije metafizičke supstancije.The purpose of this paper is to show the starting point of Hobbes’ philosophy, which is important because it is present in all aspects of his philosophy – sometimes explicitly and sometimes implicitly. In terms of subject of the first philosophy, Hobbes presented his basic views which significantly differ from Aristotle’s and scholasticism. Inspired by the achievements of modern science, he directed his thoughts towards philosophy of mechanicism and materialism. By abandoning traditional metaphysics, which placed the concept of being in the center of attention, he showed great commitment to logic and epistemology. This mode of philosophizing allows him to perceive reality differently than his predecessors. Hobbes explains reality as moving matter which is best disclosed through study of mechanical laws. He not only demonstrated his philosophical distinctions from the predecessors, but also in relation to contemporaries. Particular attention draws his criticism of Descartes’ dualism which separated mind from the body in two metaphysical substances

    Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Cantonal Hospital Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina and University Hospital Center Split, Croatia

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    Cholecystectomy is the most frequently performed operation in abdominal surgery. The aim of this study was to compare the operative procedure and outcomes of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy in two hospitals, the University Hospital Center Split and the Regional Hospital in Livno. A total of 97 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy for cholelithiasis at University Hospital Center Split and 86 patients from Regional Hospital in Livno, both groups sampled in 2005 were included in this study. Differences in patients’ age, gender, operation time, total hospital stay, number of trocars` ports, antibiotic and parenteral therapy, and complications were analyzed. There were significantly fewer men than women who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy in both hospitals. The mean age of the patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy at University Hospital Center Split was higher than that of the patients at Regional Hospital in Livno. The operation time was shorter at the University Hospital Center Split than that at Regional Hospital in Livno. There was a significant difference, in favor of the University Hospital Center Split, in the number of patients who received postoperative antibiotics and parenteral therapy, with fewer patients who received postoperative therapy in Split. At the Regional Hospital in Livno fewer trocars were used for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The average hospital stay of patients undergoing laparoscopic procedures at University Hospital Center Split was shorter than that of patients at Regional Hospital in Livno. Two complications occurred in postoperative period at the University Hospital Center Split and one complication was noticed in hospital in Livno. In conclusion, there were no major complications in postoperative period. It is also encouraging to find that there was significant improvement of surgical approach and technique at the hospital in Livno during the period of time analyzed in this study