9 research outputs found


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    This paper analyses the influence of process metrics on the increase of so-called maturity levels according to the Bootstrap model. The basic characteristics of this model are described and those metrics that need to be implemented in the software development process in order to change its features are considered and these features can be quantitatively interpreted. The most important characteristics of the software process were measured by using the metric of function points. Also, the influence of a maturity level on achieved productivity was analysed, and a strong correlation was obtained. The results that were obtained illustrate the importance of the application of metrics when one wants to increase the quality of the software development process

    Application of Benford\u27s Law in Payment Systems Auditing

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    Information systems auditing activities are mandatory in today business environments. There are numerous useful methods that can be conducted in such audits. One of contemporary methods is application of so-called Benford\u27s Law. In this paper we examine ways of application of this law in investigation of certain number set with aim to make a conclusion if number set conforms to Benford\u27s Law. As an examination target we used foreign payment system messages which are issued between foreign and domestic business entities i.e. commercial and central banks. We chose sample of 1.745.311 transactions and conducted examination for first, second and first two digits. We examine certain data subsets, created according to certain payment types, and investigate how Benford’s Law tests can be used in auditing. We also compare practical usefulness and note differences between various conformity tests in auditing environment. Results we achieved prove adequate potential of this law in audit practice

    Croatian Experiences in the Software Producers Maturity Profile Determination and Improvement

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    Importance of managing maturity development in software production process and usage of Bootstrap method in these processes\u27 maturity level measurements are explained in this paper. Maturity assessment results in thirteen concrete cases are presented. On the basis of that expected Croatian software industry profile is determinate


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    Application of Benford\u27s Law in the field of financial analysis is very rarely covered. In this paper it is researched possibility of usage of this law in analysis of stock prices and stock turnover in Zagreb stock exchange. On the basis of online available and public data, sets of input numbers are prepared. These sets are checked against Benford\u27s Law. Results show that sets partially fit to this law. Stock turnover data conforms to Benford\u27s Law, while daily closing stock prices do not. Probably, psychological factors significantly influence daily closing stock prices, so these values do not conform to Benford\u27s distribution.O primjeni Benfordovog zakona u području financijskih analiza u literaturi postoji malo izvora. U ovom radu se istražuje mogućnost primjene ovog zakona u analizi kretanja cijena i prometa dionica na burzi, i to na primjeru Zagrebačke burze. Temeljem online raspoloživih podataka, oblikovani su skupovi ulaznih nizova na koje je primijenjen Benfordov zakon. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da je ovaj zakon djelomično primjenljiv i za takvu problematiku. Potpuno je primjenljiv za analize i procjene ukupnog dnevnog promete dionica, ali nije primjenljiv za analize i procjene zadnjih dnevnih cijena dionica. Vjerojatno na ove cijene na tržištu značajno utječu psihološki čimbenici, pa stoga ova pojava ne slijedi Benfordovu distribuciju

    Colonisation with resistant microorganisms of the predilection region in cardiology patients as a possible cause of infection associated with health care

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    Unatoč napretku moderne medicine, određeni broj hospitaliziranih bolesnika stekne infekciju različitog intenziteta vezanu uz zdravstvenu skrb. Prvi cilj ovoga rada je utvrditi broj bolesnika kod kojih je registrirana kolonizacija rezistentnim uzročnicima, te detektirati eventualno postojanje razlika u broju i vrsti kolonizacija među ustanovama s kojima surađujemo. Budući da suradni centri nisu učinili ulazne obriske predilekcijskih mjesta, koristiti ćemo samo podatake našega mikrobiološkog laboratorija. Radom smo htjeli još procijeniti da li nova situacija uvjetovana relativno velikim brojem bolesnika s pozitivnim obriscima na rezistentne bakterije produljuje i poskupljuje liječenje na odjelu. Ispitanici u ovom radu su bolesnici Odjela kardiologije Opće županijske bolnice u Požegi (ustanova) u razdoblju od 1. 1. 2014. do 31. 12. 2014. godine kod kojih je učinjena invazivna dijagnostika i terapija u drugim tercijarnim bolnicama (centrima). Tijekom tog razdoblja iz naše ustanove u druge centre upućeno je 145 bolesnika, od kojih se 131 ponovno vratio na naš odjel. Kod 77 bolesnika, 42 muška i 35 žena, što čini 54% ukupno poslanih bolesnika, iz uzoraka obrisaka uzetih s predilekcijskih mjesta, izolirali smo potencijalno patogene uzročnike. Uvažavajući prosjeke ležanja izražene u bolničkim danima, tijekom 2012. i 2013. god. koji su iznosili 8,4 ± 0,6, te za 2014. 7,9 ± 0,54, nismo utvrdili da je boravak bolesnika u drugim centrima zbog provođenja invazivne dijagnostike i terapije utjecao na produljenje bolničkoga liječenja, a niti ga učinio skupljim. Troškovi za antibiotsku terapiju bili su veći tijekom ranijih godina, nego 2014. god. Zaključno možemo konstatirati da je zbrinjavanje akutnog koronarnog sindroma po postojećem nacionalnom programu u naših bolesnika bilo sigurno, da nije produljilo liječenje, te nije dovelo do povećanja troškova liječenja.Despite the advances in modern medicine, a number of hospitalized patients gain infections of different intensity related to health care. The first goal of this work is to determine the number of patients in which colonization by resistant strains was registered, and to detect the possible existence of differences in the number and type of colonization among institutions we work with. Considered that collaborative centers had not performed microbiological screening of predilection sites on the day of patient’s admission, we used data from the microbiological screening made in our hospital. The aim of the study was to assess whether the return of patients who had invasive diagnostics and therapy in other tertiary centers caused an increase in colonization with predilection region resistant microorganisms and thus prolonged hospitalization in our hospital and increased treatment costs in our department. The participants in this study were patients of the Department of Cardiology of Požega General County Hospital in the period from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 who had undergone invasive diagnostics and therapy in other centers. During this time, 145 patients went from our institution to other centers of whom 131 returned to our department. We isolated potential pathogens from sample swabs taken from the predilection region in 77 patients, 42 men and 35 women (54% of total patients sent to other centers). Taking into account the average hospitalization days expressed in-patient hospital days, during 2012 and 2013 amounted to 8.4 ± 0.6, and in 2014 7.9 ± 0.54, we did not find that the new situation prolonged hospitalization, and neither made it more expensive. Costs for antibiotic therapy were higher during years earlier than 2014. In conclusion, we can state that the care of acute coronary syndrome by the existing national program does not extend the treatment, and does not cause increased treatment costs if it takes into account treatment costs of nosocomial infections


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    In this paper the results of SPlCE methodology implementation are described - the concepts and the organisations of SPICE, SPICE process model architecture, and the matter of the practical use of a SPlCE methodology in process assessment and improvement. A generic model for process management and its components are presented as well as SPICE process categories, capability levels, assessment scope and an improvement strategy. Processes are evaluated against capability levels, using common features such as the evaluation basis to option a capability profile of the organisation. A SPICE profile of one Croatian software producer and its own experience in process assessment and improvement are shown. Also, personal opinions regarding the relationship between SPICE, CMM and the ISO 9000 approach are discussed

    Application of Benford's Law in Payment Systems Auditing

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    Information systems auditing activities are mandatory in today business environments. There are numerous useful methods that can be conducted in such audits. One of contemporary methods is application of so-called Benford's Law. In this paper we examine ways of application of this law in investigation of certain number set with aim to make a conclusion if number set conforms to Benford's Law. As an examination target we used foreign payment system messages which are issued between foreign and domestic business entities i.e. commercial and central banks. We chose sample of 1.745.311 transactions and conducted examination for first, second and first two digits. We examine certain data subsets, created according to certain payment types, and investigate how Benford’s Law tests can be used in auditing. We also compare practical usefulness and note differences between various conformity tests in auditing environment. Results we achieved prove adequate potential of this law in audit practice