28 research outputs found


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    The national culture is a system of assumptions, values, norms and traditions shared by one national group; the corporate culture is a system of rituals, behavior patters, norms and values shared by majority of employees in a company. Both cultures influence the style of management and communication with employees. The national culture influences the corporate culture, but in a long term, a corporate culture can also influence the national culture. Strong corporate cultures can suppress the national culture through the system of standardization of business operations, which in international companies is an element of brand identification and a competitive advantage. Global hotel companies which manage the hotels all over the world, face problems which derive from differences between their own corporate culture and national cultures of local staff. The efficiency of operations will depend on the way and skills in handling those problems. The influence of national and sometimes local cultures might have positive impact on creation of very successful hotel system of hotel service which often is well accepted on tourist market, but might also result with potential misunderstandings and even opposite effects. The paper surveys the elements of national cultures which might have impact on corporate cultures. The paper assumes that global hotel companies often face big cultural and social differences in certain destinations of their business interest. The model of survey are hotel corporate cultures in Croatian, European and world hotels and their corporations.Nacionalna kultura je sustav pretpostavki, vrijednosti i normi koji su zajednički jednoj nacionalnoj grupi, a korporativna kultura je zbir vjerovanja, normi i vrijednosti koje dijeli većina zaposlenih u poduzeću. I nacionalna i korporativna kultura odražavaju se na način rukovođenja i komuniciranja sa zaposlenicima. Nacionalna kultura utječe na korporativnu kulturu, ali dugoročno i korporativna kultura može utjecati na nacionalnu kulturu. Jake korporativne kulture mogu zatomiti nacionalnu kulturu kroz sustav standardizacije cjelokupnog poslovanja, Å”to u međunarodnim kompanijama predstavlja i element prepoznatljivosti brenda na kojem se gradi kompetitivna prednost. Globalne hotelske kompanije koje postavljaju menadžment i menadžerske strukture u hotelima u raznim krajevima svijeta, često se suočavaju s problemima koji proizlaze iz različitosti vlastite korporativne kulture i nacionalnih kultura lokalnog stanovniÅ”tva. Efikasnost poslovanja ovisit će o načinu i vjeÅ”tini savladavanja tih problema. Utjecaj nacionalnih i često lokalnih kultura može imati pozitivne utjecaje na korporativnu kulturu hotelske korporacije i utjecati na formiranje veoma uspjeÅ”nih hotelskih sustava hotelske usluge koja je često veoma dobro prihvaćena na turističkom tržiÅ”tu, ali može dovesti i do potencijalnih nesporazum ai do suprotnih učinaka. U radu se istražuju elementi nacionalne kulture koji mogu imati različite utjecaje na korporacijske kulture. U radu se polazi od preTpostavke de globalne hotelske korporacije često nailaze na velike kulturoloÅ”ke i socijalne razlike u pojedinim destinacijama gdje imaju svoje poslovne interese. Model istraživanja su hotelske korporacijske kulture u hrvatskim, europskim i svjetskim hotelima i njihovim korporacijama kojima pripadaju


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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) influences the development tourism on globally, and its development has changed the practice of business. Any reference ICT in the hotel industry necessarily begins the concept of Property Management System (PMS). PMS as an essential component for hotel management provides tools as are necessary hotel staff in performing daily operations of the reservation, the accommodation capacities management, accounting, etc. This software supports all basic activities involved with process operation accommodation facilities and interconnects systems within it. Hospitality enterprises that are constantly working on innovations in the implementation of hardware, software, and networks can be competitive in the market, which maintain the long term prosperity of the business. This paper is conceptually defined PMS and its application in the context of the impact on the hotel management. The methodology is based on secondary research examing the key dimensions of the PMS systems and their functionality. The aim of this paper is to explore the intensity of the impact on the prosperity implementation of PMS hotel management. The findings show that, despite the availability of a range of PMS software and funcionalities, the European touristic market continues to be led by a handful of providers. The unique contribution of this paper is in secondary research, the issues associated with the critical, core technology for the hotel industry, i.e. PMS

    Hotel room management

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    Hotelske usluge sastavljene su od skupa raznih usluga u hotelu, ali se mogu razvrstati u osnovne i sporedne usluge. Osnova izbora i dolaska gosta u hotel je hotelska soba. Soba u hotelu je drugi dom gosta, a hotelskom managementu ostvaruje 40 posto ukupnog prihoda. Uređena i privlačna soba postaje prvi zadatak managementa hotela, u određivanju kvalitete hotelske sobe ključnu ulogu ima hotelska domaćica koja se po svojim funkcijama i zadacima svrstava u srednji hotelski management. Domaćica hotela osnovni je čimbenik uspjeÅ”nog poslovanja hotela i ostvarenja želje gosta da dobije privlačnu sobu, za koju će platiti upravo onoliko koliko ona stvarno i vrijedi na tržiÅ”tu.Hotel services comprise a wide range of services falling into two categories, e.g. into basic and supplementary services. Hotel rooms govern selection of a particular hotel and affect the number of guestsā€™ arrivals. A room is undoubtedly a temporary home for each and every hotel client providing 40% of total income to the hotel management. A comfortable and attractively decorated hotel room is of top priority for the hotel management. Refurbishing of hotels and similar activities, which affect the quality of hotel rooms, fall within the domain of hotelā€™s housekeeping manager who occupies a middle position in the hierarchy of the hotel management staff. Housekeeping managers play a very important role in smooth and successful running of hotel operations. The ultimate goal is a satisfied client who has paid the room rate which exactly corresponds to its value at the market


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    Turistička potroÅ”nja u gradu Opatiji obilježena je karakteristikama turističke potroÅ”nje koje su prepoznatljive i za druge hrvatske destinacije. Opće poznata činjenica ukazuje da se najveći dio u strukturi turističke potroÅ”nje odnosi na usluge smjeÅ”taja, usluge prehrane i pića, a da na ostale usluge turisti troÅ”e znatno manje, te je to osnov izlaganja i interes prikaza o strukturi turističke potroÅ”nje koja se odnosi na sustav turističke ponude trgovačke robe kao osnovnog motiva dolaska ili sadržaja turističke potroÅ”nje turista na Opatijskoj rivijeri. Cilj prikaza je pokuÅ”aj objaÅ”njenja koliko se može povećati turistička potroÅ”nja, te koliko ponuda trgovačke robe može biti jedan od motiva dolaska i posjeta turističkih sadržaja i objekata koji djeluju na prostoru grada Opatije

    Entrepreneurial management of private accomodation in times of crisis: a comparative approach

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    Purpose ā€“ The purpose of this paper is to assess competitiveness of private accommodation, and to offer the necessary measures which would improve the quality of this segment of tourism that would later provide additional opportunities for the creation of a new market position as well as increasing quality of life and standard of local population. Design and methodology ā€“ A study of attitudes and opinions of private accommodation providers was conducted, in conjunction with assessing the current state and possibilities of further development of this sector. The study was carried out from January to June 2012 in Primorsko-goranska County. A questionnaire survey was used for gathering data and a specially structured questionnaire consisting of three parts was formed. For the purposes of this paper, the first two parts of the questionnaire were analysed in detail. A total of 432 questionnaires were found usable for the study. The collected data analysis included descriptive statistics. Approach ā€“ The special focus is given to obtaining relevant results by using comparative analysis with the findings of previously conducted researches of private accommodation in Primorskogoranska County. Findings ā€“ The research results indicate the changes in the demographic structure of the private accommodation providers, their motives for the provision of accommodation in the households as well as total revenues from the provision of accommodation services in the households. Qualitative shifts in the structure of accommodation capacity are also identified. Specifically, socio-demographic changes include: increasing the share of younger and highly-educated private accommodation providers. Significant increase is noticeable in the number of private accommodation providers whose basic motive of providing services is connected with increasing the basic household income. The increase in total revenue from the provision of accommodation services in the household is also evident. Research results which are related to changes in the type and form of accommodation, suggest a qualitative shift in terms of reducing the number of rooms and suites, and increasing number of holiday homes as a form of quality accommodation in the households. Originality of research ā€“ Since there has not been any systematic research conducted on private accommodation, this research opens enough space for further theoretical and applicative improvement. Special emphasis is put on the importance of raising the level of quality and restructuring of private accommodation


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    Tourism demand, as a set of goods and services people consume during their travels, greatly affects tourism development in a destination. Hence, forecasting tourism demand is the subject of numerous studies in the field of tourism. Many of these studies use a time series analysis approach to examine tourism demand, foremost through tourist arrivals but also through the number of overnights and tourist expenditure. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to examine trends in tourist arrivals in the city of Rijeka, Croatia over the last ten-year period and to forecast tourist arrivals in the near future. The time series analysis method is applied to this end, with tourism demand being measured by the overall number of tourist arrivals. The research findings provide deeper insights into, and a better understanding of, tourism demand forecasting as a factor of efficient tourism planning


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    Hotelske usluge sastavljene su od skupa raznih usluga u hotelu, ali se mogu razvrstati u osnovne i sporedne usluge. Osnova izbora i dolaska gosta u hotel je hotelska soba. Soba u hotelu je drugi dom gosta, a hotelskom menadžmentu ostvaruje 40% ukupnog prihoda. Uređena u privlačna soba postaje prvi zadatak menadžmenta hotela, u određivanju kvalitete hotelske sobe ključnu ulogu ima hotelska domaćica koja se po svojim funkcijama i zadacima razvrstava u srednji hotelski menadžment. Domaćica hotela osnovni je čimbenik uspjeÅ”nog poslovanja hotela i ostvarenja želja gosta da dobije privlačnu sobu, za koju će platiti upravo onoliko koliko ona stvarno i vrijedi na tržiÅ”tu.Hotel services, comprising an array of various services provided by the hotel, can be classified as basic and secondary services. Guests choose to stay at a hotel based on its rooms. The hotel room is a second home to the guest, and it provides the hotel management with 40% of total revenue. A well-furnished and appealing room is the primary task of the hotel management. In establishing the quality of the hotel room, a key role is assigned to the hotel housekeeper, whose functions and task place her/him in the middle level of hotel management. Fundamental to hotel performance, the housekeeper is a key factor in providing an appealing room to the guest who is willing to pay exactly how much the room is actually worth on the market