243 research outputs found

    Soil-Bentonite Slurry Trench Cutoff Wall Final Design Report

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    Technical report includes background information on the project, site borings, several laboratory tests that were performed, and designs for the cutoff wall

    Spinalni epiduralni hemangiom pješčanog sata: jednokratna 2-stupanjska posteriorna mikrokiruška i transtorakalna endoskopska resekcija - prikaz slučaja i pregled literature

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    Spinal dumbbell tumors are defined by a narrowing at the point where they penetrate the intervertebral foramina or dura mater, assuming an hourglass or dumbbell shape. Dumbbell-shaped spinal hemangiomas are extremely rare. We describe a dumbbell spinal tumor (epidural cavernous hemangioma) resected by a 2-stage single-sitting combined approach. We also conduct a substantial literature review of the subject. We present a case of a 78-year-old male who was found to have a homogeneously enhancing, dumbbell-shaped, intraspinal, extradural tumor mass extending into the left chest cavity. The tumor was resected with a single-sitting 2-stage posterior technique: a microsurgical approach, followed by endoscopic resection via a thoracoscopic approach. There are several reports in the literature on the combined approach for dumbbell tumors of the spinal cord. Our case is the first to describe 2-stage combined surgery in 1 sitting for dumbbell hemangioma with the patient in the lateral decubitus position for the thoracoscopic part of the surgery; and the use of a fat pad, which was applied in the neuroforamen via the posterior route, as a marker for resection during the transthoracic procedure.Spinalni tumori pješčanog sata definirani su suženjem na mjestu gdje prodiru u intervertebralni foramen ili dura mater, uz pretpostavku da imaju oblik pješčanog sata ili bućice. Spinalni hemangiomi u obliku bućice su iznimno rijetki. Opisuje se spinalni tumor pješčanog sata (epiduralni kavernozni hemangiom) reseciran dvostupanjskim kombiniranim pristupom, uz opsežan pregled literature. Prikazuje se slučaj 78-godišnjeg muškarca za kojeg je utvrđeno da ima homogeno pojačanu intraspinalnu, ekstraduralnu masu u obliku bućice koja se širi u lijevu prsnu šupljinu. Tumor je reseciran jednokratnom 2-stupanjskom posteriornom tehnikom: mikrokirurški pristup, nakon čega slijedi endoskopska resekcija putem torakoskopskog pristupa. U literaturi postoji nekoliko izvješća o kombiniranom pristupu za tumore bućice kralježnične moždine. Naš je slučaj prvi koji opisuje 2-stupanjsku kombiniranu kirurgiju u 1 sjedenju za hemangiom pješčanog sata u bolesnika u lateralnom dekubitusnom položaju za torakoskopski dio operacije; i uporabu masnog jastučića koji je primijenjen u neuroforamenu preko stražnjeg puta, kao marker za resekciju tijekom transtorakalnog postupka

    Enzymatic Metabolism of Ergosterol by Cytochrome P450scc to Biologically Active 17α,24-Dihydroxyergosterol

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    SummaryWe demonstrate the metabolism of ergosterol by cytochrome P450scc in either a reconstituted system or isolated adrenal mitochondria. The major reaction product was identified as 17α,24-dihydroxyergosterol. Purified P450scc also generated hydroxyergosterol as a minor product, which is probably an intermediate in the synthesis of 17α,24-dihydroxyergosterol. In contrast to cholesterol and 7-dehydrocholesterol, cleavage of the ergosterol side chain was not observed. NMR analysis clearly located one hydroxyl group to C24, with evidence that the second hydroxyl group is at C17. 17α,24-Dihydroxyergosterol inhibited cell proliferation of HaCaT keratinocytes and melanoma cells. Thus, in comparison with cholesterol and 7-dehydrocholesterol, the 24-methyl group and the C22-C23 double bond of ergosterol prevent side chain cleavage by P450scc and change the enzyme’s hydroxylase activity from C22 and C20, to C24 and C17, generating bioactive product

    Znaczenie badania ergospirometrycznego w diagnostyce choroby wieńcowej

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    Choroba wieńcowa obejmuje stany niedokrwienia mięśnia sercowego wiążące się ze zmianami w tętnicach wieńcowych. Dławica piersiowa jest zespołem klinicznym charakteryzującym się bólem związanym z niedokrwieniem mięśnia sercowego. Częstość dławicy zwiększa się wraz z wiekiem u osób obojga płci. W wytycznych ACC/AHA kardiologiczną próbę wysiłkową zaleca się jako pierwsze badanie u pacjentów w stanie stabilnym z podejrzeniem dławicy, jednak czułość i swoistość ograniczają wartość tej metody. Analiza wymiany gazowej w trakcie wysiłku fizycznego w badaniu ergospirometrycznym u osób w chorobą wieńcową odzwierciedla wcześniejsze osiągnięcie AT, zmniejszenie DVO2/DWR oraz spadek pochłaniania tlenu względem częstości rytmu serca (O2pulse). Dzięki analizie metabolizmu tlenowego badanie ergospirometryczne ma większą czułość i specyficzność niż kardiologiczna próba wysiłkowa. Analiza gazów oddechowych może być również przydatna w diagnostyce choroby wieńcowej u pacjentów, u których istnieją nieprawidłowości w spoczynkowym zapisie EKG uniemożliwiające rozpoznanie niedokrwienia

    Sequential Metabolism of 7-Dehydrocholesterol to Steroidal 5,7-Dienes in Adrenal Glands and Its Biological Implication in the Skin

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    Since P450scc transforms 7-dehydrocholesterol (7DHC) to 7-dehydropregnenolone (7DHP) in vitro, we investigated sequential 7DHC metabolism by adrenal glands ex vivo. There was a rapid, time- and dose-dependent metabolism of 7DHC by adrenals from rats, pigs, rabbits and dogs with production of more polar 5,7-dienes as detected by RP-HPLC. Based on retention time (RT), UV spectra and mass spectrometry, we identified the major products common to all tested species as 7DHP, 22-hydroxy-7DHC and 20,22-dihydroxy-7DHC. The involvement of P450scc in adrenal metabolic transformation was confirmed by the inhibition of this process by DL-aminoglutethimide. The metabolism of 7DHC with subsequent production of 7DHP was stimulated by forscolin indicating involvement of cAMP dependent pathways. Additional minor products of 7DHC metabolism that were more polar than 7DHP were identified as 17-hydroxy-7DHP (in pig adrenals but not those of rats) and as pregna-4,7-diene-3,20-dione (7-dehydroprogesterone). Both products represented the major identifiable products of 7DHP metabolism in adrenal glands. Studies with purified enzymes show that StAR protein likely transports 7DHC to the inner mitochondrial membrane, that 7DHC can compete effectively with cholesterol for the substrate binding site on P450scc and that the catalytic efficiency of 3βHSD for 7DHP (Vm/Km) is 40% of that for pregnenolone. Skin mitochondria are capable of transforming 7DHC to 7DHP and the 7DHP is metabolized further by skin extracts. Finally, 7DHP, its photoderivative 20-oxopregnacalciferol, and pregnenolone exhibited biological activity in skin cells including inhibition of proliferation of epidermal keratinocytes and melanocytes, and melanoma cells. These findings define a novel steroidogenic pathway: 7DHC→22(OH)7DHC→20,22(OH)27DHC→7DHP, with potential further metabolism of 7DHP mediated by 3βHSD or CYP17, depending on mammalian species. The 5–7 dienal intermediates of the pathway can be a source of biologically active vitamin D3 derivatives after delivery to or production in the skin, an organ intermittently exposed to solar radiation

    A Novel Role of Peripheral Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH) on Dermal Fibroblasts

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    Corticotropin-releasing hormone, or factor, (CRH or CRF) exerts important biological effects in multiple peripheral tissues via paracrine/autocrine actions. The aim of our study was to assess the effects of endogenous CRH in the biology of mouse and human skin fibroblasts, the primary cell type involved in wound healing. We show expression of CRH and its receptors in primary fibroblasts, and we demonstrate the functionality of fibroblast CRH receptors by induction of cAMP. Fibroblasts genetically deficient in Crh (Crh−/−) had higher proliferation and migration rates and compromised production of IL-6 and TGF-β1 compared to the wildtype (Crh+/+) cells. Human primary cultures of foreskin fibroblasts exposed to the CRF1 antagonist antalarmin recapitulated the findings in the Crh−/− cells, exhibiting altered proliferative and migratory behavior and suppressed production of IL-6. In conclusion, our findings show an important role of fibroblast-expressed CRH in the proliferation, migration, and cytokine production of these cells, processes associated with the skin response to injury. Our data suggest that the immunomodulatory effects of CRH may include an important, albeit not explored yet, role in epidermal tissue remodeling and regeneration and maintenance of tissue homeostasis

    Operation quality of different machines for two-layer soil tillage

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    Podstawową zasadą, stosowaną w rolnictwie ekologicznym, jest "głęboko spulchniać, płytko odwracać". Dotychczas do uprawy dwuwarstwowej stosowano pługi lemieszowe z pogłębiaczami. W Przemysłowym Instytucie Maszyn Rolniczych opracowano nowe rozwiązania konstrukcyjne maszyn (narzędzi) do dwuwarstwowej uprawy gleby. Celem badań była ocena jakości uprawy dwiema maszynami w warunkach różnej głębokości spulchniania gleby, którą sprawdzono podczas uprawy pożniwnej oraz podczas uprawy podstawowej. Wyznaczono wskaźniki jakości pracy pługa zębowo-talerzowego i porównano ze wskaźnikami jakości pracy agregatu. Zastosowanie narzędzi z elementami roboczymi, rozmieszczonymi na dwóch różnych poziomach głębokości roboczej, zapewnia dobrą jakość uprawy dwuwarstwowej, łączącej głęboszowanie z płytkim odwracaniem.The basic rule of ecological farming is "to loosen deep and turn over shallow". Untill now for two-layer tillage the mouldboard ploughs with subsoilers were used. In the Industrial Institute of Agricultural Machines new structural solutions were developed to the machines and implements for two-layer soil tillage operation. The object of studies was to evaluate soil tillage with two machines at different depths of loosening soil, tested during post-harvest tillage of soil as well as during basie tillage operations. Indices of work quality for a tooth-disc plough were determined and compared to work quality indices of a tillage aggregate. Application of the implements with working elements located at two different levels of working depth ensured good quality of two-layer soil tillage which combined subsoiling tillage with the shallow turnover

    The influence of various working elements on operational loads of machines for two-layer cultivation

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    Porównano opory robocze dwóch maszyn do uprawy dwuwarstwowej polegającej na głębokim spulchnieniu i płytkim odwróceniu gleby. Podstawowym zespołem roboczym były zęby głębosza różniące się między sobą. Ponadto maszyny wyposażone były w inne elementy robocze. Stwierdzono, że talerze niwelujące powodują wzrost oporów roboczych, a sztywne zęby kultywatora stawiają niższe opory robocze od zębów głębosza.The study compares the resistances of two machines for two-layer cultivation with deep loosening and shallow turn-over of soil. The basic working unit was the GŁĘBOSZ teeth, different for each machine. Moreover, the machines were equipped with other working elements. It is concluded that the leveling plates cause an increase of resistances and that the stiff cultivator teeth show lower resistance than the sybsoiler teeth

    Activity of Research Laboratory for Agricultural Machines of Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering

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