9 research outputs found

    Ultracold atomic Bose and Fermi spinor gases in optical lattices

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    We investigate magnetic properties of Mott-insulating phases of ultracold Bose and Fermi spinor gases in optical lattices. We consider in particular the F=2 Bose gas, and the F=3/2 and F=5/2 Fermi gases. We derive effective spin Hamiltonians for one and two atoms per site and discuss the possibilities of manipulating the magnetic properties of the system using optical Feshbach resonances. We discuss low temperature quantum phases of a 87Rb gas in the F=2 hyperfine state, as well as possible realizations of high spin Fermi gases with either 6Li or 132Cs atoms in the F=3/2 state, and with 173Yb atoms in the F=5/2 state.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures; a completely new and substantially expanded version with several errors correcte

    Quantum polarization spectroscopy of ultracold spinor gases

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    We propose a method for the detection of ground state quantum phases of spinor gases through a series of two quantum nondemolition measurements performed by sending off-resonant, polarized light pulses through the gas. Signatures of various mean-field as well as strongly-correlated phases of F=1 and F=2 spinor gases obtained by detecting quantum fluctuations and mean values of polarization of transmitted light are identified.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor change

    Superfluidity of the BEC at finite temperature

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    We use the classical fields approximation to study a translational flow of the condensate with respect to the thermal cloud in a weakly interacting Bose gas. We study both, subcritical and supercritical relative velocity cases and analyze in detail a state of stationary flow which is reached in the dynamics. This state corresponds to the thermal equilibrium, which is characterized by the relative velocity of the condensate and the thermal cloud. The superfluidity manifests itself in the existence of many thermal equilibria varying in (the value of this velocity) the relative velocity between the condensate and the thermal cloud. We pay a particular attention to excitation spectra in a phonon as well as in a particle regime. Finally, we introduce a measure of the amount of the superfluid fraction in a weakly interacting Bose gas, allowing for the precise distinction between the superfluid and the condensed fractions in a single and consistent framework.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    A tale of two siblings: two cases of AML arising from a single pre-leukemic DNMT3A mutant clone

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    Letters to the EditorC N Hahn, D M Ross, J Feng, A Beligaswatte, D K Hiwase, W T Parker, M Ho, M Zawitkowski, K L Ambler, G D Cheetham, Y K Lee, M Babic, C M Butcher, G A Engler, A L Brown, R J D'Andrea, I D Lewis, A W Schreiber, L B To and H S Scot

    Fluctuations of a weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Fluctuations of the number of condensed atoms in a finite-size, weakly interacting Bose gas confined in a box potential are investigated for temperatures up to the critical region. The canonical partition functions are evaluated using a recursive scheme for smaller systems, and a saddle-point approximation for larger samples that allows to treat realistic size systems containing up to N ~ 105 particles. We point out the importance of particle-number constraint and interactions between out of condensate atoms for the statistics near the critical region. For sufficiently large systems, the crossover from the anomalous to normal scaling of the fluctuations is observed. The excitations are described in a self-consistent way within the Bogoliubov-Popov approximation, and the interactions between thermal atoms are described by means of the Hartree-Fock method

    Wyst臋powanie grzyb贸w entomopatogenicznych na terenie Chojnowskiego Parku Krajobrazowego

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    The study was aimed at estimating species composition and abundance of entomopathogenic fungi in the Chojnowski Landscape park. The effect of site, season (spring, summer, autumn) and temperature on the frequency of isolation of entomopathogenic fungi was also analysed. The effect of the first two factors was estimated based on the analysis of soil samples taken from meadow 1, forest 1 and orchard in spring, summer and autumn 2010. Three species of entomopathogenic fungi (Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Isaria fumosorosea) were isolated in the study area. Site and temperature affected the frequency of isolation of particular species. On meadow 1 and in orchard M. anisopliae appeared to be the dominating species while forest 1 was dominated by B. bassiana. From among meadow and forest sites sampled in the autumn, forest 3 (nature reserve) was characterised by the highest density of entomopathogenic fungi. M. anisopliae and B. bassiana were most often isolated from meadow sites while B. bassiana and I. fumosorosea - from forest sites. B. bassiana and I. fumosorosea infected insects with significantly higher frequency at 20掳C than at 25掳C.Wyst臋powanie grzyb贸w entomo-patogenicznych na terenie Chojnowskiego Parku Krajobrazowego. Celem podj臋tych bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie sk艂adu gatunkowego i nasilenia wyst臋powania grzyb贸w entomopatogenicznych na wybranych siedliskach w Chojnowskim Parku Krajobrazowym. Zbadano tak偶e, czy na cz臋sto艣膰 izolowania grzyb贸w entomopatogenicznych wywieraj膮 wp艂yw nast臋puj膮ce czynniki: siedlisko, pora roku (wiosna, lato, jesie艅) oraz temperatura. Na podstawie bada艅 pr贸b glebowych pobranych z 艂膮ki 1, lasu 1 i sadu w okresie wiosny, lata i jesieni 2010 roku zosta艂 oceniony wp艂yw siedliska i pory roku na wyst臋powanie grzyb贸w entomopa-togenicznych. Na badanym terenie wyizolowano trzy gatunki grzyb贸w entomopatogenicznych (Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae i Isaria fumosorosea). Stwierdzono wp艂yw siedliska i temperatury na cz臋sto艣膰 izolacji poszczeg贸lnych gatunk贸w. Na 艂膮ce 1 i w sadzie gatunkiem dominuj膮cym okaza艂 si臋 M. anisopliae, za艣 w lesie 1 B. bassiana. Z siedlisk 艂膮kowych i le艣nych, z kt贸rych gleb臋 pobrano jesieni膮, najwi臋ksze nasilenie grzyb贸w entomopatogenicznych obserwowano w lesie 3 (rezerwacie). Na siedliskach 艂膮kowych najcz臋艣ciej izolowanymi gatunkami by艂y M. anisopliae i B. bassiana, na siedliskach le艣nych B. bassiana i I. fumosorosea. B. bassiana i I. fumosorosea istotnie cz臋艣ciej infekowa艂y owady w 20掳C ni偶 25掳C