35 research outputs found

    Uspostavljanje schengenske periferije: perspektive "nove" slovensko-hrvatske granice

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    Newly established boundary between Croatia and Slovenia in 1991. considerably changed the functions of thus formed borderland. Previously local areas turned into national peripheries, while due to current European integration they\u27re also becoming parts of extensive \u27Schengen periphery\u27 at the entrance to Europe. This article argues that new Slovene-Croatian boundary has been turning into one of the significant selective mechanisms in this part of the region. In addition, this boundary is an example of a non-border turning into an electronic and mental wall separating two different parts of Europe. In this perspective, the Schengen border can be disputed within the context of societies in transition, which found themselves at the Schengen periphery. This new image of Europe can be defined by at least three highly relevant emphases pertaining to post-modern boundaries, identity and mobility: 1. Construction of new type of borders (the shift from “stone to electronic walls”, from Berlin wall to \u27e-borders\u27), 2. Schengen e-border as an instrument of identity borderlines, and 3. Issue of social mobility and its restrictions in global networking of societies.Uspostavljanje slovensko-hrvatske granice 1991. godine znatno je promijenilo funkcije novih graničnih područja. Ona su se iz lokalnih pretvorila u područja periferija dotičnih zemalja, a slijedom tekućih evropskih integracija u opsežnu schengensku periferiju na ulazu u Europu. Poanta članka je u tome da se slovensko-hrvatska granica pretvara u jedan od značajnih selektivnih mehanizama regije, a istovremeno je i primjer ne-granice koja se pretvara u elektronički i mentalni zid koji odvaja dvije različite Europe. Takva je granica diskutabilna, kako u perspektivi, tako i u kontekstu tranzicijskih društava koja su se našla na schengenskoj periferiji. Ta nova slika Europe može se definirati najmanje trima naglascima iz područja postmodernih granica, identiteta i mobilnosti. To su: konstrukcija novog tipa granice (prijelaz iz zidanoga na elektronički zid, s Berlinskog zida na e-granicu); 2. schengenska e-granica kao instrument ograničavanja identiteta, i 3. socijalna pokretljivost unutar globalno umreženih društava

    Trgovanje z ženskami

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    Trgovanje z ženskami je povečini analizirano v kontekstu preprečevanja organiziranega kriminala in nadzora migracij. Aktualne so potrebe po obravnavitega področja s poudarkom na položaju žrtve, na individualni izkušnjižensk. Prizadevanja za obravnavo v okviru perspektive človekovih pravic, skupaj s prepoznavanjem spolne specifičnosti trgovanja, omogočajo večjo skrb za varovanje ranljivih posameznikov in posameznic. Pridobljeni podatki, kot tudi nekonsistentnosti v terminologiji, nakazujejo potrebo po bolj vidnih politikah na tem področju, ki bi prispevale k dekriminalizaciji žrtev. Za podrobnejšo obravnavo perspektive žrtve so primerna metoda raziskovanja poglobljeni intervjuji. Tako pri zasnovi intervjujev kot pri izvedbi je treba upoštevati specifičnosti trgovanja z ženskami, med njimi položaj žrtve in okoliščine intervjuvanja.Trafficking in women is mostly analysed in the context of organized crime prevention and migration control. An urgent need is arising to conduct a research that focuses on victims\u27 situation, an individual experience of trafficked women. Research that takes into consideration human rights perspective and acknowledges gender specifics in relation to trafficking brings forward a perspective of care for vulnerable individuals. Available data and inconsistencies in relation to terminology connote a need to develop more visible policies that would contribute to the decriminalisation of the victim. In-depth interviews as research method enable a thorough research of victim\u27s perspective. Both in interview design and in interviewing itself, however, specifics of trafficking need to be considered, such as the position of the victim and circumstances of interviewing

    Digitalni begunci

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    The smartphone has become one of the main tenets of contemporary spatial as well as digital migration routes that are increasingly determined by technologies, platforms and networks. Such routes have become increasingly dangerous and uncertain, which testifies of structural criminalisation and control of people on the move, but also raises important questions about autonomy and agency of individuals as a response to restrictive migration and border policies. The monograph explores such transformations by focussing on the movement of refugees across the borders of nation-states through a rethinking of the notion of vulnerability (especially of women and children), the examination of perceptions of refugees and migrants by the public and a reflection of the notions of climate change and climate refugees that all challenge the main classificatory mechanisms constructing more or less “legitimate” groups of migrants. In this vein, the authors argue for more solidarity throughout the movement of individuals through the “gates” and “violent borders” of contemporary nation-states.Pametni telefon je postal eden od glavnih označevalcev prostorskih kot tudi digitalnih migracijskih poti, ki jih vedno bolj določajo tudi tehnologije, platforme in omrežja. Tovrstne poti postajajo vedno bolj nevarne in negotove in pričajo o strukturni kriminalizaciji in nadzoru oseb na poti, a hkrati odpirajo pomembna vprašanja o avtonomiji in delovalnosti posameznikov in posameznic kot odzivu na vedno bolj omejevalne migracijske in mejne politike. Monografija s poudarkom na gibanju beguncev in begunk čez meje nacionalnih držav analizira tovrstne transformacije. Gre zlasti za premislek o konceptu ranljivosti (predvsem žensk in otrok), za analizo percepcij migrantov in beguncev s strani javnosti in za refleksije podnebnih sprememb in ideje podnebnih beguncev, ki postavljajo pod vprašaj temeljne klasifikacijske mehanizme konstruiranja bolj ali manj ‘legitimnih’ skupin migrantov in migrantk. V tem oziru se avtorici zavzemata za več solidarnosti pri gibanju posameznikov skozi ‘pregrade’ in ‘nasilne meje’ sodobnih nacionalnih držav.;The smartphone has become one of the main tenets of contemporary spatial as well as digital migration routes that are increasingly determined by technologies, platforms and networks. Such routes have become increasingly dangerous and uncertain, which testifies of structural criminalisation and control of people on the move, but also raises important questions about autonomy and agency of individuals as a response to restrictive migration and border policies. The monograph explores such transformations by focussing on the movement of refugees across the borders of nation-states through a rethinking of the notion of vulnerability (especially of women and children), the examination of perceptions of refugees and migrants by the public and a reflection of the notions of climate change and climate refugees that all challenge the main classificatory mechanisms constructing more or less “legitimate” groups of migrants. In this vein, the authors argue for more solidarity throughout the movement of individuals through the “gates” and “violent borders” of contemporary nation-states.Pametni telefon je postal eden od glavnih označevalcev prostorskih kot tudi digitalnih migracijskih poti, ki jih vedno bolj določajo tudi tehnologije, platforme in omrežja. Tovrstne poti postajajo vedno bolj nevarne in negotove in pričajo o strukturni kriminalizaciji in nadzoru oseb na poti, a hkrati odpirajo pomembna vprašanja o avtonomiji in delovalnosti posameznikov in posameznic kot odzivu na vedno bolj omejevalne migracijske in mejne politike. Monografija s poudarkom na gibanju beguncev in begunk čez meje nacionalnih držav analizira tovrstne transformacije. Gre zlasti za premislek o konceptu ranljivosti (predvsem žensk in otrok), za analizo percepcij migrantov in beguncev s strani javnosti in za refleksije podnebnih sprememb in ideje podnebnih beguncev, ki postavljajo pod vprašaj temeljne klasifikacijske mehanizme konstruiranja bolj ali manj ‘legitimnih’ skupin migrantov in migrantk. V tem oziru se avtorici zavzemata za več solidarnosti pri gibanju posameznikov skozi ‘pregrade’ in ‘nasilne meje’ sodobnih nacionalnih držav

    Sodobne migracije v mnenjih slovenske javnosti

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    The article deals with the Slovene public's perception of the issues of migrations, integration of immigrants, and multiculturalism. It derives from the concept of integration as a two-way process of intercultural communication, which generates a new quality for achieving social cohesion. The views of Slovene public opinion are arranged under three migration topics: 1. general attitudes towards migrations and migrants – migrants as a threat or an essential labour market corrective, 2. positioning Slovenia in contemporary globalised migration trends, and 3. integration policies as an instrument for shifting internal social borders.V besedilu avtorica obravnava percepcije slovenske javnosti o migracijah, integraciji imigrantov ter multikulturnosti. Izhaja iz koncepta integracije kot dvosmernega procesa medkulturne komunikacije, v katerem prihaja do nove kvalitete doseganja družbene kohezije. Ocene slovenske javnosti predstavlja v okviru treh migracijskih topik: 1. splošna stališča do migracij in migrantov – migranti kot grožnja ali nujni korektiv trga dela, 2. pozicioniranje Slovenije v sodobnih globaliziranih migracijskih tokovih in 3. integracijske politike kot instrument premikanja notranjih družbenih meja

    Človekove pravice in trgovanje z ljudmi: Refleksije študije primera Slovenije

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    The article is based on the paradigm of human rights as the basis for formulating policies against global trafficking in human beings. As a rule, the responses of national policies and intergovernmental organizations involve a migration management strategy based on restrictive border regimes, quotas, and other mechanisms to limit the inflow of migrants and regularize their stay. Instead of the preferred regulatory approach, aimed at protecting the national state, this paper advances human rights protection for the victims of organized criminal activities. “Modern slavery” requires greater sensitization of global policies and commitment to the protection and rights of vulnerable individuals. The paper calls for individualized and gender-specific treatment of human trafficking victims, in particular sex industry victims.Članek temelji na paradigmi človekovih pravic kot ključnem izhodišču pri oblikovanju politik preprečevanja globaliziranega trgovanja z ljudmi. Odzivi nacionalnih politik in medvladnih organizacij so praviloma usmerjeni k upravljanju z migracijami, slednje pa temelji na restriktivnih mejnih režimih, kvotah in drugih omejevalnih mehanizmih vstopa in regularizacije bivanja imigrantov. Tekst nasproti sistemskemu pristoru, ki preferira varovanje nacionalne države, izpostavlja varovanje človekovih pravic žrtev organiziranega kriminala. »Novodobno suženjstvo« zahteva večjo senzibilizacijo svetovnih politik in usmerjenost k zaščiti in pravicam ranljivega posameznika/-ice. Besedilo poudarja individualizirano in spolno specifično obravnavo žrtev trgovanjanja z ljudmi, zlasti žrtev v spolni industriji

    Contemporary Migration Trends and Flows on the Territory of Southeast Europe

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    This edited volume tackles different topics con­cerning old/new conceptual, methodological and theoretical dilemmas in migra­tion studies. Papers written by ethnologists and cultural anthropologists, sociologists, geographers, and others are brought together in order to gain a better understanding of the social, economic, political, cultural and other processes connected with migration in modern European societies. While some of the papers focus on migration processes, others dwell on post-migration phenom­ena and migrants’ livelihoods in their places of immigration. Nineteen authors participated in writing thirteen papers, divided in four interrelated sections.&nbsp

    Migrants and migrant work during the pandemic

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    Članek analizira družbenoekonomske učinke pandemije Covida-19 na migracije v kontekstu novega režima (ne)mobilnosti, v katerem so se mednarodne migracije močno zmanjšale. Na podlagi najnovejših analiz in poročil globalnih akterjev mobilnosti preizkušamo tezo, da so migranti ostali na delovnih mestih, da smo "drugi" lahko delali od doma. Migrantsko delo je pomembno za relativno nemoteno funkcioniranje družbe v obdobju največje zdravstvene krizeodvisnost nacionalnih ekonomij od migrantskega dela pa je stalnica, ki jo je pandemija še zaostrila. Analiza kaže, da migrantski delavci v času omejene fizične mobilnosti (kot del globalnega prekariata in "novih revnih", ki jih je ustvarila pandemija) prispevajo k sistemskemu delovanju družbe. V ožjem vidiku analize se kaže precejšnja odpornost migrantskega dela, o čemer priča skorajda nespremenjen obseg denarnih nakazil migrantov v pandemičnem letu 2020.The article analyses the socio-economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on migration in the context of the new (im)mobility regime under which international migration has seen sharp decreases. Based on the latest analyses and reports of global mobility actors, we test the thesis that migrants have stayed in the workplace, whereas \u27others\u27 have been able to work from home. Migrant work is important for the relatively stable functioning of society during such a great health crisisstill, national economies\u27 dependence on migrant labour is a constant that has only been exacerbated by the pandemic. The analysis shows that migrant workers in times of limited spatial mobility (as part of the global precariat and the \u27new poor\u27 created by the pandemic) contribute to the systemic functioning of society. The narrower aspect of the analysis reveals the considerable persistence and resilience of migrant work during the pandemic, as seen in the almost unchanged volume of migrants\u27 remittances in 2020