1 research outputs found
Molecular Cloning and Sequencing of Myosin Light Chains in Human Megakaryoblastic Leukemia Cells.
- Author
- Baba M.L., Goodman, M., Berger-Coh
- Berlot C.H., Spudich, J.A., and De
- Bourguignon L.Y.W., Nagpal, M.L.,
- Fowler V.M., Davis, J.Q., and Benn
- Hartshorne D.J., and Mrwa, U.
- Henderson S.A. Xu, Y.C., and Chien
- Higashihara M., Hartshorne, D.J.,
- Higashihara M., Takahata, K., and
- Ikebe M.
- Ikebe M., Hartshorne, D.J., and El
- Ikebe M., Hartshorne, D.J., and El
- Inoue A., Yanagisawa, M., Takano-O
- Kretsinger R.H.
- Kumar C.C., Mohan, S.R., Zavodny,
- Nabeshima Y., Nabeshima, Y., Nonom
- Ogura M., Morishima, Y., Okuma, M.
- Reinach F.C., amd Fischman, D.A.
- Satterwhite L.L., Lohka, M.J., Wil
- Seidel U., Bober, E., Winter, B.,
- Siddiqui M.A.Q., and Kumar, C.C.
- Taubman M.B., Grant, J.W., and Nad
- Zavodny P.J., Petro, M.E., Kumar,
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Society of Smooth Muscle Research'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2001
- Field of study