13 research outputs found

    Improving the economic performances of the beet-sugar industry

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    General trend of free trade at the regional level as well as in the direction of European Union has motivated sugar factories located in Serbia to invest into technologies that are more efficient in order to make their products more competitive in the markets of Europe. Until 2005, the project of energy efficiency improvement in Serbian sugar factories was conducted in Crvenka and Žabalj. Now, they have energy consumption around 1 MJ/kg beet, in contrast to the previous consumption of 1.2 up to 1.5 MJ/kg beet. Further improvements are possible but investments would be high. A result of measurements taken during 2006, after the sugar factory "Donji Srem" - Pećinci was reconstructed showed that a considerable saving has been achieved. The first set of measurements showed that the energy consumption was 1.01 MJ/kg beet, which was 20% higher than intended, but at the same time energy savings were about 30% lower with respect to the values before the reconstruction

    Modeling of simultaneous ultra filtration and diafiltration with real flux

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    A mathematical model of diafiltration with variable volume is presented in this study. The characteristics of the process were examined, both with constant flux and variable flux. In the case of variable flux, the equations for the flux were taken from the literature, based on different theories. The time dependence of the macro solute concentration, the amount of out-wash liquid, the out-wash degree of the micro solute were studied. The results show that the accomplishment of a high concentration of macro solutes, required more time and out-wash liquid. In order to remove small amounts of micro solutes larger amounts of out-wash liquid must be used. For high degrees of out-washing, the velocity of the process increases and the amount of out-wash liquid decreases. It was observed that the rejection coefficient decreased with macro solute penetration through the membrane causing decrease of the process velocity

    Sustainable development, clean technology and knowledge from industry

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    Clean technology or clean production is the most important factor for the economic growth of a society and it will play the main role not only in the area of cleaner production, but also in sustainable development. The development of clean technology will be the main factor of the companyā€™s strategy in the future. Each company, which wants to reach the competitive position at the market and wants to be environmentally friendly, has to accept the new approach in corporate management and the strategy of new clean technology. The main principles of clean technology are based on the concept of maximum resource and energy productivity and virtually no waste. This approach may be limited by human resources and the level of their environmental knowledge. Companies are committed to the development of the workersā€™ skills, and thus to the improvement of the company for the full implementation of the environmental legislation and clean production concept. Based on this commitment, one of Tempus projects is designed to improve the university-enterprise cooperation in the process of creating sustainable industry in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. To achieve this goal, partner universities will create special courses on sustainable industry and thus enhance the lifelong learning process and cooperation between industry and universities in the Western Balkan countries

    Effect of ventilation in enclosure machine system on MWF aerosol properties

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    In this paper the influence of ventilation air velocity on properties of metal working fluids (MWF) aerosol/mist is presented. Aerosol characteristics were monitored in the chamber as well as at the entrance of ventilation pipe by optical particle size analyzer. Aerosol was generated from 6% water emulsion of three commercial MWF. Four different velocities, less than the velocity of secondary atomization, were examined (1, 3, 6, 8 m/s). Droplets size distribution, mass concentration (mg/m3), as well as number concentration (P/cm3) were measured and analyzed. From the results obtained it may be seen that coalescence is more pronounced as the velocity increases, although the number concentration decreases, due to higher air dilution. Therefore, more droplets are in a whirling motion at higher air velocities, hence more random collisions are possible. Further analysis shows that there is one value of air velocity under which the maximum difference between the aerosol in chamber and the aerosol at the entrance of the pipe can be observed. This velocity could be named specific velocity and depends on the given aerosol properties. It could be assumed that specific velocity is conditioned by the properties of oil from which emulsion is prepared. Oil viscosity and molar mass have greatest influence on the specific velocity

    Simultaneous ultrafiltration and diafiltration

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    A model with simultaneous ultrafiltration and diafiltration, which includes the rejection coefficients, is presented in this study. Adding a diafiltration solution at a constant, lower rate than the filtrate rate results in a constant decrease of the solution volume in the tank. This enables the simultaneous attainment of the desired macrosolute concentration and microsulute dilution. The proposed model, based on incomplete macrosolute rejection and incomplete mi-crosolute permeation through a membrane, as well as constant permeate flux, is compared to the classical constant volume, diafiltration process. The obtained results show that less diafiltration volume is necessary with this process. Simultaneously, the duration of the process, for higher purification requirements, is shorter in this case


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    Gen eral trend of free trade in re gional level as well as in the di rec tion of Eu-ro pean Un ion has mo ti vated sugar fac to ries lo cated in Ser bia to in vest into tech nol o gies that are more ef fi cient in or der to make their prod ucts more com pet i tive at the mar kets in Eu rope. The aim of this work was to eval u ate ef-fects of fall ing film plate evap o ra tors on the en ergy con sump tion of evap o ra-tion plant, as well as to val i date per for mance of this type of evap o ra tors. It was found that this type of evap o ra tor de creased en ergy re quire ments and in the same time evap o ra tion pro cess was more ef fec tive due to high val ues of heat trans fer co ef fi cients. Key words: sugar industry, falling film plate evaporator, heat transfer coefficien

    Performance of falling film plate evaporators in reconstructed multiple-effect evaporation station in sugar factory

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    General trend of free trade in regional level as well as in the direction of European Union has motivated sugar factories located in Serbia to invest into technologies that are more efficient in order to make their products more competitive at the markets in Europe. The aim of this work was to evaluate effects of falling film plate evaporators on the energy consumption of evaporation plant, as well as to validate performance of this type of evaporators. It was found that this type of evaporator decreased energy requirements and in the same time evaporation process was more effective due to high values of heat transfer coefficients.

    Biomass energy in Vojvodina: Market conditions, environment and food security

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    In this study, the policy, market conditions and food security of biomass energy sources are assessed for supplying the future needs of Vojvodina. The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is an autonomous province in Serbia, containing about 27% of its total population according to the 2002 Census. It is located in the northern part of the country, in the Pannonia plain, in southeastern Europe. Vojvodina is an energy-deficient province. Vojvodina also has a large potential for renewable energy, especially energy from biomass (biodiesel and bio-ethanol). The lack of knowledge about renewable energy technologies by most policy-makers, potential consumers, and energy firm managers has played against renewable energy developments. The environmental impacts of programs that encourage biofuel production, farmland land requirements and the impacts on food production are also discussed, considering the life cycle analysis (LCA) as a tool. It is concluded that the rise in the use of biofuels is inevitable and that international cooperation, regulations and certification mechanisms must be established regarding the use of land, the mitigation of environmental and social impacts caused by biofuel production. It is also mandatory to establish appropriate working conditions and decent remuneration for workers of the biofuels production chain.Biomass Environment Food security Market Policy Vojvodina

    Potential development of bioethanol production in Vojvodina

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    The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is an Autonomous Province in Serbia, containing about 27% of its total population according to the 2002 Census. Contribution of renewable energy sources in total energy consumption of Vojvodina contemporary amounts to less than 1%, apropos 280ƂĀ GWh/year. By combining of methods of introduction of new and renewable sources, systematic application of methods for increasing of energetic efficacy, as well as of introduction of the new technologies, percentage of contribution of the non-conventional energy sources in Vojvodina could be increased to as much as 20%. This paper presents the potential of development of bioethanol production in Vojvodina. Production of bioethanol on small farms can be successfully applied for processing of only 30ƂĀ kg of corn per day, with obtaining of crude ethanol in the so-called "brandy ladle" and use of lygnocellulosic agricultural wastes as an energy source. In a case of construction of a larger number of such plants, the only possible solution is seen in the principle of construction of the so-called "satellite plants", which will on small farm produce crude ethanol, with obtaining and consumption of stillage for animal feeding, and consumption of agricultural wastes as energetic fuels. If stillage is to be used as feed in wet feeding, it is estimated that, because of restrictions established by the magnitude of animal farm, the upper limit of capacity of such enterprises that process is at some 10-15ƂĀ tons of corn per day, and production of 3000-3500ƂĀ hL of absolute ethanol per day. In such a case, for animal feeding necessary is to have herd with 1300-1700 of milking cows or 5000-25,000 heads of sheep and/or pigs. Technological model of separate grain processing ad bioethanol production from dextrose hydrolysates of starch is interesting for countries possessing plants for bioethanol production from molasses and plants for cereals processing into starch and dextrose hydrolysates of starch.Bioenergy Bioethanol Corn Farm Vojvodina

    Concept of cleaner production in Vojvodina

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    The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is an autonomous province in Serbia, containing about 27% of its total population according to the 2002 Census. It is located in the northern part of the country, in the Pannonia plain. The importance of sector of the environment protection becomes even larger and observable, especially with respect of the strategic determination of Government of the AP of Vojvodina, the Republic of Serbia on the association with the European economic area (EEA) and joining with the states - members of the European Union (EU). Restitution of the concept of the cleaner production (CP) significantly helps to companies and the responsible persons (especially in the domain of industry) to harmonize their business activities with law demands concerning the environment protection, as well as to improve their processes and the process sequences. This makes a starting base for the obtaining of the integrated license for the installations that are included in a list of installations that have to obtain an integrated licenses (some 250 installations), on the basis of the Law on the integrated prevention and control of pollution of Vojvodina, the Republic of Serbia, for which the dead point is the year 2015.Cleaner production Environment Integrated license Vojvodina