6 research outputs found

    Observation of Sex Chromatin in Exhumed Bones, Evaluation of their Diagnosis Value

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    Munoz, P (Munoz, Patricia); Roa, I (Roa, Ignacio). Univ Talca, Dept Ciencias Basicas Biomed, Talca, ChileObservation of sexual chromatin has shown to be very helpful in gender forensic diagnosis. In the present study we analyzed the diagnosis performance of the method in, non-treated or treated with conventional bone techniques, exhumed bone pieces. We used long bones of male and female individuals, the method applied is described in Suazo et al. (2010). In the non-treated exhumed pieces, the general accuracy of the method was 75%, while in the treated pieces the method was inapplicable due to the lack of cells in the tissue. Our results suggest that it is possible to determine the sex of aged human bones buried under different conditions through a fast and simple histological method, but the treatment with physical and chemical means eliminates the remaining cells in the bone tissue

    Percentage of Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Inserted in the Disc of Human Temporomandibular Joint

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    Galdames, IS (reprint author), Univ Talca, Ave Lircay S-N Oficina 104, Talca, Chile. Contreras, JT (Tapia Contreras, Jorge); Cantin, M (Cantin, Mario); Zavando, D (Zavando, Daniela); Galdames, IS (Suazu Galdames, Ivan)Insertion of the upper head of the lateral pterygoid (UHLP) in the temporomandibular joint disc (TMJ) has been linked to anterior displacement of the disc and temporomandibular disfunction. The aim of this study was to determine in human adults, the percentage of muscle fiber in the upper head of the lateral pterygoid muscle inserted in the articular disc. A systematic review of the literature was designed beginning with articles published in Medline, Lilacs and Scielo data bases between the years 1990 and 2010. Key words "Lateral Pterygoid Muscle" and Pterygoid Lateral Muscle" were used, and the term MeSH "Pterygoid Muscle" with Boolean OR "Lateral Ptrerygoid Muscle" AND "Insertion" and the free terms "Pterygoid Lateral Muscle Disc Articular" and "Pterygoid lateral Muscle Meniscus". Of the 156 articles obtained and analyzed, 18 articles meeting eligibility criteria were selected. Based on those articles the percentage of insertion of the CSPL in the TMJ disc was evaluated, each one was subsequently assigned a level of evidence according to OCEBM Oxford Centre Evidence Based Medicine. Only four articles answered the research inquiry, three studies were histological and one used imaging techniques with cross section slices with an adequate evidence level (1B). However, results differed with insertion percentages from 2% to 69.8% being reported in the superior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle in the articular disc

    Sex Determination by Observation of Barr Body in Teeth Subjected to High Temperatures

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    Galdames, IS (reprint author), Univ Talca, Ave Lircay S-N Oficina 104, Valparaiso, Chile.Sex determination is one of the keys in the identification process. A useful histological method for sex determination is the observation of Barr chromatin or Barr body. This study determines the effect of high temperatures on the diagnostic performance of the Barr chromatin observation on teeth. Were used 50 healthy teeth from 25 male and 25 female individuals aged between 14 and 44 years. The teeth were divided into 5 groups (each group with 5 female and 5 male teeth) and were exposed to controlled temperatures of 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 degrees C for 5 minutes. The coronal pulp was obtained and the tissue was processed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Four histological slides of male and 4 of female individuals were randomly selected, for each temperature level, which were observed by conventional microscopy at 100X magnification, each showing 50 cells per plate. The presence of 1 cell with visible sex chromatin was considered positive for females. It was only possible to evaluate the samples from groups subjected to 200 and 400 degrees C. In the groups analyzed, the test showed 100% accuracy. The average number of cells found to be positive Barr chromatin was 15 (SD 3.9) at 200 degrees C and 11 (SD 2.8) at 400 degrees C. Hence, it was possible to detect the sex at these temperatures by observing chromatin of the Barr body in dental pulp

    Perfil Inmunohistoqu铆mico de los Tipos de Fibras en el M煤sculo Vocal Humano

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    Galdames, IS (reprint author), Univ Talca, Escuela Fonoaudiol, Ave Lircay S-N,Oficina 104, Talca, Chile.he vocal muscle is a striated muscle with important functions in the emission of laryngeal sound and physiology of the voice. Therefore the knowledge of its constitution is the basis for the prevention and management of voice disorders. We used 10 samples from the middle third of vocal muscles obtained from autopsies of 6 male and 4 female subjects aged between 36 and 71 years. The samples were analyzed with BA-F8 monoclonal antibody to slow type I fibers, and antimyosin HC monoclonal antibody and antimyosin fast clone MY-32 antibody for types IIA, IIB, IIX, and neonatal fibers. We determined the distribution of the muscle fiber types and morphometric characteristics, evaluating the differences by sex and age group. The human vocal muscle presented a heterogeneous formation with a predominance of type II fibers at 51.99%, while type I fibers reached 48.01%; this difference was significant (p0.05). In conclusion, the human vocal muscle the fibers were predominantly type II fast

    Variations of the Vocal Fold Epithelium in a Menopause Induced Model

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    During menopause, changes occur in the laryngeal structures that have implications for the voice. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of induced menopause on the morphological parameters of the vocal fold mucosa in rats. Ten adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were used as samples and divided into two groups: 5 were surgically oophorectomized (OVX), and 5 underwent a surgical procedure similar to oophorectomy but without removal of the ovaries (SHAM). After 30 days surgery, the characteristics of the epithelium that forms the vocal fold mucosa in terms of cellular arrangement and organization of the epithelium were observed. Through the Morphometrics XS software, the epithelial height and the number and density of cellular layers were determined. Our results indicate that there were alterations in the number of cell layers that constitute the epithelium, as well as features, such as cellular cohesion and increased extracellular matrix. The number of cell layers was significantly higher (p<0.01) in the SHAM group with 6.66 (SD 1.07), whereas in the OVX was 3.2 (SD 0.83). The average thickness of the epithelium was 534.71 mm (SD 119.89), whereas in the SHAM group was 486.84 mm (SD 82.95); these differences were not statistically significant (p = 0.112). Changes in the characteristics of the epithelium covering the vocal folds can be related to clinical abnormalities, such as reduced voice quality and degeneration of the vocal folds in postmenopausal women


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    Es habitual observar que al concepto de validez se le otorgue un significado adicional sobre la difusi贸n de conocimientos y conclusiones cient铆ficas, no obstante esta sea una propiedad de la interpretaci贸n de valores obtenidos de instrumentos de medici贸n. El manejo inadecuado de este concepto genera confusi贸n y puede incurrir en una falsa legitimaci贸n de inferencias cient铆ficas. Por medio de esta revisi贸n, es intenci贸n de los autores colaborar en la compresi贸n de este constructo desde su perspectiva hist贸rica y operativa, con el objetivo de permitir, tanto al usuario de la literatura imaginol贸gica como a quienes comunican los resultados de sus investigaciones, dar un correcto uso sem谩ntico as铆 como distinguir algunos de los recursos estad铆sticos pr谩cticos para sostener esta propiedad.<br>It is common to note that the concept of validity is given added significance in the realm of knowledge and scientific finding dissemination, despite being an attribute of value interpretation of measuring instruments. Improper management of this concept generates confusion and may lead to a false legitimation of scientific inferences. Through this review, the authors intend to contribute to the understanding of this construct analyzing it from a historical and operational perspective in order to allow both the user of the imaging literature and those who report the results of their research to give the concept a semantically correct use as well as to identify some of the practical statistical resources to support this attribute