6 research outputs found

    Infantilism in Students as the Hurdle in Development of Necessary Adult Personality

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    Instructive and proficient infantilism is an uncommon, ruinous method for the person's self-acknowledgment during the time spent getting proficient instruction, the attributes of which are negativism in connection to instructive and proficient exercises, extreme requests on the encompassing individuals and society all in all, dynamic or uninvolved restriction to the instructive procedure, the absence of sufficient emotional frame of mind to its arrangement and improvement as a future expert and, as needs be, to the instructive action itself, the absence of designs for self-acknowledgment in the calling and throughout everyday life, and genuine approaches to actualize them, the commonness of tight close to home, narrow minded thought processes and objectives of the preparation and expert exercises. Thus, the creators pf this paper examine the socio-mental attributes of understudy infantilism appearance. It is set up that the investigation of socio-mental qualities of social infantilism of present day understudies is important to improve the productivity of instructive and mingling exercises of colleges, the revision of juvenile, freak practices models, and to settle and grow socially endorsed, relating to the time of adulthood. The materials of the article can be helpful for clinicians, College educators, caretakers of understudy gatherings and are of reasonable significance for the advancement of mental and academic projects went for improving the productivity of understudy juvenile standards of conduct's rectification during the time spent learning at the College

    E-Resources for Technological Support of Foreign Student Independent Work in University Educational Process

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    The relevance of the study is due to the search for promising directions of foreign student independent work organization, due of transformation trends of the University educational process, the key link of which are electronic resources: interactive computer technologies that activate all activities of the student and accelerate the process of educational information assimilation; computer simulators that contribute to the acquisition of practical skills; interactive testing systems that control the quality of knowledge. The availability and functionality of mobile electronic devices (Internet tablets, netbooks, readers, multimedia projectors, and interactive whiteboards), information and communication applications and programs, the emergence of new devices and equipment also contribute to the effective updating of foreign student independent work in the University educational process. In this regard, the main attention is paid to the substantiation of the theoretical and methodical approach to the use of electronic resources for technological support of the innovative model of a foreign student's independent work in the University educational process. To substantiate the theoretical and practical significance of the implementation of electronic resources for technological support of independent work, the method of pedagogical monitoring was used, with the help of which continuous monitoring of independent work organization was carried out and operational correction of emerging problems was carried out. The article establishes the classification of types and kinds of electronic resources for technological support of a foreign student's independent work in the University educational process; the algorithm of multimedia components' implementation of electronic resources for technological support of a foreign student's independent work. Based on the results of the study, the priority of electronic resources for technological support of a foreign student's independent work is justified and the effectiveness of their implementation is proved