2 research outputs found

    A scale to measure educators’ musical skills in early childhood education

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    Evaluating skills of students training to become teachers in early childhood education (ECE) is a key measure to improve their training and, subsequently, to bring about improvements in the way they train their pupils. No research literature specifically describing a scale designed to measure educators’ musical skills at the ECE level has been previously published. In view of this lack, we carried out the customary procedures for designing and validating a psychological measurement scale: on the basis of a sample of university students (n = 209), we created a valid, reliable tool that allows researchers to evaluate and quantify how teacher trainees perceive their own musical skills. By applying EFA, Parallel Analysis, and CFA, we observed the emergence of four differentiated categories distributed along 25 items in the questionnaire''s final version. To improve and refine this tool, further research and study replication in a series of different educational contexts would be required. © 2021 The Author(s

    La autoeficacia creativa y la autoestima como predictores de la capacidad creativa en estudiantes universitarios

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    La capacidad creativa es independiente y propia de cada persona, pudiendo esta capacidad educarse. Sobre todo, en las áreas artísticas, el desarrollo de la creatividad puede considerarse importante para la adquisición y mantenimiento de nuevos aprendizajes. En los estudiantes, mayores o menores niveles de creatividad están relacionados con determinadas variables de corte competencial. Con este estudio se pretende comprobar las relaciones existentes entre los constructos de la creatividad y de autoeficacia creativa con variables de corte personal como la autoeficacia general, autoestima o ansiedad. La muestra está compuesta por un grupo de estudiantes de Magisterio que cursan la asignatura obligatoria Fundamentos de Educación Musical. Los participantes han cumplimentado diferentes cuestionarios específicos; se ha utilizado una metodología cuantitativa, realizando análisis correlacionales y de regresión. La creatividad está asociada a todas las variables planteadas y solo existen diferencias de medias significativas en función del sexo en una de ellas. Como principal conclusión se debe destacar que hay un valor explicativo en el que está relacionada tanto la autoestima como la ansiedad con la creatividad de estos estudiantes. Creative ability is independent, varies according to the person and can be learned. Especially, in the artistic fields, the development of creativity can be considered important for the acquisition and maintenance of new learning. In students, higher or lower levels of creativity are related to certain variables with respect to competencies. This study aims to verify the relationships between the constructs of creativity and creative self-efficacy and personal variables such as general self-efficacy, self-esteem or anxiety. The sample consists of a group of University Students enrolled in the compulsory course Fundamentals of Music Education. Participants completed different questionnaires; a quantitative methodology was used, performing correlational and regression analyses. Creativity is associated with all the variables considered and there are only significant differences in the means based on the sex of the participants in one of them. The most notable conclusion is that there is an explanatory value in which both self-esteem and anxiety are related to the creativity of these students