5 research outputs found

    Modelling and Analysis using Graph Transformation Systems

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    Communication protocols, a class of critical systems, play an important role in industry. These protocols are critical because the tolerance for faults in these systems is low and it is highly desirable that these systems work correctly. Therefore, an effective methodology for describing and verifying that these systems behave according to their specifications is vitally important. Model checking is a verification technique in which a mathematically precise model of the system, either concrete or with abstraction, is built and a specification of how the system should behave is given. Then the system is considered correct if its model satisfies its specification. However, due to their size and complexity, critical systems, such as communication systems, are notoriously resistant to formal modelling and verification. In this thesis, we propose using graph transformation systems (GTSs), a visual semantic modelling approach, to model the behaviour of dynamically evolving communication protocols. Then, we show how a GTS model can facilitate verification of invariant properties of potentially unbounded communication systems. Finally, due to the use of similar isomorphic components in communication systems, we show how to exploit symmetries of these dynamically evolving models described by GTSs, to reduce the size of the model under verification. We use graph transformation systems to provide an expressive and intuitive visual description of the system state as a graph and for the computations of the system as a finite set of rules that transform the state graphs. Our model is well-suited for describing the behaviour of individual components, error-free communication channels amongst the components, and dynamic component creation and elimination. Thus, the structure of the generated model closely resembles the way in which communication protocols are typically separated into three levels: the first describing local features or components, the second characterizing interactions among components, and the third showing the evolution of the component set. The graph transformation semantics follows this scheme, enabling a clean separation of concerns when describing a protocol. This separation of concerns is a necessity for formal analysis of system behaviour. We prove that the finite set of graph transformation rules that describe behaviour of the system can be used to perform verification for invariant properties of the system. We show that if a property is preserved by the finite set of transformation rules describing the system model, and if the initial state satisfies the property, then the property is an invariant of the system model. Therefore, our verification method may avoid the explicit analysis of the potentially enormous state space that the transformation rules encode. In this thesis, we also develop symmetry reduction techniques applicable to dynamically evolving GTS models. The necessity to extend the existing symmetry reduction techniques arises because these techniques are not applicable to dynamic models such as those described by GTSs, and, in addition, these existing techniques may offer only limited reduction to systems that are not fully symmetric. We present an algorithm for generating a symmetry-reduced quotient model directly from a set of graph transformation rules. The generated quotient model is bisimilar to the model under verification and may be exponentially smaller than that model

    A Computational Approach for Human-like Motion Generation in Upper Limb Exoskeletons Supporting Scapulohumeral Rhythms

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    This paper proposes a computational approach for generation of reference path for upper-limb exoskeletons considering the scapulohumeral rhythms of the shoulder. The proposed method can be used in upper-limb exoskeletons with 3 Degrees of Freedom (DoF) in shoulder and 1 DoF in elbow, which are capable of supporting shoulder girdle. The developed computational method is based on Central Nervous System (CNS) governing rules. Existing computational reference generation methods are based on the assumption of fixed shoulder center during motions. This assumption can be considered valid for reaching movements with limited range of motion (RoM). However, most upper limb motions such as Activities of Daily Living (ADL) include large scale inward and outward reaching motions, during which the center of shoulder joint moves significantly. The proposed method generates the reference motion based on a simple model of human arm and a transformation can be used to map the developed motion for other exoskeleton with different kinematics. Comparison of the model outputs with experimental results of healthy subjects performing ADL, show that the proposed model is able to reproduce human-like motions.Comment: In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Wearable & Rehabilitation Robotics (WeRob2017

    Quality, cleanroom and formal methods

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    We have proposed a new approach to software quality combining cleanroom methodologies and formal methods. Cleanroom emphasizes defect prevention rather than defect removal. Formal methods use mathematical and logical formalizations to find defects early in the software development lifecycle. These two methods have been used separately to improve software quality since the 1980’s. The combination of the two methods may provide further quality improvements through reduced software defects. This result, in turn, may reduce development costs, improve time to market, and increase overall product excellence. Defects in computer software are costly. Their detection is usually postponed to the test phase, and their removal is also a very time consuming and expensive task. Cleanroom software engineering is a methodology which relies on preventing the defects, rather than removing them. It is based on incremental development and it emphasizes the development phase. An enhancement to this methodology is presented in this paper, which combines formal methods and cleanroom. The efficiency of the new model rests on an appropriate logical representation, to write the specification of the intended system. In the new model, design plans are formally verified before any implementation is done. The advantages of finding defects in the early stages are decreased cost and increased quality. Results show that, by using formal methods, a higher quality will be achieved and the software project can also benefit from the existing mechanized tools of these two techniques