10 research outputs found

    Межэкспертная согласованность результатов МРТ диагностики патологии вращательной манжеты плечевого сустава

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    Background. The shoulder MRI is one of the main methods for the rotator cuff injuries diagnostics and determination of the further treatment tactics. The agreement in the MRI data interpretation among specialists regarding different types of shoulder ruptures is an integral part of diagnostic test validity evaluation. The purpose of this study was to assess the agreement in the MRI data interpretation in the patients with shoulder rotator cuff pathology among trauma surgeons, as well as between trauma surgeons and a radiologist. Materials and Methods. The study was a retrospective analysis of the MRI data and surgical reports regarding 57 patients with various shoulder pathologies undergone the shoulder MRI and arthroscopic shoulder revisions in the period from 2017 to 2019. There were 38 (67%) men and 19 (33%) women among the patients. The average age of the patients was 52.7±13.6 years. The sensitivity and specificity, as well as the shoulder MRI inter-rater reliability were assessed in the course of the study. Results. The rotator cuff pathology was revealed in 52 patients: supraspinatus tendon injury in 98% of cases, supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendon — in 26%, isolated subscapularis tendon injury — in 2%, supraspinatus and subscapularis tendon — in 39%. The maximal concordance in the MRI data interpretation was achieved in the patients with full-thickness supraspinatus tendon rupture, as well as with the supraspinatus tendon calcifications. However, significant disagreement was found between orthopedists with different work experience in determination of the presence and type of infraspinatus and subscapularis tendons pathology and supraspinatus tendon incomplete ruptures and tendinitis. Conclusion. The high agreement in the MRI data interpretation in determining the pathology of the shoulder rotator cuff among trauma surgeons, as well as between trauma surgeons and radiologists, was observed only regarding the supraspinatus tendon, calcifying tendonitis and full-thickness injury. The diagnosis of tendinitis and incomplete tendon rupture remains difficult. Their interpretation results vary greatly. It is also worth noting the heterogeneity of the results of diagnostics of the infraspinatus and subscapularis tendon pathology.Актуальность. МРТ плечевого сустава является одним из основных методов диагностики повреждений вращательной манжеты и определения дальнейшей тактики лечения. Согласованность результатов интерпретации МРТ между специалистами при различных вариантах разрывов плечевого сустава является неотъемлемой частью оценки эффективности диагностического теста. Цель — оценка согласованности интерпретации данных МРТ при патологии вращательной манжеты плечевого сустава между врачами-травматологами, а также между травматологами и рентгенологом. Материал и методы. Исследование представляет собой ретроспективный анализ результатов лучевых методов исследования и протоколов операций 57 пациентов с различными патологиями плечевого сустава, которым выполнялись МРТ плечевого сустава и артроскопическая ревизия плечевого сустава в период с 2017 по 2019 г. Среди обследованных было 38 (67%) мужчин и 19 (33%) женщин. Средний возраст пациентов составил 52,7±13,6 лет. В рамках работы была проведена оценка чувствительности и специфичности, а также межэкспертной надежности МРТ плечевого сустава. Результаты. У 52 пациентов была выявлена патология вращательной манжеты: в 98% случаев — повреждение сухожилия надостной мышцы, в 26% — сухожилия надостной и подостной мышц, в 2% — изолированное повреждение сухожилия подлопаточной мышцы и в 39% — повреждение сухожилий надостной и подлопаточной мышц. При анализе результатов максимальная согласованность интерпретации результатов МРТ была достигнута при определении полнослойного разрыва сухожилия надостной мышцы, а также кальцинатов сухожилия надостной мышцы. Однако были выявлены существенные разногласия между ортопедами с различным стажем работы в определении наличия и вида патологии сухожилий подостной и подлопаточной мышц, неполнослойных разрывов и тендиноза сухожилия надостной мышцы. Заключение. Высокая согласованность трактовки результатов МРТ в определении патологии вращательной манжеты плечевого сустава между травматологами, а также между травматологами и рентгенологами наблюдается только при оценке патологии сухожилия надостной мышцы, при кальцинирующем тендините и полнослойном повреждении. Диагностика тендинозов и неполнослойных разрывов остается затруднительной, и результаты интерпретации сильно разнятся. Стоит отметить также гетерогенность результатов диагностики патологии сухожилий подостной и подлопаточной мышц

    Efficiency of capture of inertia aerosol particles in a periodic cell with a porous cylinder

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    In this study, aerosol flow in circular and rectangular periodic cells of a regular row of porous cylinders is simulated. The hydrodynamic field of the carrier medium flow outside and in the domain of the porous cylinder is described in the approximation of the Stokes–Brinkman model for an incompressible gas. For the model of a circular periodic Kuwabara cell, an analytical solution is obtained; in the case of a rectangular cell, the boundary value problem for the flow stream function is solved numerically using the boundary element method. In the determined velocity fields of the carrier medium, the Lagrangian equations of motion of suspended particles are integrated, and the dependence of the particle capture efficiency as a result of the inertial impact and the interception mechanism on the Stokes number at different cell density and the Darcy number of a porous cylinder is calculated. The results of the calculations are found to be in a good agreement with those from other works carried out using the CFD package. Parametric studies of the efficiency of capture of aerosol particles as a function of the Stokes number for various values of the Darcy number of a porous cylinder, the periodic cell density, and the interception parameter are performed. It is shown that when a porous cylinder is flown around, the particle capture efficiency tends to a non-zero value that increases depending on how high the Darcy number and the density of the periodic cell are. In the region of small Stokes numbers, the capture of particles is provided by both the interception mechanism and the flow through the porous cylinder. A formula is derived for estimating the efficiency of particle trapping under the effect of particle interception on a porous cylinder

    Кросс-культурная адаптация и валидация стандартизированной шкалы American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES)

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    American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Standardized Assessment Form (ASES) is one of the most widely used shoulder outcome reporting measure. However, it has not been validated in the Russian language. Purpose of this study is a cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the ASES. Materials and methods. The group of 93 patients with various shoulder pathology (39 males and 54 females) with median age of 49 years was included into the study. In the first stage the authors performed language and cultural adaptation of the ASES questionnaire to obtain a Russian version maximally matching the original. Further the authors studied the psychometric properties of the questionnaire (reliability, validity, responsiveness), the effects of maximum and minimum values (floor and ceiling effects) and estimated the coefficients of internal consistency of Cronbach’s alpha and reproducibility. 20 patients were selected to assess reproducibility by test-retest method, those patients filled out the ASES questionnaire at first appointment with an orthopedic trauma surgeon and repeatedly in 7 days; the obtained data was evaluated by an intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). In the framework of the present research the authors assessed the validity of the obtained scale, including the correlation of the scores of the examined questionnaire with the scores by the DASH questionnaire validated in the Russian Federation to check criteria validity. Results. The study resulted in obtaining the assessment scale fully matching the original ASES version with minor linguistic and cultural features. The ASES median results was Me = 68.7 [32.6; 93.8]; no maximum and minimum scores were obtained. The Russian version of the questionnaire has good psychometric properties with internal consistency of Cronbach alpha 0.72. The overall intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) of the ASES questionnaire was 0.95 (p0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between the general group and the test-retest group by gender, age and type of shoulder pathology. Correlation coefficient obtained in the scope of the present research between the ASES and DASH scales was 0.9, and the GRI index was 2.8. Conclusion. Russian version of the ASES questionnaire has good psychometric properties and may be recommended to evaluate functional status of patients with shoulder joint pathology and treatment dynamics.American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons standardized assessment form (ASES) — одна из наиболее часто используемых специализированных шкал для оценки состояния плечевого сустава. Однако до настоящего времени шкала не валидирована на русском языке. Целью работы является кросс-культурная адаптация и валидация шкалы оценки функции плечевого сустава ASES. Материал и методы. В исследование были включены 93 пациента с различной патологией плечевого сустава, медиана возраста — 49 лет, в том числе 39 мужчин и 54 женщины. Первым этапом была проведена языковая и культурная адаптация опросника ASES, в результате чего была получена его максимально приближенная версия. Далее была проведена оценка психометрических свойств опросника (надежность, валидность). Были изучены эффекты максимальных и минимальных значений (floor and ceiling effects), оценен коэффициент внутреннего постоянства альфа Кронбаха и воспроизводимости. Для оценки воспроизводимости использовали метод «тест-ретест», для которого было отобрано 20 пациентов. Эти пациенты заполняли опросник ASES при первичном обращении к травматологу-ортопеду и повторно через 7 дней, полученные данные оценивали с помощью коэффициента внутриклассовой корреляции (ICC — intra-class correlation coefficient). В рамках работы была проведена оценка валидности полученной шкалы, в том числе для оценки критериальной валидности оценивали взаимосвязь результатов исследуемого опросника с результатами валидизированного в России опросника DASH. Результаты. В рамках исследования получена оценочная шкала, полностью соответствующая оригинальной версии с незначительными лингвистическими и культурными особенностями. Медиана значений результатов по шкале ASES — 68,7 [32,6; 93,8], максимальных и минимальных баллов по шкале получено не было. Русскоязычная версия опросника обладает хорошими психометрическими свойствами. Внутренняя согласованность — альфа Кронбаха 0,72. Общий внутриклассовый коэффициент корреляции анкеты ASES (ICC) составил 0,95 (р0,05). Статистически значимых различий между общей группой исследуемых пациентов и группой «тест-ретест» по полу, возрасту и виду патологии плечевого сустава выявлено не было. Коэффициент корреляции между шкалами ASES и DASH составил 0,9; индекс GRI — 3,05. Заключение. Адаптированная русская версия анкеты ASES обладает хорошими психометрическими свойствами и может быть рекомендована к применению для оценки функционального состояния пациентов с патологией плечевого сустава и динамики изменений в процессе лечения

    Translation, validation and cultural adaptation of orthopaedic questionnaire IKDC 2000 subjective knee form to measure knee function

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    Introduction Subjective questionnaires have been developed and applied in orthopaedics and traumatology to access clinical outcomes, the patients' functional status and health related quality of life. The aim of the study was translation of the questionnaire into the Russian language, validation and cultural adaptation of the original International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) 2000 subjective knee form. Methods The IKDC 2000 was translated into Russian by two orthopaedic surgeons and back into English by a professional translator. IKDC 2000 final Russian version was available with revised translations. 100 patients (64 male and 36 female) with different pathologies of the knee joint completed the approved Russian version of IKDC 2000 and Oxford Knee Score (OKS). A subsample of 29 patients was asked to complete the IKDC 2000 subjective knee form again after 7-10 days for test-retest reliability. Cronbach's α coefficient was used to measure internal consistency. Results Patients' mean age was 38 ± 1.08 years (range, 11 - 76 years). The median IKDC 2000 score was 83.4 (interquartile range 61.0 - 91.1; range 12.6 - 100). There was a strong positive correlation observed between the IKDC 2000 Russian version and OKS measuring 0.89; p < 0.05. Cronbach α was 0.93 for the IKDC 2000 Russian version; intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.82 (0.95 %, 0.56-0.93; p < 0.0001), no ceiling and floor effects revealed. Conclusion The IKDC 2000 Russian version exhibited high internal consistency, test-retest reliability and validity with no floor and ceiling effects noted. The questionnaire can be used for subjective evaluation of outcomes of patients with different pathologies of the knee joint including injuries to meniscus, ligaments and articular cartilage. © Magnitskaya N.E., Ryazantsev M.S., Maisigov M.N., Logvinov A.N., Zaripov A.R., Korolev A.V., 2019

    Damage of the knee posterior cruciate ligament: biomechanics, basic diagnostics, treatment and secondary osteoarthritis prevention directions [Povrezhdeniya zadnei krestoobraznoi svyazki: biomekhanika, osnovnye napravleniya diagnostiki, lecheniya i profilaktiki vtorichnogo osteoartrita]

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    The analysis of literature data was performed on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of injuries of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) of the knee joint. PCL is the largest intra-articular ligament of the knee joint, can withstand the maximum loads compared with other ligaments. It was noted that, in general, in cases of damage to the PCL, it is necessary to use a set of diagnostic methods, and the basic principles for the choice of optimal treatment plan for this patient. It considered the results of the conservative treatment of PCL partial ruptures, and it is indicated that this approach increases the risk of degenerative anatomical structures and functional disorders of the joint. It was noted that it is advisable to conduct surgical treatment to restore the stability of the knee joint and normalize function, while a number of methods for the reconstruction of PCL have been proposed to date. The usage of chondroprotectors for prevention of the secondary osteoarthrosis of the knee joint affected by posterior cruciate ligament rupture was analyzed in the literature data.Проведен анализ литературных данных об особенностях патогенеза, диагностики и лечения повреждений задней крестообразной связки коленного сустава (ЗКС). ЗКС является самой большой внутрисуставной связкой коленного сустава, выдерживающей максимальную нагрузку по сравнению с другими связками. Отмечено, что в целом при повреждениях ЗКС необходимо использование комплекса методов диагностики. Проанализированы основные принципы выбора тактики лечения данной категории пациентов. Рассмотрены результаты консервативного лечения частичных разрывов ЗКС, при этом указано, что такой подход увеличивает риск дегенерации анатомических структур и функциональных нарушений сустава. Целесообразно выполнение хирургического лечения для восстановления стабильности коленного сустава и нормализации его функции, при этом к настоящему времени предложен ряд методов реконструкции ЗКС. Проанализированы литературные данные о применении препаратов группы хондропротекторов для профилактики вторичных остеоартрозных изменений коленного сустава на фоне разрыва задней крестообразной связки

    Anthropometric data and the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the semitendinosus and gracilis tendons measured with preoperative MRI to predict graft diameter for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

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    Introduction Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction with quadrupled hamstring tendon autograft is a safe and reproducible surgery with good functional outcomes. Currently there is no consensus on capability of graft diameter planning. Objectives To investigate the influence of anthropometric data and cross-sectional area of semitendinosus (ST) and gracilis (GR) tendons according to preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on intraoperative graft diameter. Material and methods The study included 111 consecutive patients (69 men and 42 women), who underwent ACL reconstruction with quadrupled hamstring autograft between 2015 to 2018. Height, weight and BMI were recorded in all patients preoperatively. Semitendinosus and gracilis tendons cross sectional areas (CSAst and CSAgr, respectively) were evaluated on preoperative MRI axial images. We also calculated doubled and quadrupled graft diameters (CSAst+gr and CSA4p, respectively) based on obtained MRI data. Collection of intraoperative data included length of each tendon separately, length and diameter of the resulting autograft. We used linear regression and Pearson correlation coefficient were used. The cross-sectional areas were correlated to antropometric and intraoperative data. Using logistic regression, we determined the probability of obtaining a graft diameter of ≥ 7.5 mm. A critical level of statistical significance was set as 5 % (p ≤ 0.05). Results The median age accounted 37.4 ± 0.89 (13–58) years, height – 174.6 ± 0.84 (156-200) cm, weight – 78.5 ± 1.52 (45-120) kg, BMI – 25.6 ± 0.37 (18.49‑41.5). Intraoperatively GR average length was 224.7 ± 3.06 (80-340) mm, ST – 256.3 ± 2.97 (160-340) mm, quadrupled graft – 111.3 ± 1.42 (80–140) mm. The most common graft diameter was 7 mm in females and 7.5 mm in males. We found strong positive correlation between graft diameter and CSA4p, СSAst+gr, CSAst, weight and height. Linear regression showed that graft diameter was influenced by CSA4p, СSAst+gr, CSAst and height. If CSA4p was ≥ 72 mm2, the probability of obtaining a graft of ≥ 7.5 mm at the time of surgery reached 90.6 %. Conclusion CSA4p may be used as a predictive characteristic for graft diameter preoperative planning. Our findings show that graft diameter was mainly influenced by height, СSAst+gr, CSAst and CSA4p. © Ryazantsev M.S., Magnitskaya N.E., Zaripov A.R., Logvinov A.N., Ilyin D.O., Afanasyev A.P., Frolov A.V., Korolev A.V., 202

    Long-term results of medical treatment for lower extremity stress fractures [Отдаленные результаты консервативного лечения стрессовых переломов костей нижних конечностей]

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    Objective: to assess the long-term results of medical treatment for lower extremity stress fractures. Subjects and methods. Fifty-five patients who had received a medical treatment cycle in the European Clinic of Sports Traumatology and Orthopedics (ECSTO) in the period 2010 to 2016 were followed up. The patients' mean age was 37 (range 15-65) years. Among them, there were 36 (65%) females and 19 (35%) males. The long-term results of treatment were assessed using the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) scale (ADL + sport modules) and the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) scales. Results and discussion. Assessing the degree of stress adjustment according to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), on visiting, in accordance with the classification proposed by E.A. Arendt et al., revealed grades 2, 3, and 4 injuries in 10 (18%), 14 (26%), and 16 (29%) patients, respectively. The median time from the moment of visiting before assessment according to the orthopedic scales was 3 years (1 to 7 years). The second and third metatarsals underwent stress adjustment in 25 (47%) patients. The cause of stress adjustment was most often running (38%), less often walking (29%), playing sports (18%), fitness (9%), and other types of physical activity (6%). Assessing the scores for the FAAM ADL and FAAM sport subscales showed that the median was 100 [96; 100]% and 100 [91; 100]%, respectively. Estimating the scores for the LEFS scale revealed excellent, good, and satisfactory results in 48 (87%), 6 (11%), and in 1 (2%) patients, respectively. Conclusion. The most common cause of lower extremity stress fractures is running. These changes respond well to medical treatment, which includes injured limb overuse, physiotherapy, and individual ankle-foot orthosis. © 2020 Ima-Press Publishing House. All rights reserved

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Identification of Rotator Cuff Pathology: Inter -rater Realibilty

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    Background. The shoulder MRI is one of the main methods for the rotator cuff injuries diagnostics and determination of the further treatment tactics. The agreement in the MRI data interpretation among specialists regarding different types of shoulder ruptures is an integral part of diagnostic test validity evaluation. The purpose of this study was to assess the agreement in the MRI data interpretation in the patients with shoulder rotator cuff pathology among trauma surgeons, as well as between trauma surgeons and a radiologist. Materials and Methods. The study was a retrospective analysis of the MRI data and surgical reports regarding 57 patients with various shoulder pathologies undergone the shoulder MRI and arthroscopic shoulder revisions in the period from 2017 to 2019. There were 38 (67%) men and 19 (33%) women among the patients. The average age of the patients was 52.7 13.6 years. The sensitivity and specificity, as well as the shoulder MRI inter-rater reliability were assessed in the course of the study. Results. The rotator cuff pathology was revealed in 52 patients: supraspinatus tendon injury in 98% of cases, supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendon - in 26%, isolated subscapularis tendon injury in 2%, supraspinatus and subscapularis tendon - in 39%. The maximal concordance in the MRI data interpretation was achieved in the patients with full-thickness supraspinatus tendon rupture, as well as with the supraspinatus tendon calcifications. However, significant disagreement was found between orthopedists with different work experience in determination of the presence and type of infraspinatus and subscapularis tendons pathology and supraspinatus tendon incomplete ruptures and tendinitis. Conclusion. The high agreement in the MRI data interpretation in determining the pathology of the shoulder rotator cuff among trauma surgeons, as well as between trauma surgeons and radiologists, was observed only regarding the supraspinatus tendon, calcifying tendonitis and full -thickness injury. The diagnosis of tendinitis and incomplete tendon rupture remains difficult. Their interpretation results vary greatly. It is also worth noting the heterogeneity of the results of diagnostics of the infraspinatus and subscapularis tendon pathology

    American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Standardized Assessment Form: Russian Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation

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    American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Standardized Assessment Form (ASES) is one of the most widely used shoulder outcome reporting measure. However, it has not been validated in the Russian language. Purpose of this study is a cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the ASES. Materials and methods. The group of 93 patients with various shoulder pathology (39 males and 54 females) with median age of 49 years was included into the study. In the first stage the authors performed language and cultural adaptation of the ASES questionnaire to obtain a Russian version maximally matching the original. Further the authors studied the psychometric properties of the questionnaire (reliability, validity, responsiveness), the effects of maximum and minimum values (floor and ceiling effects) and estimated the coefficients of internal consistency of Cronbach's alpha and reproducibility. 20 patients were selected to assess reproducibility by test-retest method, those patients filled out the ASES questionnaire at first appointment with an orthopedic trauma surgeon and repeatedly in 7 days; the obtained data was evaluated by an intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). In the framework of the present research the authors assessed the validity of the obtained scale, including the correlation of the scores of the examined questionnaire with the scores by the DASH questionnaire validated in the Russian Federation to check criteria validity. Results. The study resulted in obtaining the assessment scale fully matching the original ASES version with minor linguistic and cultural features. The ASES median results was Me = 68.7 [32.6; 93.8]; no maximum and minimum scores were obtained. The Russian version of the questionnaire has good psychometric properties with internal consistency of Cronbach alpha 0.72. The overall intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) of the ASES questionnaire was 0.95 (p<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between the general group and the test-retest group by gender, age and type of shoulder pathology. Correlation coefficient obtained in the scope of the present research between the ASES and DASH scales was 0.9, and the GRI index was 2.8. Conclusion. Russian version of the ASES questionnaire has good psychometric properties and may be recommended to evaluate functional status of patients with shoulder joint pathology and treatment dynamics