288 research outputs found

    Intraspecific differences in hatching phenology of the fairy shrimp Chirocephalus diaphanus Prévost, 1803 (Crustacea, Anostraca) in relation to habitat duration

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    The influence of environmental characteristics on hatching phenology in the fairy shrimp Chirocephalus diaphanus Prevost, 1803 was investigated by comparing the hatching behaviour of two populations living in mountain pasture pools differing in size and in duration of filling. Significant differences observed at population level confirmed that an influence of the environment in determining hatching pattern does actually exist. C. diaphanus seems to be able to adjust the cyst reactiveness to the stochastic nature of its habitat. The cysts laid by females adapted to a predictable and relatively constant environment are characterized by higher hatching percentages with respect to those produced in a temporary pool having erratic hydrocycles

    A new smart dynamic external fixator in the treatment of complex fractures of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the long fingers.

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    Treatment of articular fractures of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint of the hand can be a hard challenge. Ideal treatment should include an anatomic reduction, stable fixation and the possibility of early finger mobilization to prevent joint stiffness. We propose for the treatment of these fractures a new smart dynamic external fixator (SDEF), derived from the device described by Suzuki and based on the concept of the capsuloligamentotaxis described by Vidal


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    The development and introduction of the closed locked intramedullary nail into clinical practice has revolutionized the treatment of fractures of long bone. The most difficult and technically demanding part of the procedure is often the insertion of the distal interlocking screws. A lot of efforts have been made during the past years to make it easier. In according with Whatling and Nokes, we can divide the different approaches to this issue in four main groups: Free-hand (FH) technique; Mechanical targeting devices mounted on image intensifier; Mechanical targeting devices mounted onto nail handle; Computer-assisted techniques. In addition of these, recently it has been proposed a navigational system using electromagnetic field. The main disadvantages of the FH technique, are prolonged exposure to radiation and results depend mostly on the dexterity of the surgeons. FH technique is however the most popular technique. Our targeting device is included into the mounted on image intensifier group. It consists of 2 radio-opaque rods at right angle to each over: one of this is fixed on the c-arm, whereas, the other is a sliding rod with a sleeve for the drill bit, which is the targeting guide itself. In the realization of this device, we have been inspired by the modification of the FH technique suggested by Kelley et al. To identify the distal holes we used the method described by Medoff (perfect circle). Once that the distal hole is seen as a perfect circle, with the C-arm in later view, the targeting guide is roughly positioned onto this and the drilling and the screwing operations are performed without the need for image intensifier. We used the device in bone models and in 9 clinical cases. In spite of authors demonstrated that the electromagnetic targeting device significantly reduced radiation exposure during placement of distal interlocking screws and was equivalent in accuracy when compared with the FH technique, the latter is the most used technique. Indeed, although all the studies have reported that the radiation exposure to orthopedic surgeon has been below the maximum allowable doses in all cases, there is still the risk of cumulative lifetime radiation exposure. From this point of view, namely the reduction of cumulative lifetime radiation exposure, we think that, paradoxically, our device could be more effective than electromagnetic targeting device, because it can be used in all the orthopedic operations that required a targeting device

    The relation between bar formation, galaxy luminosity, and environment

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    We derive the bar fraction in three different environments ranging from the field to Virgo and Coma clusters, covering an unprecedentedly large range of galaxy luminosities (or, equivalently, stellar masses). We confirm that the fraction of barred galaxies strongly depends on galaxy luminosity. We also show that the difference between the bar fraction distributions as a function of galaxy luminosity (and mass) in the field and Coma cluster are statistically significant, with Virgo being an intermediate case. We interpret this result as a variation of the effect of environment on bar formation depending on galaxy luminosity. We speculate that brighter disk galaxies are stable enough against interactions to keep their cold structure, thus, the interactions are able to trigger bar formation. For fainter galaxies the interactions become strong enough to heat up the disks inhibiting bar formation and even destroying the disks. Finally, we point out that the controversy regarding whether the bar fraction depends on environment could be resolved by taking into account the different luminosity ranges of the galaxy samples studied so far.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of EWASS 2012 Special Session 4, Structure of galaxy disks shaped by secular evolution and environmental processes, ed. P. Di Matteo and C. Jog, Memorie della Societ\`a Astronomica Italiana Supplement Serie

    Fossil group origins: VIII RXJ075243.6+455653 a transitionary fossil group

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    It is thought that fossil systems are relics of structure formation in the primitive Universe. They are galaxy aggregations that have assembled their mass at high redshift with few or no subsequent accretion. Observationally these systems are selected by large magnitude gaps between their 1st and 2nd ranked galaxies. Nevertheless, there is still debate over whether or not this observational criterium selects dynamically evolved ancient systems. We have studied the properties of the nearby fossil group RXJ075243.6+455653 in order to understand the mass assembly of this system. Deep spectroscopic observations allow us to construct the galaxy luminosity function (LF) of RXJ075243.6+455653 down to M*+ 6. The analysis of the faint-end of the LF in groups and clusters provides valuable information about the mass assembly of the system. In addition, we have analyzed the nearby large-scale structure around this group. We identified 26 group members within r200=0.9 Mpc. The LF of the group shows a flat faint-end slope ( -1.08 +/- 0.33). This low density of dwarf galaxies is confirmed by the low value of the dwarf-to-giant ratio (DGR = 0.99 +/- 0.49) for this system. Both the lack of dwarf galaxies and the low luminosity of the BGG suggests that RXJ075243.6+455653 still has to accrete mass from its nearby environment. This mass accretion will be achieved because it is the dominant structure of a rich environment formed by several groups of galaxies (15) within 7 Mpc from the group center and with +/- 1000$ km/s. RXJ075243.6+455653 is a group of galaxies that has not yet completed the process of its mass assembly. This new mass accretion will change the fossil state of the group. This group is an example of a galaxy aggregation selected by a large magnitude gap but still in the process of the accretion of its mass (Abridged).Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted in A&

    Intra-Pelvic Migration of Sliding Hip Screw During Osteosynthesis of Hip Fracture: A Rare Avoidable Intraoperative Complication.

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    Hip fractures, which are common among old patients, are classified into two groups: intracapsular and extracapsular fractures. Extracapsular fractures can be treated with extramedullary implants [e.g. dynamic hip screw (DHS)] or intramedullary nails. Dynamic hip screw is the treatment of choice in stable pertrochanteric fractures. Intrapelvic migration of the sliding screw is a very rare complication

    Structural pattern and functional correlations of the long bone diaphyses intracortical vascular system: investigation carried out with China ink perfusion and multiplanar analysis in the rabbit femur.

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    The intracortical vessel system of the rabbit femur has been studied after perfusion of the vascular tree with a water solution of dye (China ink) with multiplanar analysis. This method utilizes the full depth of field of the microscope objectives focusing different planes of the thick cortex. The microscopic observation even if restricted to a limited volume of cortex allowed to differentiate true 3-D nodes (54.5%) from the superimposition of vessels lying on different planes. The network model with elongated meshes preferentially oriented along the longitudinal axis of the diaphysis in his static configuration is not very different from the vascular anatomy depicted in the 2-D traditional models; however, the semi-quantitative morphometric analysis applied to the former supported the notion of a multidirectional microvascular network allowing change of flow according to the functional requirements. Other peculiar aspects not previously reported were cutting cone loops, blind-end and short-radius-bent vessels, and button-holes figures. The network design and node distribution were consistent with the straight trajectory of the secondary remodeling, with the proximal-to-distal and distal-to-proximal advancement directions of the cutting cones and with two main modes of node formation, namely bifurcation of the cutting cone and interception with pre-existing canals. The general organization of the network and its uninterrupted transformation during bone modeling and remodeling suggested a substantial plasticity of the intracortical vascular system capable to adapt itself to the changeable haemodynamic conditions

    Pregnancy-associated osteoporosis with seven vertebral compression fractures, a case treated with strontium ranelate

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    This paper shows a case of pregnancy-associated osteoporosis (PAO) with seven vertebral compression fractures treated with strontium ranelate and supplementation of calcium and cholecalciferol. Clinical evaluation, laboratory and radiological results are analyzed in the case-report to demonstrate that strontium ranelate is a good option to restore quickly the value of bone mineral density in the treatment of a case of PAO. KEYWORDS
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