19 research outputs found

    Mente e linguaggio: esempi da popolazioni atipiche

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    Il contributo ha l\u2019obiettivo di esplorare il rapporto tra teoria della mente e linguaggio, con particolare attenzione alle persone con disturbi dello spettro autistico e con disabilit\ue0 uditiva. Tali tematiche vengono introdotte con riferimento a contributi teorici classici e recenti. Vengono inoltre riportati alcuni risultati di uno studio pilota sull\u2019utilizzo di termini mentali in sette bambini con sintomatologia autistica coinvolti in un\u2019esperienza di teatro-terapia: da tale studio emerge come in situazione teatrale vengano prodotti pi\uf9 termini mentalistici, soprattutto cognizioni e desideri, e in modo pi\uf9 spontaneo rispetto a una situazione di controllo. Per quanto riguarda la sordit\ue0, si sottolinea il ruolo dell\u2019esperienza nel favorire l\u2019accesso alla teoria della mente e si forniscono indicazioni concrete connesse ai principi del metodo Dre\u17eani

    Il linguaggio mentalistico nell'autismo. Risultati di un intervento di teatroterapia

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    Il Progetto IDEAS \ue8 nato con l\u2019intento di promuovere, attraverso la teatroterapia, lo sviluppo delle competenze sociali di bambini e ragazzi con Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico (Autism Spectrum Disorders \u2013 ASD). Il teatro, infatti, aiuta a comprendere meglio le dinamiche relazionali e favorisce lo sviluppo delle competenze legate alla teoria della mente. Partendo da queste evidenze, abbiamo analizzato la produzione di linguaggio mentalistico in un campione formato da sette ragazzi, cinque con ASD e due con alcuni tratti autistici. Gli incontri sono stati suddivisi in due situa- zioni, una sperimentale, composta dalle attivit\ue0 teatrali, e una di controllo, in cui i ragazzi sono stati coinvolti in giochi da tavolo. I risultati hanno evidenziato una produzione significativamente maggiore di termini riferiti a stati mentali durante gli esercizi teatrali rispetto alla condizione di controllo. Il teatro, inoltre, ha elicitato una modalit\ue0 d\u2019uso pi\uf9 evoluta di queste parole, che implica una riflessione sugli stati mentali

    Promoting Language and Executive Functions in Educational Settings: The Dre\u17ean\u10di\u107 Method

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    Research Findings: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of linguistic training based on the use of the Dre\u17ean\u10di\u107 method in educational settings. It is hypothesized that the peculiar characteristics of this method could influence language competence and executive function (EF). A pre-posttest treatment design with a control group was employed to evaluate the efficacy of the method for linguistic and EF skills with two groups and two time points (pre-intervention baseline and post-training after six months). Forty-one children (ranging in age from 26 to 31 months) were recruited to participate in the study and were assigned to two groups: an experimental group that received training and a control group that participated in normal day-care center\u2019s activities. The participants were selected based on cutoff scores for linguistic skills (a vocabulary size score lower than the 50th percentile on the Italian version of the CDI). The results reveal an effect of the training. The experimental group produced a greater variety of words and more complete sentences, and the linguistic training appeared to positively affect EF processes. Practice or Policy: The results also highlight the efficacy of this training for typical development populations. The opportunity to register significant differences following a limited intervention that is applicable to educational contexts offers cues for spreading. Furthermore, the confirmation of a rich interaction between language and EF even at such early ages provides important implications for clinical work

    Le difficolt\ue0 e i disturbi del linguaggio attraverso le lenti dell'ICF

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    Il volume intende introdurre il lettore all'ottica velutativa dell'ICF, applicata alle difficolt\ue0 linguistiche. Si parte dalle definizioni dei quadri clinici e delle situazioni di potenziale problematicit\ue0, descrivendone le principali caratteristiche e ricorrendo a esemplificazioni che permettano di collegare i codici dell'ICF a situazioni concrete in cui gli individui si confrontano con le loro difficolt\ue0 e potenzialit\ue0


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    This Editorial presents a special issue dedicated to the relationships between language development and executive functions in typically and atypically developing children. This topic highlights central issues on the relationships between thought and language from the onset of language development and in subsequent stages during childhood. In addition, the various contributions point to possible interventions for some type of clinical populations

    Language development and executive functions

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    This special issue presents articles on the relationships between language development and executive functions in typically and atypically developing children. This topic highlights central issues about the relationships between language and thought from the onset of language development and later in childhood. In addition, it provides suggestions for therapeutical interventions for some clinical populations

    Parental satisfaction with disabled children\u2019s school inclusion in Italy

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    The principal aim of the present study is to examine the level of parental satisfaction with inclusive education for their children with disability attending Italian schools of any grade level. The survey involved 285 parents of pupils randomly selected from the population of students with disability certificates. On average, parents expressed a high level of satisfaction. Four principal components of parental satisfaction were extracted from the item scores of the questionnaire: inclusive educational practices; environment and special equipment; classmates\u2019 and families\u2019 acceptance; integration between education and rehabilitation activities. Various correlations were found between these aspects and both child-related and context-related variables. In particular, children\u2019s emotional regulation abilities evaluated by teachers are involved in various dimensions of the parents\u2019 satisfaction. On the other hand, satisfaction with the integration between the educational and rehabilitation activities showed a significant negative correlation with the fathers\u2019 and mothers\u2019 educational level. Lastly, parental satisfaction towards classmates\u2019 and families\u2019 acceptance appears to be the most critical aspect and tends to decrease in relation to school level, while it is positively linked with the number of hours the support teacher spends in class. Taken together, these results stimulate useful considerations to promote better practices in inclusive education