45 research outputs found

    Late tuberculosis reactivation after severe COVID-19

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    Background: Although there is no specific therapy for COVID-19, it is recommended that patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection are treated with corticosteroids and anti-IL-6 receptor monoclonal antibodies. Both COVID-19 itself and the treatment modalities mentioned above have suppressive effects on the immune system which may lead to an increased susceptibility to other infections. In patients with latent tuberculosis (TB) reactivation of TB infection after recovery from severe COVID-19 has been described. Most of these cases have occurred in parts of the world where tuberculosis is endemic. Case description: The patient is a female in her 70s who was born and raised in Southeast Asia and has lived in the Netherlands for more than 30 years. She was treated for a severe COVID-19 requiring mechanical ventilation for several weeks and pharmaceutical treatment with corticosteroids and anti-IL-6 receptor monoclonal antibodies (Sarilumab). She recovered well. Two years later she was readmitted with symptoms of a serious pulmonary infection and meningitis. Her condition deteriorated in a short time. An active TB infection was diagnosed. Despite adequate antibiotic treatment and supportive therapy her condition worsened and four days after admission to the ICU she deceased. Discussion: Reactivation of latent TB after recovery from a severe COVID-19 has been described several times and may occur several months after the SARS-CoV-2 infection. In this case the reactivation presented two years after COVID-19. This case illustrates that long-term follow-up of patients with latent TB that recover from a severe COVID-19 may be indicated

    Chloride in Heart Failure:The Neglected Electrolyte

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    The increasing burden of heart failure (HF) and emerging knowledge regarding chloride as a prognostic marker in HF have increased the interest in the pathophysiology and interactions of chloride abnormalities with HF-related factors and treatments. Chloride is among the major electrolytes that play a unique role in fluid homeostasis and is associated with cardiorenal and neurohormonal systems. This review elucidates the role of chloride in the pathophysiology of HF, evaluates the effects of treatment on chloride (eg, diuretic agents cause higher urinary chloride excretion and consequently serum hypochloremia), and discusses recent evidence for the association between chloride levels and mortality

    Is There Any Interaction Between Sex and Renal Function Change During Hospital Stay in Patients Hospitalized With Acute Heart Failure?

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    Background: Renal dysfunction is a strong predictor of outcomes in patients with acute heart failure (AHF). However. less is known about how sex may influence the prognostic import of renal function in AHF. Methods and Results: In a post hoc analysis of the ASCEND-HF trial including 5377 patients with AHF (33% female), patients were categorized into 3 groups based on the changes in renal function during their hospital stay. Worsening. stable, and improving renal functions were defined as a >= 20% decrease, a = 20% increase in the estimated glomentlar filtration rate, respectively. The primary outcome was the composite of 30-day all-cause mortality or HF rehospitalization. The median baseline and discharge estimated glomerular filtration rate were 58.4 and 56.9 mL/min/l.73 m(2), respectively. Worsening, stable, and improving renal function was observed in 31.9%, 63.2, and 4.9% of patients. respectively. Worsening renal function was associated with adverse outcomes at 30 days (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 1.47, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.22-1.76). This association existed in both males and females (aHR 1.42 and aHR 1.56, respectively, both P < .01). There was an interaction between renal function changes and sex (P = .025), because improving renal function was associated with better outcomes in men(aHR 0.29, 95% CI 0.13 0.66) as compared with women (aHR 1.18, 95% CI 0.59 2.35). There was no interaction between the ejection fraction and renal function in association with subsequent outcomes. Conclusions: Irrespective of sex, worsening renal function was associated with poorer outcomes at 30 days in patients with AHF. More studies are warranted to further delineate the possible sex differences in this setting

    Diagnostic implications of mycetoma derived from Madurella pseudomycetomatis isolates from Mexico

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    Background: At the dermatology service of the General Hospital of Mexico City, Mexico, two patients, father and son, with black-grain mycetoma were seen. The grains were isolated, and the cultured fungi were identified as Madurella mycetomatis based on morphology. Using the M. mycetomatis specific PCR, amplicons of a different size than that of the M. mycetomatis type strain were obtained. Objective: To determine the causative agent of the two black-grain mycetoma cases and develop non-culture-based diagnostic tools to identify them to the species level. Methods: The M. mycetomatis specific, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, β-tubulin (BT) and ribosomal binding protein 2 (RBP2) PCRs were used to confirm the identity of the isolates. Genetic variation was established by amplification fragment length polymorphisms. To determine the antifungal susceptibility profile, the Sensititre™ YeastOne™ assay was used. To develop a species-specific PCR primers were designed on the sequenced PCR amplicon from the M. mycetomatis specific PCR. Results: By analyzing the ITS, BT and RBP2 regions the isolates were identified as Madurella pseudomycetomatis. The isolates from father and son were similar but not identical to M. pseudomycetomatis from Venezuela and one from an unknown origin. Madurella pseudomycetomatis isolates were inhibited by itraconazole, posaconazole and voriconazole but showed increased MIC values for amphotericin B and fluconazole. They were not inhibited by the echinocandins and five flucytosine. The two patients were treated with itraconazole resulting in cure for the father while the son was lost to follow-up. The species-specific PCR developed for M. pseudomyceotmatis was discriminative and specific. Conclusion: Madurella pseudomycetomatis is genetically diverse with same susceptibility profile as M. mycetomatis and causes eumycetoma in Latin America. The M. pseudomycetomatis specific PCR can be used to identify this causative agen

    Dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus in patients and the hospital environment in a tertiary care hospital in the Netherlands

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    Background: The dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus in patients and the hospital environment are relatively unknown. We studied these dynamics in a tertiary care hospital in the Netherlands. Methods: Nasal samples were taken from adult patients at admission and discharge. Isolates cultured from clinical samples taken before and during hospitalization from these patients were included. Environmental samples of patient rooms were taken over a three-year period. Finally, isolates from clinical samples from patients with an epidemiological link to S. aureus positive rooms were included. Staphylococcal protein A (spa) typing was performed. Results: Nasal samples were taken from 673 patients. One hundred eighteen (17.5%) were positive at admission and discharge, 15 (2.2%) patients acquired S. aureus during hospitalization. Nineteen patients had a positive clinical sample during hospitalization, 15.9% of the S. aureus were considered as from an exogenous source. One hundred and forty (2.8%) environmental samples were S. aureus positive. No persistent contamination of surfaces was observed. Isolates were highly diverse: spa typing was performed for 893 isolates, identifying 278 different spa types, 161 of these spa types were observed only once. Conclusion: Limited transmission could be identified between patients and the hospital environment, and from patient-to-patient. Exogenous acquisition was assumed to occur in 15% of clinical samples. Environmental contamination was infrequent, temporarily, and coincided with the strain from the patient admitted to the room at that time. MRSA was rare and not found in the environment.</p

    Identification and characterization of Staphylococcus argenteus from Indonesia

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    Background: In 2015, Staphylococcus argenteus was reported for the first time as a novel species of the Staphylococcus aureus complex. While S. argenteus has been found in many countries, its presence in Indonesia has not been reported yet. Our aim is to confirm S. argenteus presence in Indonesia, describe its characteristics and analyze its genomic diversity. Methods: The S. aureus isolates used in this study were collected from patients with skin and soft tissue infections in Indonesia, between July 2009 to February 2010. Randomly selected isolates were recultured from −80 C° stocks and analyzed using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization – time of flight (MALDI-TOF). Isolates identified as S. argenteus, S. roterodami, or S. schweitzeri and S. aureus with a low score in the MALDI-TOF analysis were analyzed by a real-time PCR targeting the nucA gene able to identify true S. argenteus. Isolates identified as S. argenteus were further characterized by whole genome sequencing. Vitek®2 (bioMérieux) was used for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Results: Fifteen isolates were identified as S. argenteus, with the majority belonging to ST2250. Two pairs of isolates proved to be identical by core genome multilocus sequence typing analysis. Most isolates were susceptible to all antibiotics tested, except for seven isolates (46.7 %) that were resistant to benzylpenicillin, and one isolate was resistant to tetracycline (6.7 %). The presence of resistance genes blaZ and tet(45) correlated with these findings. Notably, the sey enterotoxin gene was prevalent in 80 % of the isolates. Other virulence factor genes were less prevalent. Plasmid replicon types in S. argenteus were also known to S. aureus. Conclusion: Our study reveals the occurrence of S. argenteus in Indonesia. The diversity within Indonesian S. argenteus matches the global diversity of S. argenteus. Identical isolates between patients indicate potential transmission events. A lower prevalence of a broad panel of virulence factors suggests that S. argenteus is less virulent than S. aureus

    Hulp bij zelfdoding: Misdaad of daad uit naastenliefde?

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    Onderstaand stuk is een ingekorte versie van een artikel geschreven door studente Mariska van Zandijk, dat zij schreef als opdracht voor de minor rechtsfilosofie die zij volgde, onderdeel van de opleiding HBO-rechten (Hogeschool Leiden). In juni 2008 helpt Albert Heringa zijn 99-jarige moeder Marie Heringa-van der Borgh, ook wel ‘Moek’, op haar verzoek met sterven. Moek was niet ziek maar vond haar leven voltooid en wilde niet meer verder leven. Ze vroeg haar huisarts haar te helpen. De huisarts begreep haar wens, maar omdat Moek niet ziek was, weigerde de arts haar euthanasieverzoek. Heringa besloot zijn moeder te helpen met sterven toen hij zag dat ze zelf pillen verzamelde die niet geschikt waren voor zelfdoding. De situatie omtrent Heringa en Moek heeft veel stof doen opwaaien en opende het debat over hulp bij zelfdoding. Ook rechtsfilosofisch gezien is dit een interessant vraagstuk. Mag de wet in bepaalde gevallen terzijde geschoven worden? En: hoe ver reikt de macht van de overheid bij vrijwillige beëindiging van het leven