411 research outputs found

    Non Perturbative Solutions and Scaling Properties of Vector, Axial--Vector Electrodynamics in 1+11+1 Dimensions

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    We study by non perturbative techniques a vector, axial--vector theory characterized by a parameter which interpolates between pure vector and chiral Schwinger models. Main results are two windows in the space of parameters which exhibit acceptable solutions. In the first window we find a free massive and a free massless bosonic excitations and interacting left--right fermions endowed with asymptotic \hbox{states}, which feel however a long range interaction. In the second window the massless bosonic excitation is a negative norm state which can be consistently expunged from the ``physical" Hilbert space; fermions are confined. An intriguing feature of our model occurs in the first window where we find that fermionic correlators scale at both short and long distances, but with different critical exponents. The infrared limit in the fermionic sector is nothing but a dynamically generated massless Thirring model.Comment: 32, DFPD 93-TH-3

    An equilibrium model for RFP plasmas in the presence of resonant tearing modes

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    The equilibrium of a finite-beta RFP plasma in the presence of saturated-amplitude tearing modes is investigated. The singularities of the MHD force balance equation JXB=grad(p) at the modes rational surfaces are resolved through a proper regularization of the zeroth-order (equilibrium) profiles, by setting to zero there the gradient of the pressure and parallel current density. An equilibrium model, which satisfies the regularization rule at the various rational surfaces, is developed. The comparison with the experimental data from the Reversed Field eXperiment (RFX) gives encouraging results. The model provides an easy tool for magnetic analysis: many aspects of the perturbations can be analyzed and reconstructed.Comment: Final accepted version. 36 page

    Effects of nest and colony features on lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) reproductive success

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    Lesser kestrel is a facultative colonial raptor mostly breeding in man-made structures. During 2009-2011 we checked the fate of 545 nests found in 18 colonies located in south-eastern Sicily. We determined the reproductive success of breeding pairs by analysing the survival time of each egg to hatching (n = 2495) and each nestling to fledging (n = 1849) with the Linear Hazard model of survival times. We determined whether egg and nestling survival differed between years with a Gehan-Wilcoxon test. By Cox regressions, we related the survival times with nest and colony features. Egg and nestling survival times showed a strong annual effect. The two reproductive stages of lesser kestrel when controlled for the annual effect demonstrated a significant effect for some nest and colony features. Most of them, like height from the ground, nest depth, reused nests and the presence of jackdaws, are likely related to the predation pressure faced by lesser kestrel nests. Westward and southward nests had a better egg survival respect to those in the cold sides and in the interior of buildings. The location of colony in the agricultural plain and human disturbance ranked as the most important variables, with core location of a colony and high disturbance levels negatively affecting the reproductive success of lesser kestrel in the Gela Plain, so urging a more environment-aware land use management of this Important Bird Area

    Preliminary observation on use of nest boxes in protected areas of Southern Sicily

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    In this short note we summarize the data self-made nesting in nest boxes in two areas of NATURA 2000 in southern Sicily. The models of nest boxes considered host species during the study the following period: Falco naumanni, Falco tinnunculus, Athene noctua, Strix aluco, Sturnus unicolor, Parus major, Certhia brachydactyla, Corvus monedula, Passer montanus

    Food for flight: pre-migratory dynamics of the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni.

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    Capsule The post-reproductive stage of Lesser Kestrel is crucial for migratory fuelling and survival. Aims To describe the summer pre-migratory ecology of the Lesser Kestrel in Sicily and review existing data in Southern Europe. Methods We identified the main summer roosts and then made roost counts every ten days from 2010 to 2012. We used case-sensitive modelling procedures to detect biases in counts (generalized linear mixed models), assess the annual population trends from 2005 to 2012 (TRends and Indices for Monitoring); and to model habitat preferences (generalized linear model). We sampled pellets to describe the birds’ diet during the peak month prior to migration. Results We discovered five roosts in Sicily with numbers of Lesser Kestrels varying annually (mean ±sd: 2112±387; min–max: 1797–2544). Counts at the main roost were not biased by meteorological conditions and showed an August peak followed by persistent decline through October. Less urbanized and heterogeneous agricultural areas with large cereal fields were the most significant habitats preferred during summer. Within this landscape, Lesser Kestrels prey on seasonally high concentrations of the small cricket Grylloderes brunneri. Conclusion Arable land not fragmented by agricultural intensification supports habitat rich with Orthopterans and attracts a large number of Lesser Kestrels fuelling before migration. Conservation of such pre-migratory habitats is as vital as conservation of breeding areas

    Status of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos in Sicily

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    In the present work, we review all the relevant information since the first Regional Atlas of breeding birds (Massa 1985), and we add field data on the species occurrence and site occupancy relative to the period January 2014-December 2016, in order to update the species’ status in Sicily

    Radiomics-Based Inter-Lesion Relation Network to Describe [18F]FMCH PET/CT Imaging Phenotypes in Prostate Cancer

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    Advanced image analysis, specifically radiomics, has been recognized as a potential source of biomarkers for cancers. However, there are challenges to its application in the clinic, such as proper description of diseases where multiple lesions coexist. In this study, we aimed to characterize the intra-tumor heterogeneity of metastatic prostate cancer using an innovative approach. This approach consisted of a transformation method to build a radiomic profile of lesions extracted from [18F]FMCH PET/CT images, a qualitative assessment of intra-tumor heterogeneity of patients, and a quantitative representation of the intra-tumor heterogeneity of patients in terms of the relationship between their lesions’ profiles. We found that metastatic prostate cancer patients had lesions with different radiomic profiles that exhibited intra-tumor radiomic heterogeneity and that the presence of many radiomic profiles within the same patient impacted the outcome

    An active feedback recovery technique from disruption events induced by m=2 n=1 tearing modes in ohmically heated tokamak plasmas

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    We present experimental results of magnetic feedback control on the m=2, n=1 tearing mode in RFX-mod operated as a circular ohmically heated tokamak. The feedback suppression of the non-resonant m=2, n=1 Resistive Wall Mode (RWM) in q(a)<2 plasmas is a well-established result of RFX-mod. The control of the tearing counterpart, which develops in q(a)>2 equilibrium, is instead a more difficult issue. In fact, the disruption induced by a growing amplitude m=2, n=1 tearing mode can be prevented by feedback only when the resonant surface q=2 is close to the plasma edge, namely 2<q(a)<2.5, and the electron density does not exceed approximately half of the Greenwald limit. A combined technique of tearing mode and q(a) control has been therefore developed to recover the discharge from the most critical conditions: the potentially disruptive tearing mode is converted into the relatively benign RWM by suddenly decreasing q(a) below 2. The experiments demonstrate the concept with 100% of successful cases. The q(a) control has been performed through the plasma current, given the capability of the toroidal loop-voltage power supply of RFX-mod. We also propose a path for controlling q(a) by acting on the plasma shape, which could be applied to medium size elongated tokamaks

    Statistical features of edge turbulence in RFX-mod from Gas Puffing Imaging

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    Plasma density fluctuations in the edge plasma of the RFX-mod device are measured through the Gas Puffing Imaging Diagnostics. Statistical features of the signal are quantified in terms of the Probability Distribution Function (PDF), and computed for several kinds of discharges. The PDFs from discharges without particular control methods are found to be adequately described by a Gamma function, consistently with the recent results by Graves et al [J.P. Graves, et al, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47, L1 (2005)]. On the other hand, pulses with external methods for plasma control feature modified PDFs. A first empirical analysis suggests that they may be interpolated through a linear combination of simple functions. An inspection of the literature shows that this kind of PDFs is common to other devices as well, and has been suggested to be due to the simultaneous presence of different mechanisms driving respectively coherent bursts and gaussian background turbulence. An attempt is made to relate differences in the PDFs to plasma conditions such as the local shift of the plasma column. A simple phenomenological model to interpret the nature of the PDF and assign a meaning to its parameters is also developed.Comment: 27 pages. Published in PPC
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