27 research outputs found

    Towards Laws of Visual Attention

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    Toward Improving the Evaluation of Visual Attention Models: a Crowdsourcing Approach

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    Human visual attention is a complex phenomenon. A computational modeling of this phenomenon must take into account where people look in order to evaluate which are the salient locations (spatial distribution of the fixations), when they look in those locations to understand the temporal development of the exploration (temporal order of the fixations), and how they move from one location to another with respect to the dynamics of the scene and the mechanics of the eyes (dynamics). State-of-the-art models focus on learning saliency maps from human data, a process that only takes into account the spatial component of the phenomenon and ignore its temporal and dynamical counterparts. In this work we focus on the evaluation methodology of models of human visual attention. We underline the limits of the current metrics for saliency prediction and scanpath similarity, and we introduce a statistical measure for the evaluation of the dynamics of the simulated eye movements. While deep learning models achieve astonishing performance in saliency prediction, our analysis shows their limitations in capturing the dynamics of the process. We find that unsupervised gravitational models, despite of their simplicity, outperform all competitors. Finally, exploiting a crowd-sourcing platform, we present a study aimed at evaluating how strongly the scanpaths generated with the unsupervised gravitational models appear plausible to naive and expert human observers

    A machine learning approach for detecting cognitive interference based on eye-tracking data

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    The Stroop test evaluates the ability to inhibit cognitive interference. This interference occurs when the processing of one stimulus characteristic affects the simultaneous processing of another attribute of the same stimulus. Eye movements are an indicator of the individual attention load required for inhibiting cognitive interference. We used an eye tracker to collect eye movements data from more than 60 subjects each performing four different but similar tasks (some with cognitive interference and some without). After the extraction of features related to fixations, saccades and gaze trajectory, we trained different Machine Learning models to recognize tasks performed in the different conditions (i.e., with interference, without interference). The models achieved good classification performances when distinguishing between similar tasks performed with or without cognitive interference. This suggests the presence of characterizing patterns common among subjects, which can be captured by machine learning algorithms despite the individual variability of visual behavior

    Behind the Machine's Gaze: Biologically Constrained Neural Networks Exhibit Human-like Visual Attention

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    By and large, existing computational models of visual attention tacitly assume perfect vision and full access to the stimulus and thereby deviate from foveated biological vision. Moreover, modelling top-down attention is generally reduced to the integration of semantic features without incorporating the signal of a high-level visual tasks that have shown to partially guide human attention. We propose the Neural Visual Attention (NeVA) algorithm to generate visual scanpaths in a top-down manner. With our method, we explore the ability of neural networks on which we impose the biological constraints of foveated vision to generate human-like scanpaths. Thereby, the scanpaths are generated to maximize the performance with respect to the underlying visual task (i.e., classification or reconstruction). Extensive experiments show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art unsupervised human attention models in terms of similarity to human scanpaths. Additionally, the flexibility of the framework allows to quantitatively investigate the role of different tasks in the generated visual behaviours. Finally, we demonstrate the superiority of the approach in a novel experiment that investigates the utility of scanpaths in real-world applications, where imperfect viewing conditions are given

    Gravitational Models Explain Shifts on Human Visual Attention

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    Visual attention refers to the human brain's ability to select relevant sensory information for preferential processing, improving performance in visual and cognitive tasks. It proceeds in two phases. One in which visual feature maps are acquired and processed in parallel. Another where the information from these maps is merged in order to select a single location to be attended for further and more complex computations and reasoning. Its computational description is challenging, especially if the temporal dynamics of the process are taken into account. Numerous methods to estimate saliency have been proposed in the last three decades. They achieve almost perfect performance in estimating saliency at the pixel level, but the way they generate shifts in visual attention fully depends on winner-take-all (WTA) circuitry. WTA is implemented} by the biological hardware in order to select a location with maximum saliency, towards which to direct overt attention. In this paper we propose a gravitational model (GRAV) to describe the attentional shifts. Every single feature acts as an attractor and {the shifts are the result of the joint effects of the attractors. In the current framework, the assumption of a single, centralized saliency map is no longer necessary, though still plausible. Quantitative results on two large image datasets show that this model predicts shifts more accurately than winner-take-all

    Simulating Human Gaze with Neural Visual Attention

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    Existing models of human visual attention are generally unable to incorporate direct task guidance and therefore cannot model an intent or goal when exploring a scene. To integrate guidance of any downstream visual task into attention modeling, we propose the Neural Visual Attention (NeVA) algorithm. To this end, we impose to neural networks the biological constraint of foveated vision and train an attention mechanism to generate visual explorations that maximize the performance with respect to the downstream task. We observe that biologically constrained neural networks generate human-like scanpaths without being trained for this objective. Extensive experiments on three common benchmark datasets show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art unsupervised human attention models in generating human-like scanpaths