2 research outputs found

    Fluxul tehnologic şi analiza fizico-chimică a brânzei din lapte de capră obţinută prin metode tradiţionale într-o unitate de capacitate mică din judeţul Iaşi, România

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    The aim of the current paper is to present the traditional homemade technological flow utilised for obtaining goat cheese into a small range unit from IaşiCounty, Romania and to realise an analyse upon the product’s physical-chemical features. Regarding physical-chemical characteristics, the current paper aimed to study the following parameters: fat content, moisture content and acidity of goat cheese. At the end of the study we can affirm that goat cheese homemade obtained into a small range unit from IaşiCounty, Romania, fulfilled all the demandsrequired by the Romanian legislation, being a traditionally made product. The quality of the product is a very good one, being recorded superior values to thoseimposed by nowadays standards, for all the analysed physical-chemical indicators

    Study of traditional technological flow and physicochemical analysis on goat milk yogurt obtained into a small range unit from Iaşi county, Romania

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    The aim of the paper is to present the traditional technological flow utilised for goat milk yogurt obtained into a small range unit from Iaşi County, Romania and also to effectuate a physicochemical analyse for this product. From physicochemical analysis view point, the aims of the current paper were focused on the following parameters: fat content, protein content, acidity and dry matter content. At the end of the study we can affirm that the goat milk yogurt obtained fulfilled the technological demands and flow, being a traditionally made product. The quality of the product is a very good one, being recorded superior values for all the analysed physicochemical indicators which had superior values to those imposed by nowadays legislation