16 research outputs found

    Comparison of the Results of Surgical and Non-surgical Treatment of Combat Urogenital Injuries in Bosnia War 1992ā€“1995

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    Goal was to compare the results of surgical and non-surgical treatments of combat injuries of genitourinary system and to compare our data with data collected in the recent studies. The study was designed as a retrospective review of data collected in prospective databases. The data extracted from inpatientsā€™ medical records included demographics, mechanisms and type of injury, distribution of the lesions, clinical presentation features, applied diagnostic studies, treatment modalities, types of complication and results of treatment. Among 4.125 patients treated in the Mostar War Hospital, 111 had injury of genitourinary tract: 62 underwent a surgical and 49 non-surgical treatment. Mortality among operated patients was 16 (26%). Complications were noted in 47 patients (42%); in 33 (70%) were manifested as early complications, and 14 (30) as delayed ones (p=0.006). Among the surgically treated patients, 40 (36%) had some complication, in comparison to 8 (7.2%) patients with complications among non-surgically treated patients; which represent a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). In this study, there was a surprisingly high number of non-surgically treated patients, and this sub-group of UGT trauma patients had in some ways the superior treatment results in comparison with surgically treated patients. Conservatively treated patients had lower rate of complications, no mortality, and no patients with permanent disability

    Comparison of the Results of Surgical and Non-surgical Treatment of Combat Urogenital Injuries in Bosnia War 1992ā€“1995

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    Goal was to compare the results of surgical and non-surgical treatments of combat injuries of genitourinary system and to compare our data with data collected in the recent studies. The study was designed as a retrospective review of data collected in prospective databases. The data extracted from inpatientsā€™ medical records included demographics, mechanisms and type of injury, distribution of the lesions, clinical presentation features, applied diagnostic studies, treatment modalities, types of complication and results of treatment. Among 4.125 patients treated in the Mostar War Hospital, 111 had injury of genitourinary tract: 62 underwent a surgical and 49 non-surgical treatment. Mortality among operated patients was 16 (26%). Complications were noted in 47 patients (42%); in 33 (70%) were manifested as early complications, and 14 (30) as delayed ones (p=0.006). Among the surgically treated patients, 40 (36%) had some complication, in comparison to 8 (7.2%) patients with complications among non-surgically treated patients; which represent a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). In this study, there was a surprisingly high number of non-surgically treated patients, and this sub-group of UGT trauma patients had in some ways the superior treatment results in comparison with surgically treated patients. Conservatively treated patients had lower rate of complications, no mortality, and no patients with permanent disability

    Self-medication with antibiotics in family practice in patients and parents

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    Samomedikacija antibioticima podrazumijeva uzimanje antibiotika bez recepta. Bez obzira na opasnost, ova praksa joÅ” se može vidjeti Å”irom svijeta. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi stupanj samomedikacije među pacijentima obiteljske medicine i roditeljima djece dovedene pedijatru. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo pedijatrijske ambulante i ambulante obiteljske medicine Doma zdravlja u Mostaru u travnju 2016.godine. KoriÅ”tena je anonimna anketa. Prema rezultatima, 7% roditelja odgovorilo je kako su nekad samoinicijativno dali svom djetetu antibiotik, dok je 25% pacijenata obiteljske medicine samoinicijativno uzimalo antibiotik. Kao razlog uzimanja antibiotika, većina je navela kako im je antibiotik pomogao proÅ”li put kad su osjećali iste tegobe (roditelji 93,1% i pacijenti 58,3%). Omjer izgleda za samoordiniranje antibiotika kod roditelja 4,8 puta je veći u odnosu na pacijente. Žene su sklonije samoordiniranju antibiotika. Pacijenti imaju veću sklonost samoordiniranju od roditelja. Ispitanici s OÅ  imaju manji rizik za samoordiniranje od ispitanika s VSS. Ispitanici s manjim primanjima (300-499 KM) imaju manji rizik za samordiniranje antibiotika u odnosu na ispitanike s primanjima viÅ”im od 900 KM.Self-medication with antibiotics includes taking antibiotics without a prescription. Despite concerns, this practice is still seen worldwide. The aim of this study was to determine whether self-medication with antibiotics was possible in family practice patients and parents. A validated self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data. The data were collected during April 2016. This cross-sectional survey was conducted in the Primary Care Centre, among patients and parents off the underage patients. Total 7% of parents and 25% of patients responded that they bought an antibiotic without a prescription. The most common reasons for buying medications without a prescription were that the antibiotic helped them the last time when they had similar symptoms. The parents had higher odds to take antibiotics without an prescription. Also women had higher odds to take antibiotics without a prescription. Respondents with lower educational status had lower risk for self-medication than the respondents with higher educational status. Respondents with lower family income were at lower risk for self-medication than the respondents with higher income

    Self-medication with antibiotics in family practice in patients and parents

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    Samomedikacija antibioticima podrazumijeva uzimanje antibiotika bez recepta. Bez obzira na opasnost, ova praksa joÅ” se može vidjeti Å”irom svijeta. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi stupanj samomedikacije među pacijentima obiteljske medicine i roditeljima djece dovedene pedijatru. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo pedijatrijske ambulante i ambulante obiteljske medicine Doma zdravlja u Mostaru u travnju 2016.godine. KoriÅ”tena je anonimna anketa. Prema rezultatima, 7% roditelja odgovorilo je kako su nekad samoinicijativno dali svom djetetu antibiotik, dok je 25% pacijenata obiteljske medicine samoinicijativno uzimalo antibiotik. Kao razlog uzimanja antibiotika, većina je navela kako im je antibiotik pomogao proÅ”li put kad su osjećali iste tegobe (roditelji 93,1% i pacijenti 58,3%). Omjer izgleda za samoordiniranje antibiotika kod roditelja 4,8 puta je veći u odnosu na pacijente. Žene su sklonije samoordiniranju antibiotika. Pacijenti imaju veću sklonost samoordiniranju od roditelja. Ispitanici s OÅ  imaju manji rizik za samoordiniranje od ispitanika s VSS. Ispitanici s manjim primanjima (300-499 KM) imaju manji rizik za samordiniranje antibiotika u odnosu na ispitanike s primanjima viÅ”im od 900 KM.Self-medication with antibiotics includes taking antibiotics without a prescription. Despite concerns, this practice is still seen worldwide. The aim of this study was to determine whether self-medication with antibiotics was possible in family practice patients and parents. A validated self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data. The data were collected during April 2016. This cross-sectional survey was conducted in the Primary Care Centre, among patients and parents off the underage patients. Total 7% of parents and 25% of patients responded that they bought an antibiotic without a prescription. The most common reasons for buying medications without a prescription were that the antibiotic helped them the last time when they had similar symptoms. The parents had higher odds to take antibiotics without an prescription. Also women had higher odds to take antibiotics without a prescription. Respondents with lower educational status had lower risk for self-medication than the respondents with higher educational status. Respondents with lower family income were at lower risk for self-medication than the respondents with higher income


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    Higher education students comprise a particularly vulnerable group for the development of anxiety symptoms and disorders. The aim of our research was to examine the impact of anxiety sensitivity on the success of medical students at the University of Mostar, and to establish the differences between students depending on their sex and the year of study. One hundred students in their first and fifth year of medical school were interviewed using the ASI questionnaire, 7 days prior to their final exams. Here we demonstrate a positive correlation between anxiety sensitivity and academic success. We did not find any significant differences between the first and fifth-year medical students, nor between participants based on their sex. We conclude that anxiety can have a positive impact on the academic achievement of higher education students


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    Higher education students comprise a particularly vulnerable group for the development of anxiety symptoms and disorders. The aim of our research was to examine the impact of anxiety sensitivity on the success of medical students at the University of Mostar, and to establish the differences between students depending on their sex and the year of study. One hundred students in their first and fifth year of medical school were interviewed using the ASI questionnaire, 7 days prior to their final exams. Here we demonstrate a positive correlation between anxiety sensitivity and academic success. We did not find any significant differences between the first and fifth-year medical students, nor between participants based on their sex. We conclude that anxiety can have a positive impact on the academic achievement of higher education students


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    Introduction: There is obvious decline in quality of life after MI and stroke. The main factors that reduce quality of life in these patients were the inability of returning to normal activities, pain and the development of depression / anxiety. We wanted to know what has the biggest influence on recovery and differences in quality of life in patients after stroke and heart attack. Subjects and Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted using HADS and WHOQOL-Bref questionnaire. Criteria for exclusion were diabetes, previous depression, cancer or other co morbidities that influenced the quality of life. It has been surveyed total of 396 patients, of whom 378 patients satisfied the criteria of inclusion in the study. Based on the personal data of patients, they were divided according to gender, age, educational level, and social support expressed by number of members with whom patient lives. Results: In all the observed parameters of the SU group had better results than the stroke group. The recovery after a stroke affected age, length of education and depression. Age, gender and length of education influence on a heart attack recovery. Disease duration did not affect the quality of life in either group. Significantly more patients after a stroke had depression compared to MI (p<0.001). Anxiety was not found significant in differences between groups (p=0.051). Metabolic syndrome was more frequent in the stroke group, but the difference between groups was not significant (stroke/MI) (p=0.098). In the group of stroke patients who had MS patients more often had depression (p=0.003) for different of respondents from the group with MI. Conclusion: Quality of life was significantly worse in patients after stroke compared to those with MI. The recovery from stroke was most significantly impacted by depression and age and level of education, while the recovery from heart attack was at most affected by gender, age and level of education

    Influence of warning labels on daily salt consumption and arterial pressure

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    Prekomjerni unos kuhinjske soli je jedan od vodećih čimbenika rizika krvožilnih bolesti. Cilj istraživanja je bio ispitati utjecaj naljepnica upozorenja, postavljenih na kućne spremnike soli, na dnevni unos soli u Mostaru (Bosna i Hercegovina). Uključeno je 150 odraslih, liječenih hipertoničara, nasumice podijeljenih u dvije skupine: kontrolna je dobila samo letak s upozorenjem o Å”tetnosti prekomjernog unosa soli, a interventna i naljepnice upozorenja. Mjerena je 24 satna natriurija (Na 24) i arterijski tlak, na početku istraživanja, te jedan i dva mjeseca kasnije. Ishodni Na24 iznosio je 209,2Ā±78,3 mmol/dan ili 12,3 Ā± 4,6 g NaCl-a, bez razlika među skupinama (P= 0,745). Nakon jedan i dva mjeseca u interventnoj skupini Na24 je pao na 183 Ā± 63 i 176 Ā± 55 mmol (P< 0,001), a u kontrolnoj na 203 Ā± 60 i 200 Ā± 58 (P= 0,147). Ukupno sniženje srednjeg arterijskog tlaka je u kontrolnoj skupini iznosilo prosječno 0,7 mm Hg, a u interventnoj 3,6 mm Hg (P= 0,375). Unos soli je neprihvatljivo visok, čak i u liječenih hipertoničara. Primjenom naljepnica upozorenja taj se unos može bitno smanjiti, no postignuti uspjeh je ipak nedostatan, a dugoročni ishodi nepoznati.Excessive salt intake is a major cardiovascular risk factor. Examined was the impact of enhanced warning on daily salt intake in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina). A sample of 150 treated hypertensives was randomized in a group receiving a leaflet about the harmful effects of excessive salt, and a group receiving in addition warning stickers for household salt containers. Blood pressure (BP) and 24 h urinary sodium excretion (Na24) were measured at the start of the trial, and one and two months later. The average starting Na24 was 209,2 Ā± 78.3 mmol, equivalent to 12.3 Ā± 4.6 g NaCl, and similar inboth subgroups (P= 0.745). One month and two months later a significant decrease was observed in the intervention group (to 183 Ā± 63 and 176 Ā± 55 mmol; P<0.001) but not in the control group (to 203 Ā± 60 and 200Ā± 58 mmol; P= 0.147). A noticeable decrease in BP (by some 3.6 mm Hg in mean BP; P= 0.375) was observed in the intervention group only. Salt intake is unacceptably high, even among treated hypertensive subjects. Enhanced warning achieved a marked reduction in Na24 and BP. However, these results are still insufficient and the long-term effects are unknown

    Influence of warning labels on daily salt consumption and arterial pressure

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    Prekomjerni unos kuhinjske soli je jedan od vodećih čimbenika rizika krvožilnih bolesti. Cilj istraživanja je bio ispitati utjecaj naljepnica upozorenja, postavljenih na kućne spremnike soli, na dnevni unos soli u Mostaru (Bosna i Hercegovina). Uključeno je 150 odraslih, liječenih hipertoničara, nasumice podijeljenih u dvije skupine: kontrolna je dobila samo letak s upozorenjem o Å”tetnosti prekomjernog unosa soli, a interventna i naljepnice upozorenja. Mjerena je 24 satna natriurija (Na 24) i arterijski tlak, na početku istraživanja, te jedan i dva mjeseca kasnije. Ishodni Na24 iznosio je 209,2Ā±78,3 mmol/dan ili 12,3 Ā± 4,6 g NaCl-a, bez razlika među skupinama (P= 0,745). Nakon jedan i dva mjeseca u interventnoj skupini Na24 je pao na 183 Ā± 63 i 176 Ā± 55 mmol (P< 0,001), a u kontrolnoj na 203 Ā± 60 i 200 Ā± 58 (P= 0,147). Ukupno sniženje srednjeg arterijskog tlaka je u kontrolnoj skupini iznosilo prosječno 0,7 mm Hg, a u interventnoj 3,6 mm Hg (P= 0,375). Unos soli je neprihvatljivo visok, čak i u liječenih hipertoničara. Primjenom naljepnica upozorenja taj se unos može bitno smanjiti, no postignuti uspjeh je ipak nedostatan, a dugoročni ishodi nepoznati.Excessive salt intake is a major cardiovascular risk factor. Examined was the impact of enhanced warning on daily salt intake in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina). A sample of 150 treated hypertensives was randomized in a group receiving a leaflet about the harmful effects of excessive salt, and a group receiving in addition warning stickers for household salt containers. Blood pressure (BP) and 24 h urinary sodium excretion (Na24) were measured at the start of the trial, and one and two months later. The average starting Na24 was 209,2 Ā± 78.3 mmol, equivalent to 12.3 Ā± 4.6 g NaCl, and similar inboth subgroups (P= 0.745). One month and two months later a significant decrease was observed in the intervention group (to 183 Ā± 63 and 176 Ā± 55 mmol; P<0.001) but not in the control group (to 203 Ā± 60 and 200Ā± 58 mmol; P= 0.147). A noticeable decrease in BP (by some 3.6 mm Hg in mean BP; P= 0.375) was observed in the intervention group only. Salt intake is unacceptably high, even among treated hypertensive subjects. Enhanced warning achieved a marked reduction in Na24 and BP. However, these results are still insufficient and the long-term effects are unknown

    Gender and Quality of Life After Cerebral Stroke

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    The aim of this work is to investigate the influence of gender on recovery after cerebral stroke.It is believed that functional outcome of cerebral stroke (CS) depends on gender. Female gender is mildly negative prognostic factor in after stroke results. Two hundred and two patients who had first ischemic cerebral stroke were questioned with help of, HADS and WHOQOL-Bref questionnaires, looking for differences in recovery depending on gender. Average patients' age was 72+/-13 (ME+/-IR) years. The youngest patient had 40 years, and the oldest 92 years, and medium range was 52 years. There were 112 males and 90 females. Quality of life was equally graded by both male and female after CS (p=0.208). Male patients had significantly better results in physical (p=0.035) and psychological (p=0.020) domain of life quality. After CS, male patients had better results only in memory dimension (p=0.003). Anxiety was statistically more frequent among female patients (p=0.009). Gender did not influence frequency of metabolic syndrome in patients with CS. Quality of life after CS was better in male patients, and statistically significant difference has been shown in physical, psychological domain and memory dimension. Female patients were more anxious then male after CS