4 research outputs found
Predicting diet regimen adherence by ills with diabetes of type 1 - relationship with health locus of control
WSTĘP. Celem badań przedstawionych w niniejszej
pracy była analiza związku między wymiarami umiejscowienia
kontroli zdrowia: wewnętrznym i zewnętrznym
a stężeniem hemoglobiny glikowanej HbA1c
odzwierciedlającym wyrównanie metaboliczne
u chorych na cukrzycę typu 1. Hemoglobinę glikowaną
można także traktować jako biologiczny
wskaźnik stosowania się do wymagań dietetycznych.
MATERIAŁ I METODY. W stosunku do 62 chorych na
cukrzycę typu 1 zastosowano Wielowymiarową Skalę
Umiejscowienia Kontroli Zdrowia (MHLC-B) i ankietę
WYNIKI. Uzyskane rezultaty wykazują, że u chorych
na cukrzycę typu 1 średnia wartość wskaźnika HbA1c
utrzymuje się powyżej normy. Istnieje związek między
stężeniem hemoglobiny glikowanej a przekonaniami
o zewnętrznym - w innych osobach lub
w przypadku - umiejscowieniu kontroli zdrowia.
Wyższe stężenie HbA1c mają osoby bez powikłań
i z nowo rozpoznaną chorobą. WNIOSKI. Umiejscowienie kontroli zdrowia może być
dodatkowym elementem, ważnym w psychoedukacji
pacjentów, a służącym do przewidywania stosowania
się przez chorych na cukrzycę typu 1 do zaleceń
dietetycznych.BACKGROUND. Aim of the presents research was
a study the interactions between dimensions of
health locus of control: internal and external, with
a level of glycosylated hemoglobin HbA1c, which reflected
metabolic balance individuals with type 1
diabetes. So, it is possible to treat HbA1c as a biological
coefficient of adherence to diet demands.
MATERIAL AND METHODS. Sixty two patients with
type 1 diabetes were administered and expanded
Multidimensional Health Locus of Control - MHLC-B
and a personal survey.
RESULTS. Obtained results show that type 1 diabetics
have HbA1c over norm. There is correlation between
a level of glycosylated hemoglobin and external
health of control beliefs - in others or in
chance. Persons with a higher level of HbA1c have
no complication with ill or they are new diagnosed
diabetic. CONCLUSION. Health locus of control can be an additional
component, important in psychoeducation
of diabetics, and instrumental in prediction of adherence
to diet by people with diabetes type 1
Dyspozycyjny optymizm a akceptacja choroby w grupie osób z chorobą Gravesa-Basedowa
Introduction: Dispositional optimism is a general tendency to positively perceive the world and one’s own future. We can consider what
kind of connection with ability to cope with difficulties. One situation which is very stressful for an individual is an illness, particularly
a chronic one. The aim of the paper was to define the connection between dispositional optimism and acceptance of illness among the
group with Graves-Basedow disease. This is autoimmunizational illness and diseases of this kind are particularly sensitive to the influence
of psychological factors, as there are many connections between the immune system and the human psyche.
Material and methods: The study group consisted of 59 individuals with Graves-Basedow disease, 50 women and 9 men and 55 of healthy
ones, 49 women and 6 men according to age, sex and a level of education. The patients filled out three psychological questionnaires: The
Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R), The Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS) and The Personal Questionnaire.
Results: of the study in question indicate a lack of differences between individuals with Graves-Basedow disease and healthy ones concerning
the level of dispositional optimism. There no differences in the level of dispositional optimism as regards of criterions of health: by the
levels of hormones TSH, fT3 and fT4, complications and a time of duration of disease. Instead, if they suffer additionally from others
diseases, they have a lower level of dispositional optimism. There exist a connection between intensification of level of dispositional
optimism and acceptance of illness among testing group.
Conclusions: The dispositional optimism as a supply of individual helps her or his in adaptation to difficulty situation, which is a chronic
disease. It is a reason way it is worth to help of patients to grow it stronger. Pol J Endocrinol 2008; 59 (1): 23-28Wstęp: Dyspozycyjny optymizm określa tendencję osoby do pozytywnej percepcji świata i własnej przyszłości. Można rozważać, jaki jest
jego związek z umiejętnościami radzenia sobie z trudnościami. Jedną z takich trudnych sytuacji dla jednostki jest choroba, zwłaszcza
choroba przewlekła. Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie związku między dyspozycyjnym optymizmem a akceptacją choroby w grupie
osób z chorobą Gravesa-Basedowa. Jest to choroba autoimmunologiczną, a w tego typu chorobach, ze względu na liczne powiązania układu
odpornościowego z ludzką psychiką, występuje szczególny rodzaj wrażliwości na czynniki psychologiczne.
Materiał i metody: Grupa badana składała się z 59 osób z chorobą Gravesa-Basedowa - 50 kobiet i 9 mężczyzn oraz 55 osób zdrowych
- 49 kobiet i 6 mężczyzn, które dobrano pod względem wieku, płci i wykształcenia w stosunku do osób chorych. Badane osoby wypełniły
3 kwestionariusze: Test Orientacji Życiowej (LOT-R, Life Orientation Test-Revised), Skalę Akceptacji Choroby (AIS, Acceptance of Illness Scale)
i ankietę osobową.
Wyniki: Wskazują one na brak różnic między osobami chorymi a zdrowymi w poziomie dyspozycyjnego optymizmu. Nie ma także
różnic w zakresie poziomu dyspozycyjnego optymizmu ze względu na kryterium zdrowia, jakimi są: stężenie hormonów tarczycowych
(TSH, fT3 i fT4), istnienie powikłań oraz czas chorowania. Natomiast osoby cierpiące dodatkowo z powodu innych schorzeń, miały istotnie
niższy poziom dyspozycyjnego optymizmu od tych, które doświadczały tylko choroby Gravesa-Basedowa. Istnieje związek między
nasileniem poziomu dyspozycyjnego optymizmu a akceptacją choroby w badanej grupie pacjentów.
Wnioski: Dyspozycyjny optymizm jako zasób jednostki pomaga jej w adaptacji do tak trudnej sytuacji, jaką jest przewlekła choroba,
dlatego warto pomagać pacjentom go wzmacniać. Endokrynol Pol 2008; 59 (1): 23-2
Assessment of real-world usage of lanreotide AUTOGEL 120 in Polish acromegalic patients - results from
Aim of the study: To assess resource utilization
and costs of treatment with lanreotide
AUTOGEL 120 mg (ATG120)
administered as part of routine acromegaly care in Poland.
Material and methods: A multicentre,
non-interventional, observational study
on resource utilization in Polish acromegalic
patients treated with ATG120 at
4 weeks or extended (> 4 weeks) dosing
interval. The study recruited adult acromegalic patients treated medically for
≥ 1 year including at least 3 injections of
ATG120. Data on dosing interval, aspects
of administration, and resource utilization
were collected prospectively during
12 months. Costs were calculated in PLN
from the public health-care payer perspective
for the year 2013.
Results: 139 patients were included in
the analysis. Changes in dosing regimen
were reported in 14 (9.4%) patients. Combined
treatment was used in 11 (8%) patients. Seventy patients (50%) received
ATG120 at an extended dosing interval;
the mean number of days between
injections was 35.56 (SD 8.4). ATG120
was predominantly administered in an
out-patient setting (77%), by health-care
professionals (94%). Mean time needed
for preparation and administration was
4.33 and 1.58 min, respectively, mean
product wastage - 0.13 mg. Patients were
predominantly treated in an out-patient
setting with 7.06 physician visits/patient/
year. The most common control examinations
were magnetic resonance imaging
of brain and brain stem (1.36/
patient/year), ultrasound of the neck
(1.35/patient/year), GH (1.69/pa tient/
year), glycaemia (1.12/patient/year),
IGF-1 (0.84/patient/year), pituitary-thyroid
axis hormone levels assessment
(TSH-0.58/patient/year, T4-0.78/patient/
year). There were 0.43 hospitalizations/
patient/year. For direct medical
costs estimated at PLN 50 692/pa tient/
year the main item was the costs of
ATG120 (PLN 4103.87/patient/month;
97%). The mean medical cost, excluding
pharmacotherapy, was PLN 1445/patient/year (out-patient care - 49%, hospitalization
- 23%, diagnostics/laboratory
tests - 28%).
Conclusions: These results represent
the current use of ATG120 in the population
of Polish acromegalic patients in
a realistic clinical setting. Findings that
50% of patients could be treated with
dose intervals of longer than 28 days
support the potential of ATG120 to
reduce the treatment burden
Assessment of real-world usage of lanreotide AUTOGEL 120 in Polish acromegalic patients – results from the prospective 12-months phase of Lanro-Study
AIM OF THE STUDY: To assess resource utilization and costs of treatment with lanreotide AUTOGEL 120 mg (ATG120) administered as part of routine acromegaly care in Poland. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A multicentre, non-interventional, observational study on resource utilization in Polish acromegalic patients treated with ATG120 at 4 weeks or extended (> 4 weeks) dosing interval. The study recruited adult acromegalic patients treated medically for ≥ 1 year including at least 3 injections of ATG120. Data on dosing interval, aspects of administration, and resource utilization were collected prospectively during 12 months. Costs were calculated in PLN from the public health-care payer perspective for the year 2013. RESULTS: 139 patients were included in the analysis. Changes in dosing regimen were reported in 14 (9.4%) patients. Combined treatment was used in 11 (8%) patients. Seventy patients (50%) received ATG120 at an extended dosing interval; the mean number of days between injections was 35.56 (SD 8.4). ATG120 was predominantly administered in an out-patient setting (77%), by health-care professionals (94%). Mean time needed for preparation and administration was 4.33 and 1.58 min, respectively, mean product wastage – 0.13 mg. Patients were predominantly treated in an out-patient setting with 7.06 physician visits/patient/year. The most common control examinations were magnetic resonance imaging of brain and brain stem (1.36/patient/year), ultrasound of the neck (1.35/patient/year), GH (1.69/patient/year), glycaemia (1.12/patient/year), IGF-1 (0.84/patient/year), pituitary-thyroid axis hormone levels assessment (TSH-0.58/patient/year, T4-0.78/patient/year). There were 0.43 hospitalizations/patient/year. For direct medical costs estimated at PLN 50 692/patient/year the main item was the costs of ATG120 (PLN 4103.87/patient/month; 97%). The mean medical cost, excluding pharmacotherapy, was PLN 1445/patient/year (out-patient care – 49%, hospitalization – 23%, diagnostics/laboratory tests – 28%). CONCLUSIONS: These results represent the current use of ATG120 in the population of Polish acromegalic patients in a realistic clinical setting. Findings that 50% of patients could be treated with dose intervals of longer than 28 days support the potential of ATG120 to reduce the treatment burden