18 research outputs found

    What is the diagnostic value of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria for surgical site infection in fracture-related infection?

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    Background: Fracture-related infection (FRI) remains one of the most challenging complications in orthopaedic trauma surgery. An early diagnosis is of paramount importance to guide treatment. The primary aim of this study was to compare the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) criteria for the diagnosis of organ/space surgical site infection (SSI) to the recently developed diagnostic criteria of the FRI consensus definition in operatively treated fracture patients.   Methods: This international multicenter retrospective cohort study evaluated 257 patients with 261 infections after operative fracture treatment. All patients included in this study were considered to have an FRI and treated accordingly (‘intention to treat’). The minimum follow-up was one year. Infections were scored according to the CDC criteria for organ/space SSI and the diagnostic criteria of the FRI consensus definition.   Results: Overall, 130 (49.8%) FRIs were captured when applying the CDC criteria for organ/space SSI, whereas 258 (98.9%) FRIs were captured when applying the FRI consensus criteria. Patients could not be classified as having an infection according to the CDC criteria mainly due to a lack of symptoms within 90 days after the surgical procedure (n = 96; 36.8%) and due to the fact that the surgery was performed at an anatomical localization not listed in the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) operative procedure code mapping (n = 37; 14.2%).    Conclusion: This study confirms the importance of standardization with respect to the diagnosis of FRI. The results endorse the recently developed FRI consensus definition. When applying these diagnostic criteria, 98.9% of the infections that occured after operative fracture treatment could be captured. The CDC criteria for organ/space SSI captured less than half of the patients with an FRI requiring treatment, and seemed to have less diagnostic value in this patient population

    Operative Environment

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    Postoperative SSIs are believed to occur via bacterial inoculation at the time of surgery or as a result of bacterial contamination of the wound via open pathways to the deep tissue layers.1–3 The probability of SSI is reflected by interaction of parameters that can be categorized into three major groups.2 The first group consists of factors related to the ability of bacteria to cause infection and include initial inoculation load and genetically determined virulence factors that are required for adherence, reproduction, toxin production, and bypassing host defense mechanisms. The second group involves those factors related to the defense capacity of the host including local and systemic defense mechanisms. The last group contains environmental determinants of exposure such as size, time, and location of the surgical wound that can provide an opportunity for the bacteria to enter the surgical wound, overcome the local defense system, sustain their presence, and replicate and initiate local as well as systemic inflammatory reactions of the host. The use of iodine impregnated skin incise drapes shows decreased skin bacterial counts but no correlation has been established with SSI. However, no recommendations regarding the use of skin barriers can be made (see this Workgroup, Question 27)

    Interobserver reliability of classification and characterization of proximal humeral fractures: a comparison of two and three-dimensional CT

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    Interobserver reliability for the classification of proximal humeral fractures is limited. The aim of this study was to test the null hypothesis that interobserver reliability of the AO classification of proximal humeral fractures, the preferred treatment, and fracture characteristics is the same for two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) computed tomography (CT). Members of the Science of Variation Group--fully trained practicing orthopaedic and trauma surgeons from around the world--were randomized to evaluate radiographs and either 2-D CT or 3-D CT images of fifteen proximal humeral fractures via a web-based survey and respond to the following four questions: (1) Is the greater tuberosity displaced? (2) Is the humeral head split? (3) Is the arterial supply compromised? (4) Is the glenohumeral joint dislocated? They also classified the fracture according to the AO system and indicated their preferred treatment of the fracture (operative or nonoperative). Agreement among observers was assessed with use of the multirater kappa (κ) measure. Interobserver reliability of the AO classification, fracture characteristics, and preferred treatment generally ranged from "slight" to "fair." A few small but statistically significant differences were found. Observers randomized to the 2-D CT group had slightly but significantly better agreement on displacement of the greater tuberosity (κ = 0.35 compared with 0.30, p < 0.001) and on the AO classification (κ = 0.18 compared with 0.17, p = 0.018). A subgroup analysis of the AO classification results revealed that shoulder and elbow surgeons, orthopaedic trauma surgeons, and surgeons in the United States had slightly greater reliability on 2-D CT, whereas surgeons in practice for ten years or less and surgeons from other subspecialties had slightly greater reliability on 3-D CT. Proximal humeral fracture classifications may be helpful conceptually, but they have poor interobserver reliability even when 3-D rather than 2-D CT is utilized. This may contribute to the similarly poor interobserver reliability that was observed for selection of the treatment for proximal humeral fractures. The lack of a reliable classification confounds efforts to compare the outcomes of treatment methods among different clinical trials and reports

    Treatment of long bone intramedullary infection using the RIA for removal of infected tissue: indications, method and clinical results.

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    Treatment of intramedullary infections of long bones is based upon the principles of surgical debridement, irrigation, fracture site stabilization, soft tissue coverage, and antibiotic administration. Reaming of the medullary canal is an essential component of surgical debridement because it removes intramedullary debris and infected bone surrounding the removed intramedullary device and within the intramedullary canal. The Reamer-Irrigator-Aspirator (RIA) has distinct features that appear to be beneficial for management of intramedullary infections. It allows reaming under simultaneous irrigation and aspiration, which minimizes the residual amount of infected fluid and tissue in the medullary canal and the propagation of infected material. The disposable reamer head is sharp, which combined with the continuous irrigation may attenuate the increased temperature associated with reaming and its potential adverse effects on adjacent endosteal bone. The disadvantage of the RIA is increased cost because of use of disposable parts. Potential complications can be avoided by detailed preoperative planning and careful surgical technique. The RIA should be used with caution in patients with narrow medullary canals and in infections involving the metaphysis or a limited part of the medullary canal. Reaming of the canal is performed with one pass of the RIA under careful fluoroscopic control. Limited information is available in the literature on the results of the RIA for management of intramedullary infections of long bones; however preliminary results are promising. The RIA device appears to be an effective and safe tool for debridement of the medullary canal and management of intramedullary infections of the long bones. Further research is needed to clarify the exact contribution of the RIA in the management of these infections

    Hip Disarticulation for Severe Lower Extremity Infections

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    Hip disarticulation is rarely performed for infections and variable mortality rates have been reported. We determined the number of deaths following hip disarticulation for severe lower extremity infections in 15 patients. Indications for hip disarticulation were necrotizing soft tissue infections in seven patients and persistent infections of the proximal thigh in eight patients. The most common microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus, present in eight patients. Hip disarticulation was performed emergently in seven patients and electively in eight patients. All patients survived the operation and at 1 month postoperatively 14 of 15 patients were alive. Hip disarticulation for these severe infections had high survival, even when performed emergently for life-threatening infections. We believe hip disarticulation is a reasonable option treating severe infections of the lower extremity and should be part of the armamentarium of the orthopaedic surgeon

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Hematogenous Osteomyelitis of the Hip in Adults

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    Hematogenous hip infections are rare in adults and the extent of infection into the bone or adjacent soft tissues may be underestimated, leading to inadequate surgical débridement. Using MRI, we sought to determine the extent of bone involvement and the presence of adjacent soft tissue abscesses in adults with hip osteomyelitis. We reviewed the records and MRIs in 11 adult patients (12 hips) with hematogenous osteomyelitis of the femoral head in 12 hips. Ten of 11 patients had one or more comorbidities. All patients underwent surgical débridement and received antibiotic therapy for 6 weeks. MRI revealed osteomyelitis distal to the femoral head in seven of 12 hips with extension into the medullary canal in three of these seven. Femoral head erosions were present in 10 hips, acetabulum osteomyelitis in 11, and acetabular erosions in six hips. Infection extended into adjacent soft tissues in eight of 12 hips. MRI demonstrated that the infection may extend distal to the femoral head or into the adjacent soft tissues. MRI may be useful for preoperative planning so that all regions affected by the infection can be treated