3 research outputs found

    Fixed dilated pupils in Covid-19 ARDS patients under rocuronium, reversed after discontinuation

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    Neuromuscular Blockade Agents (NMBA) are used in the management of moderate and severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) patients. They have never been reported to present Central Nervous System adverse reactions. Shortage of cis-atracurium during the pandemic, led to the use of rocuronium. We report three patients with Covid-19 ARDS, who presented bilateral dilated, non-reactive pupils, after continuous rocuronium infusion. Brain CT findings were unremarkable and transcranial doppler tracings did not suggest brain edema or hemorrhage. NMBA's discontinuation led to reversal of the pupillary dilation. We believe that impairment of Blood-Brain-Barrier, due to Covid-19, led rocuronium access into the Central Nervous System, leading to this adverse effect. Clinicians should be aware of this adverse reaction when managing patients with Covid-19 ARDS warranting NMBA use. © 202

    Ultrasonographic Confirmation of Nasogastric Tube Placement in the COVID-19 Era

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    Background: Nasogastric tube (NGT) placement is a daily routine in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), and misplacement of the NGT can cause serious complications. In COVID-19 ARDS patients, proning has emerged the need for frequent NGT re-evaluations. The gold standard technique, chest X-ray, is not always feasible. In the present study we report our experience with the use of ultrasonographic confirmation of NGT position. Methods: A prospective study in 276 COVID-19 ARDS patients admitted after intubation in the ICU. Ultrasonographic evaluation was performed using longitudinal or sagittal epigastric views. Examinations were performed during the initial NGT placement and every time the patients returned to the supine position after they had been proned or whenever critical care physicians or nurses considered that reconfirmation was necessary. Results: Ultrasonographic confirmation of correct NGT placement was feasible in 246/276 (89.13%) patients upon ICU admission. In 189/246 (76.8%) the tube could be visualized in the stomach (two parallel lines), in 172/246 (69.9%) the ultrasonographic whoosh test (“flash” due to air instillation through the tube, seen with ultrasonography) was evident, while in 164/246 (66.7%) both tests confirmed correct NGT placement. During ICU stay 590 ultrasonographic NGT evaluations were performed, and in 462 (78.14%) cases correct NGT placement were confirmed. In 392 cases, a chest X-ray was also ordered. The sensitivity of ultrasonographic NGT confirmation in these cases was 98.9%, specificity 57.9%, PPV 96.2%, and NPV 3.8%. The time for the full evaluation was 3.8 ± 3.4 min. Conclusion: Ultrasonographic confirmation of correct NGT placement is feasible in the initial placement, but also whenever needed thereafter, especially in the COVID-19 era, when changes in posture have become a daily practice in ARDS patients. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Neuromuscular Blockade in the Pre- and COVID-19 ARDS Patients

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) accounts for a quarter of mechanically ventilated patients, while during the pandemic, it overwhelmed the capacity of intensive care units (ICUs). Lung protective ventilation (low tidal volume, positive-end expiratory pressure titrated to lung mechanics and oxygenation, permissive hypercapnia) is a non-pharmacological approach that is the gold standard of management. Among the pharmacological treatments, the use of neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs), although extensively studied, has not yet been well clarified. The rationale is to minimize the risk for lung damage progression, in the already-injured pulmonary parenchyma. By abolishing rigorous spontaneous efforts, NMBAs may decrease the generation of high transpulmonary pressures that could aggravate patients’ self-inflicted lung injury. Moreover, NMBAs can harmonize the patient–ventilator interaction. Recent randomized controlled trials reported contradictory results and changed the clinical practice in a bidirectional way. NMBAs have not been documented to improve long-term survival; thus, the current guidance suggests their use only in patients in whom a lung protective ventilation protocol cannot be applied, due to asynchrony or increased respiratory efforts. In the present review, we discuss the published data and additionally the clinical practice in the “war” conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, concerning NMBA use in the management of patients with ARDS. © 2022 by the authors