39 research outputs found

    Women's health from a global economic perspective

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    Women's health from a global economic perspective

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    Women's health from a global economic perspective

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    Women's health from a global economic perspective

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    Women's health from a global economic perspective

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    Reproductieve en maternale gezondheid omvat de gezondheid van vrouwen gedurende de vruchtbare jaren, van jongvolwassenheid tot zwangerschap en geboorte. De ‘continuum of care’ benadering onderkent de noodzaak van gezondheidszorgvoorzieningen tijdens de vruchtbare jaren, en is essentieel om reproductieve en maternale gezondheid te verbeteren. Het doel van dit proefschrift is epidemiologische en economische aspecten te onderzoeken van een aantal gezondheidsinterventies gericht op het verbeteren van de gezondheid van vrouwen, in verschillende settings. Het eerste deel van dit proefschrift richt zich op reproductieve gezondheidsissues, in het bijzonder op het opschalen van gezinsplanning-interventies in landen met lage en middeninkomens, aangezien gezinsplanning in deze landen een hoge prioriteit heeft. Met gebruik van economische evaluaties wordt bevestigd dat opschaling van gezinsplanning-interventies kosten-effectief en mogelijk kostenbesparend zijn, bovenop aanzienlijke gunstige gezondheidseffecten. Het tweede deel van het proefschrift betreft maternale gezondheid, in het bijzonder zwangerschapshypertensie en pre-eclampsie. We verkennen de associatie tussen het gebruik van antidepressiva en het risico op het ontwikkelen van zwangerschapshypertensie. Het onderliggende mechanisme van deze associatie blijft onduidelijk, maar het is belangrijk dat zowel zorgprofessionals als zwangeren geïnformeerd worden over het risico zodat voor- en nadelen van langdurig antidepressivagebruik tijdens de zwangerschap afgewogen kunnen worden. In dit deel worden ook de economische aspecten van pre-eclampsie onderzocht. Een screeningtest op basis van biomarkers is mogelijk een kosten-effectieve optie voor implementatie in de klinische praktijk. Het vergt blijvende inspanningen om de gezondheid van vrouwen te verbeteren en om vermijdbare sterfte en ziekte in moeders en vrouwen in het algemeen terug te dringen. Dit proefschrift benadrukt ook de noodzaak om meer en breder onderzoek te doen op het gebied van reproductieve en maternale gezondheid, en om wereldwijd goede en geïntegreerde reproductieve en maternale gezondheidszorgvoorzieningen actief te propageren

    The Role of Administrative and Secondary Data in Estimating the Costs and Effects of School and Workplace Closures due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    As a part of mitigation strategies during a COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO currently recommends social distancing measures through school closures (SC) and work closures (WC) to control the infection spread and reduce the illness attack rate. Focusing on the use of administrative and secondary data, this study aimed to estimate the costs and effects of alternative strategies for mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic in Jakarta, Indonesia, by comparing the baseline (no intervention) with SC + WC for 2, 4, and 8 weeks as respective scenarios. A modified Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered (SEIR) compartmental model accounting for the spread of infection during the latent period was applied by taking into account a 1-year time horizon. To estimate the total pandemic cost of all scenarios, we took into account the cost of healthcare, SC, and productivity loss due to WC and illness. Next to costs, averted deaths were considered as the effect measure. In comparison with the baseline, the result showed that total savings in scenarios of SC + WC for 2, 4, and 8 weeks would be approximately 24billion,24 billion, 25 billion, and $34 billion, respectively. In addition, increasing the duration of SC and WC would increase the number of averted deaths. Scenarios of SC + WC for 2, 4, and 8 weeks would result in approximately 159,075, 173,963, and 250,842 averted deaths, respectively. A sensitivity analysis showed that the wage per day, infectious period, basic reproduction number, incubation period, and case fatality rate were found to be the most influential parameters affecting the savings and number of averted deaths. It can be concluded that all the mitigation scenarios were considered to be cost-saving, and increasing the duration of SC and WC would increase both the savings and the number of averted deaths

    Impact of Switch Options on the Economics of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) Introduction in Indonesia

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    As one of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (previously the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), graduating countries, Indonesia is still eligible to access Gavi price for PCV13, PCV10 A and B. This study aims to estimate the economic impact of switch from the existing product/presentation of PCV (single-dose of PCV13) to the new product/presentation of PCV (multi-dose of PCV13, PCV10 A and B) since PCV is one of the most expensive vaccines in the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) schedule. Assuming that Gavi-Advance Market Commitment (AMC) price for all PCVs can be accessed in 2021, the use of multi-dose PCV13, PCV10 A and PCV10 B with Gavi-AMC price in 2021-2024 were considered as respective scenarios. The result showed that the scenario assuming the use of single-dose of PCV13 with contract price in 2019-2020 that would be switched into multi-dose of PCV10 B with Gavi-AMC price in 2021-2024 resulted in the highest potential saving, compared with other scenarios. Our analysis suggests an economic advantage to switch from single-dose into a multi-dose presentation. Vaccination coverage, vaccine price, vaccine wastage and additional Gavi-AMC vaccine costs were considered to be the most influential parameter affecting the savings in all scenarios. Applying the effectiveness of PCV13 and PCV10 A on reducing the risk for invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD), potential averted incidence of IPD in children under one year of age during 2019-2024 would be 246,164 and 105,587 in both scenarios. Despite the result confirmed that PCV13 may provide an additional benefit, a more comprehensive economic evaluation study is required to investigate further the comparison of cost-effectiveness values among all PCVs in Indonesia

    Pneumococcal Vaccination for Children in Asian Countries:A Systematic Review of Economic Evaluation Studies

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    Background: Evidence on costs and health benefits of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) for children in Asian countries is limited but growing. As a region with a considerably high burden of pneumococcal disease, it is prominent to have a comprehensive overview on the cost-effectiveness of implementing and adopting a PCV vaccination program. Methods: We conducted a systematic review from Pubmed and Embase to identify economic evaluation studies of PCV for children in Asian countries up to May 2020. Data extraction included specific characteristics of the study, input parameters, cost elements, cost-effectiveness results, and key drivers of uncertainty. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA) statement was followed for this systematic review. The reporting quality of the included studies was evaluated using the Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS) statement. Results: After the screening process on both the title and abstract and full text of 518 records, a total of 25 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria, and were included in the review. The majority of included studies demonstrates that PCV for children is cost-effective in most of the Asian region, and even cost-saving in some countries. Most of the included studies implemented cost utility analysis (CUA) using either quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) or disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Overall, the main drivers affecting the cost effectiveness were vaccine price, burden regarding pneumonia-related parameters, and the inclusion of herd effects. Conclusion: The children pneumococcal vaccination program appears to be a cost-effective intervention in Asia, and even cost-saving in certain conditions. Vaccine price, pneumonia-related disease burden, and the inclusion of the herd effect are observed as important key drivers in estimating cost-effectiveness in this region. Incorporating PCV in vaccination programs in this region was found to be highly favorable

    Pre-eclampsia Diagnosis and Treatment Options:A Review of Published Economic Assessments

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    Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication affecting both mother and fetus. Although there is no proven effective method to prevent pre-eclampsia, early identification of women at risk of pre-eclampsia could enhance appropriate application of antenatal care, management and treatment. Very little is known about the cost effectiveness of these and other tests for pre-eclampsia, mainly because there is no clear treatment path. The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing evidence on the health economics of screening, diagnosis and treatment options in pre-eclampsia.We searched three electronic databases (PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library) for studies on screening, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of pre-eclampsia, published between 1994 and 2014. Only full papers written in English containing complete economic assessments in pre-eclampsia were included.From an initial total of 138 references, six papers fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Three studies were on the cost effectiveness of treatment of pre-eclampsia, two of which evaluated magnesium sulphate for prevention of seizures and the third evaluated the cost effectiveness of induction of labour versus expectant monitoring. The other three studies were aimed at screening and diagnosis, in combination with subsequent preventive measures. The two studies on magnesium sulphate were equivocal on the cost effectiveness in non-severe cases, and the other study suggested that induction of labour in term pre-eclampsia was more cost effective than expectant monitoring. The screening studies were quite diverse in their objectives as well as in their conclusions. One study concluded that screening is probably not worthwhile, while two other studies stated that in certain scenarios it may be cost effective to screen all pregnant women and prophylactically treat those who are found to be at high risk of developing pre-eclampsia.This study is the first to provide a comprehensive overview on the economic aspects of pre-eclampsia in its broadest sense, ranging from screening to treatment options. The main limitation of the present study lies in the variety of topics in combination with the limited number of papers that could be included; this restricted the comparisons that could be made. In conclusion, novel biomarkers in screening for and diagnosing pre-eclampsia show promise, but their accuracy is a major driver of cost effectiveness, as is prevalence. Universal screening for pre-eclampsia, using a biomarker, will be feasible only when accuracy is significantly increased.</p

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Spending on Research and Development to Address the Needs for Innovative Therapeutic Products in Indonesia

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    Background: The annual gross domestic expenditure on research and development (GERD) per capita of Indonesia (24)remainsrelativelylowerthantheannualGERDpercapitaofneighboringcountries,suchasVietnam(24) remains relatively lower than the annual GERD per capita of neighboring countries, such as Vietnam (36), Singapore (1804),Malaysia(1804), Malaysia (361), and Thailand (111). Objective: The aim of this study was to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis of spending on healthcare R&D to address the needs of developing innovative therapeutic products in Indonesia. Methods: A decision tree model was developed by taking into account four stages of R&D: stage 1 from raw concept to feasibility, stage 2 from feasibility to development, stage 3 from development to early commercialization, and stage 4 from early to full commercialization. Considering a 3-year time horizon, a stage-dependent success rate was applied and analyses were conducted from a business perspective. Two scenarios were compared by assuming the government of Indonesia would increase GERD in health and medical sciences up to 2- and 3-times higher than the baseline (current situation) for the first and second scenario, respectively. Cost per number of innovative products in health and medical sciences was considered as the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). Univariate sensitivity analysis was conducted to investigate the effects of different input parameters on the ICER. Results: There was a statistically significant association (P-value<0.05) between countries' GERD in medical and health sciences with the number of innovative products. We estimated the ICER would be 8.50 million and $2.04 million per innovative product for the first and second scenario, respectively. The sensitivity analysis showed that the success rates in all stages and total GERD were the most influential parameters impacting the ICER. Conclusion: The result showed that there was an association between GERD in medical and health sciences with the number of innovative products. In addition, the second scenario would be more cost-effective than the first scenario