15 research outputs found


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    Complications may provide information regarding the management of fractures in ancient populations. The aim of this study was to determine the rates of long-bone fractures and the proportion of misalignments as indicators of failed treatment or no treatment at all in skeletons from the Giza Necropolis dating to the Old Kingdom period (2700-2190 BC). We visually examined for fractures 2287 long bones of 204 adult skeletons (112 male and 92 female) and took x-rays of fractured bones in standard AP and ML views, so that we can analyse misalignments. Fractures were found in 45 of the 2287 examined long bones (1.97 %). Most of the fractures healed with good alignment, most likely as a result of successful treatment, and only three fractures showed misalignment.Komplikacije nastale nakon obrade lomova kosti u starih naroda govore nam o načinu i uspjeÅ”nosti njihova liječenja. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi učestalost prijeloma kosti i komplikacija proiziÅ”lih iz liječenja ili izostanka liječenja u kostura iz grobnice u Gizi iz razdoblja Starog egipatskog kraljevstva (2700.ā€“2190. pr. n. e.). U potrazi za prijelomima pregledali smo 2.287 dugih cjevastih kostiju 204 odrasla staroegipatska kostura (112 muÅ”kih i 92 ženska). Krivo sraÅ”tene kosti potvrđene su rendgenski. Prijelomi su utvrđeni na 45 od 2.287 pregledanih kostiju (1,97 %). Većina je prelomljenih kostiju pravilno srasla zahvaljujući uspjeÅ”nom liječenju, a tek je u tri prijelom srastanje bilo krivo

    Children with Chronic Renal Failure on Hemodialysis

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    Abstract Background and Aim: Growth retardation is still an important manifestation of children with chronic renal failure (CRF). The aim of this study is to evaluate the growth in relation to nutritional status in Egyptian children with CRF on hemodialysis

    Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Egyptian Obese Women with Insulin Resistance

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity is a major factor in the development of several sub-clinical anomalies. Insulin resistance (IR) is associated with obesity. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a significant role in inflammation and vascular neogenesis. However the precise relationships of its levels with clinical, lipid, and metabolic profiles are unknown. AIM: This study aimed to examine the association between serum VEGF concentrations with IR risk and metabolic and lipid parameters in obese women. METHODS: Serum VEGF, metabolic biomarkers and anthropometry were measured in 83 obese women with IR and 50 healthy women. Fat distributions in the abdominal, subcutaneous and visceral area were assessed. Homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) was calculated. For analytical purposes, VEGF levels were categorised into three tertiles groups. RESULTS: Obese women with IR showed significantly higher levels of serum VEGF as compared with the control group. Moreover, obese women in the highest VEGF tertile had significantly higher values of obesity indices, visceral fat index, abnormal lipid levels and HOMA-IR compared to with those in the lower tertile. CONCLUSION: Elevated VEGF levels are associated with IR and high visceral fat index in obese women which in turn increased the risk for metabolic complications

    The Validity of Body Adiposity Indices in Predicting Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components among Egyptian Women

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    AIM: To assess the associations between the body adiposity indices and risk of metabolic syndrome (MS) and its components in Egyptian women and to evaluate their predictive power.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional analysis performed on 180 Egyptian women aged between 25-35 years. They were 90 women with MS diagnosed by International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and 90 healthy age matched controls. Body adiposity index (BAI), body mass index (BMI), waist to hip ratio (WHR) and waist to height ratio (WHtR) were calculated and serum samples were analyzed for metabolic parameters. Receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC) was used to determine the discriminatory capacity of BAI, WHR WHtR and BMI for MS.RESULTS: Area under the curve (AUC) was highest for BIA, followed by WHR, WHtR and then BMI. All adiposity indices were significantly correlated with metabolic components and BAI had the highest correlation coefficients compared to other indices.CONCLUSION: BAI is a practical predictor for MS and has satisfactory diagnostic accuracy for diagnosing MS among Egyptian women and can be used in addition to WHR, WHtR and BMI for identifying MS in the field studies

    Cut-Off Values of Anthropometric Indices for the Prediction of Hypertension in a Sample of Egyptian Adults

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    Background: Obesity, particularly abdominal adiposity, is closely associated with premature atherosclerosis and many metabolic modifications including insulin resistance dyslipidemia hypertension and diabetes. Cut-off values for abdominal obesity predicting future cardiovascular disease are known to be population specific.Objective: To identify cut-off points of some anthropometric measurements (BMI, WC, WHR and WHtR) that associated with hypertension in a sample of Egyptian adults.Subjects and Methods: This is a cross-sectional analysis. The blood pressure of 5550 Egyptian adults was measured (2670 females Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ 2880 males).The subjects represented different geographic localities and different social classes. Anthropometric measurements including height, weight, waist circumferences, and hip circumferences were also measured by practitioners.Results: The cut-off values to detect hypertension in females were 30.08 for BMI, 87.75 for WC , 0.81 for WHR and 0.65 for WHtR, and the corresponding sensitivity and specificity were 69.1; 60.7- 80.9; 48.6 -65.3; 53.4 and 61.4; 58.9, respectively. The cut-off values to detect hypertension in males were 27.98 for BMI, 95.75 for WC, 0.92 for WHR, and 0.57 for WHtR and the corresponding sensitivity and specificity were 62.8; 59.9 -71.9; 51.9 -64.6; 55.8 and 59.7; 55.8, respectively.Conclusion: The BMI, Waist circumference, WHR and WHtR values can predict the presence of hypertension risk in adult Egyptians

    Immunological Evaluation in Patients with Familial Mediterranean fever

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate T & B lymphocyte subsets and Natural Killer (NK) cells patterns in children with FMF versus normal control subjects, to estimate the immunoglobulins IgG, IgM, and IgA levels, and to scrutinize the possible use of Neutrophil / Lymphocyte ratio (NLR) as a marker for subclinical inflammation in FMF patients.PATIENTS AND METHODS: A group of 42 patients with FMF attending the Genetics Clinic at National Research Centre were included in this study. They were 13 males and 19 females; their age ranged from 2 to 17 years old. Normal healthy subjects within the same age and sex range were included as a control group. Complete blood picture was done for all cases, and neutrophil/ lymphocyte ratio was calculated. Flow cytometer analysis was done for CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19 and CD16 using monoclonal antibodies. Immunoglobulins IgG, IgA and IgM were estimated in serum using nephelometry.RESULTS: Positive consanguinity was present in 20 patients (47.6%). Abdominal pain was the most common manifestation followed by fever, arthritis, and red rash. CD3, CD4 and CD8 were statistically increased in patients group as compared to normal control group, while CD16 was statistically decreased.CONCLUSION: The study suggests that quantitative measurement of CD expressions of CD3, CD4 and CD8 as well as NLR might be used as valuable markers for subclinical inflammation in FMF

    Risk Factors for Obesity among Egyptian Children

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    Abstract: Background: Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions. There has been a fourfold increase in the prevalence of obesity among children. The aim of this study is to identify the risk factors underlying obesity in Egyptian children. Methods: A cross sectional study was performed on 150 obese and 150 normal weight children aged 9 -11 years. Information of consanguinity, family history of obesity, birth order, family size, dietary intake and socioeconomic level was collected by questionnaires. Weight, height, mid upper arm circumference, triceps and subscapular skinfolds were measured for all children. Results: Significant differences were observed between obese children and normal weight children. Frequencies of family's low socioeconomic level, small family size and obese parents were higher among obese children as compared to normal weight children. Obese children were mostly from first and second birth of order, spent more time watching television and less time exercising. They frequently consumed CHO and snakes, while normal weight children more frequently consumed fresh fruits and vegetables. After controlling all other variables, results revealed that the ranking of factors associated with obesity by adjusted odds ratio (OR) were: small family size # 5, obesity of both parents, high consumption of snakes, obese mother and obese father, children of first and second birth of order, family's low socioeconomic level and high consumption of CHO. Conclusions: This study emphasized that low socioeconomic level of family, child's eating behavior and parental obesity are the main risk factors for the obesity among Egyptian children

    Age-related changes in cortical bone thickness of ancient Egyptians

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    Background: Cross-sectional properties are affected by intrinsic factors such as age and levels of sex hormones. The aim of the present study was to assess age related changes in long bone cortical bone measurements in ancient Egyptian males and females. Material and methods: The material of the present study consisted of 245 skeletons. Measurements of cross-sectional properties from CT images were taken from humerus, femur, and tibia. Cross-sectional images were obtained in the transverse plane of each bone, perpendicular to both coronal and sagittal planes. Results: The results of the present study revealed that the cortical area showed a consistent decrease after age 50Ā years in all bones for both sexes; this reduction was significant in the tibia of males and in the humerus and femur of females. The present study demonstrated an increase in endosteal diameter of long bones, with an associated decrease in thickness of compact cortical bone which is more obvious in ancient Egyptian females than in males. Conclusions: The present results highlight important sex-specific differences in patterns of age-related bone loss. These findings are comparable to those from other human populations and represent a valid resource for clinical application and for comparisons with contemporary subjects

    APOA2 Polymorphism in Relation to Obesity and Lipid Metabolism

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    Objectives. This study aims to analysis the relationship between c.-492T>C polymorphism in APOA2 gene and the risk for obesity in a sample of Egyptian adolescents and investigates its effect on body fat distribution and lipid metabolism. Material and Methods. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 303 adolescents. They were 196 obese and 107 nonobese, aged 16ā€“19 years old. Variables examined included body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist to hip ratio (WHR), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), body fat percentage (BF%), abdominal visceral fat layer, and dietary intake. Abdominal visceral fat thickness was determined by ultrasonography. The polymorphism in the APOA2 c.-492T>C was analyzed by PCR amplification. Results. Genotype frequencies were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The frequency of the mutant C allele was significantly higher in obese cases compared to nonobese. After multivariate adjustment, waist, BF% and visceral adipose layer, food consumption, and HDL-C were significantly higher in homozygous allele CC carriers than TT+TC carriers. Conclusions. Homozygous individuals for the C allele had higher obesity risk than carriers of the T allele and had elevated levels of visceral adipose tissue and serum HDL-C. Moreover, the study shows association between the APOA2 c.-492T>C polymorphism and food consumption