666 research outputs found

    The SPAD chlorophyll meter: a potential rapid, nondestructive method of leaf N monitoring in lentil

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    Non-Peer ReviewedThe SPAD Chlorophyll Meter (SPAD) measures the chlorophyll content of leaves, and can be used to estimate the nitrogen status of plants as an alternative to the nitrate tissue test. The leaf nitrogen monitoring in experimental plots consists of sampling, drying, weighing, grinding and finally the N measurement of the leaves. Data obtained in some crops like wheat, maize, barley and peanut from the SPAD chlorophyll meter showed reasonable estimation of leaf nitrogen characters (LNCs): %leaf N, specific leaf weight (SLW) and specific leaf nitrogen (SLN). Leaf color and the resulting SPAD reading however, may vary by cultivar, soil and air temperature; planting date, leaf stage, leaf position, plant disease, nutrient deficiency and plant stress. In this study, we hypothesized that the SPAD reading in lentil leaves could estimate leaf nitrogen content

    A note on quasi-Gorenstein rings

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    In this paper, after giving a criterion for a Noetherian local ring to be quasi-Gorenstein, we obtain some sufficient conditions for a quasi- Gorenstein ring to be Gorenstein. In the course, we provide a slight generalization of a theorem of Evans and Griffith.Comment: To appear in Arch. Mat

    Effects of amino acid supplementation of lysine and methionine on body biochemical composition and amino acid profile of Sobaity sea bream (Sparidentex hasta) juveniles

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    In this study that lasted to 8 weeks, was conducted to determine the effects of dietary supplementation of lysine and methionine on body biochemical composition and amino acid profile of Sobaity sea bream, Sparidentex hasta. Therefore, 180 juvenile fish with an initial weight of 31.38 ±1.4 g were distributed randomly among eighteen tanks. Fish were fed to satiation three time per day (08:00, 13:00 and 18:00 hours) with formulated diets containing six different levels of dietary methionine and lysine; Diet 1: a control diet without dietary amino acid supplementation; Diet 2: 100% methionine supplementation; Diet 3: 75% methionine and 25% lysine supplementation; Diet 4: 50% methionine and 50% lysine supplementation; Diet 5: 25% methionine and 75% lysine supplementation and Diet 6: 100% lysine supplementation.The results of this study showed Carcass protein content was significantly affected by the amino acid supplements and the highest level of carcass protein observed in fish were fed by diet 3(P 0.05). In addition, essential amino acids (ΣEAA) and non-essential amino acids (ΣNEAA) and ratio ΣEAA / ΣNEAA, were affected by lysine and methionine amino acid supplementation as ΣEAA and ratio (ΣEAA) / (ΣNEAA) significantly increased with increasing levels of amino acid supplementation and the highest amount of this parameters observed in groups were fed by diet with high levels of methionine.The results showed that adding 75% dietary methionine supplementation and 25% lysine supplemtation to the diet containg 45/95% protein, have positive effects on biochemical composition and amino acid profile in rearing of Sobaity seabream juveniles

    Peak height pattern in dichloro-rhodamine and energy transfer dye terminator sequencing

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    Establishing the pattern in peak heights within local sequence contexts improves the accuracy of base calling and the identification of DNA sequence variations in dye-terminator cycle sequencing. We have systematically examined pairs of sequence-tagged sites (STSs) that vary at only a single nucleotide to determine how base changes influence the peak heights of neighboring bases in sequencing traces generated by two recently commercialized dye-terminator chemistries, the dichloro-rhodamine (dRhodamine) and the energy transfer (BigDye) terminators. For sequencing traces generated with the dRhodamine terminators, the peak height of a particular base in 28 of 64 possible 3-base windows (44%) can be predicted by knowing just one or two bases 5\u27 to the base in question. For those generated with the BigDye terminators, the peak height of a particular base in 23 of 64 possible 3-base windows (36%) can be predicted by knowing the local sequence context. When the peak heights are binned slightly differently, 75% (48 out of 64 cases) of the base peaks generated by both dRhodamine and BigDye terminators fall in the middle half, confirming that the peak patterns of these two new dye terminator chemistries are much more even than those found in the original rhodamine dye terminator sequences

    Achieving fruit, juice, and vegetable recipe preparation goals influences consumption by 4th grade students

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Including children in food preparation activities has long been recommended as a method to encourage children's consumption, but has not been evaluated. Goal setting is also a common component of behavior change programs. This study assessed the impact of attaining goals to prepare fruit-juice or vegetable recipes on student fruit and vegetable consumption as part of a 10-week fruit and vegetable intervention for fourth grade students.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>At six of the 10 sessions, students (n = 671) selected a fruit-juice or vegetable recipe to prepare at home before the next session. Students returned parent-signed notes reporting their child's goal attainment. Baseline and post consumption were assessed with up to four days of dietary recalls. Analyses included regression models predicting post consumption from the number of fruit-juice or vegetable recipe preparation goals attained, controlling for baseline consumption.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In general, girls and Hispanic students achieved the most recipe preparation goals. For students with highest baseline fruit-juice consumption, post fruit-juice consumption was higher by about 1.0 serving for those achieving 2 or 3 fruit-juice recipe preparation goals. Post vegetable consumption was highest for students reporting the highest baseline vegetable consumption and who achieved two or three vegetable recipe preparation goals. In general, recipe goal setting was a useful procedure primarily for those with high baseline consumption.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is one of the first reports demonstrating that home recipe preparation was correlated with dietary change among children.</p

    AmpliTaq DNA polymerase, FS dye-terminator sequencing: Analysis of peak height patterns

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    Taq DNA polymerases in which the phenylalanine is substituted by a tyrosine at position 667 (Taq F667Y) are members of a new class of DNA polymerases that incorporate chain-terminating dideoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (ddNTPs) much more efficiently than the wild-type Taq DNA polymerase. Improved incorporation of ddNTPs into DNA during cycle sequencing using AmpliTaq DNA polymerase, FS (Taq-FS, a member of the Taq F667Y family), and dye-labeled primers results in nearly uniform peak heights in the sequencing trace. This is not the case when dye-labeled ddNTPs are used in Taq-FS cycle sequencing reactions. While the rate of dye-terminator incorporation is more efficient with Taq-FS, the peak pattern is still highly variable and different from that produced by the wild-type enzyme. We have systematically examined pairs of sequence-tagged sites that vary at only a single nucleotide to determine how base changes influence the peak heights of neighboring bases in sequencing traces generated by the Taq-FS dye-terminator chemistry. In 31 of 64 possible 3-base windows (48%), we find that the peak height of a particular base can be predicted by knowing just one or two bases 5\u27 to the base in question. We have also compared and contrasted the peak patterns produced by the Taq-FS enzyme with those previously identified for the wild-type enzyme. Establishing the patterns in peak heights within local sequence contexts can improve the accuracy of base-calling and the identification of polymorphisms/mutations when using the Taq-FS dye-terminator cycle-sequencing chemistry
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