133 research outputs found

    Wokół niektórych dylematów aksjologicznych procesu wychowania w pracy zawodowej nauczycieli

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    The process of upbringing, as one of many processes, in which a human being participates, is the subject of consideration by representatives of scientific disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, sociology and pedagogy. The process occupies a special place in scientific explorations in the sub-discipline of pedagogy, which is referred to as the theory of upbringing. It takes up a number of important issues related to it, including its understanding, content-scope approaches, properties, levels, and structure, including the place and role of values in this process, among which moral values are most often mentioned. Hence, the axiological character of the process of upbringing is often indicated. Meanwhile, the pluralism that can be seen within the world of values results in the fact that we have to deal with axiological dilemmas, in which this process is entangled, thus the teacher, who is one of its main organisers and implementers, faces a difficult choice of such and not other values that manifest themselves in his professional work. The purpose of this article is an attempt to indicate some of these dilemmas, based on the analysis of the literature on the subject, which may be a contribution to further considerations focused on the axiological approach to the process of upbringing in the professional activity of teachers, thus enriching the previous reflections on the rudimentary issues related to the upbringing of a human being, which cannot be deprived of its reference to the world of values.Proces wychowania jako jeden z wielu procesów, w których uczestniczy człowiek, stanowi przedmiot rozważań przedstawicieli dyscyplin naukowych, takich jak: filozofia, psychologia, socjologia i pedagogika. Szczególne miejsce w eksploracjach naukowych proces ten zajmuje w subdyscyplinie pedagogiki, którą określa się mianem teorii wychowania. Podejmuje ona wiele istotnych kwestii z nim związanych, m.in.: jego pojmowania, ujęć treściowo-zakresowych, właściwości, płaszczyzn, struktury, w tym również miejsca i roli wartości w tym procesie, wśród których najczęściej wymienia się wartości moralne. Stąd też niejednokrotnie wskazuje się na aksjologiczny charakter procesu wychowania. Tymczasem pluralizm, jaki dostrzec można w obrębie świata wartości skutkuje tym, że mamy do czynienia z dylematami aksjologicznymi, w jakie uwikłany jest ten proces, tym samym nauczyciel, będący jednym z jego głównych organizatorów i realizatorów, stojący przed trudnym wyborem takich, a nie innych wartości, które manifestują się w jego pracy zawodowej. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba wskazania na niektóre z tych dylematów, oparta na analizie literatury przedmiotu, co może być przyczynkiem do dalszych rozważań skoncentrowanych wokół aksjologicznego ujęcia procesu wychowania w aktywności zawodowej nauczycieli, wzbogacając tym samym dotychczasowe przemyślenia o rudymentarne kwestie związane z wychowaniem człowieka, które nie może być pozbawione swojego odniesienia do świata wartości

    Etyczne aspekty zawodu nauczycielskiego w twórczości pedeutologicznej Andrzeja Michała de Tchorzewskiego (1943–2024)

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    This article focuses on the ethical considerations within the teaching profession as explored in the scholarly endeavors of Professor Andrzej Michał de Tchorzewski. His publications notably examine the realm of values, obligations, and moral competencies inherent in the role of a teacher. These ethical categories can be considered rudimentary in discussions surrounding teacher ethics, as they significantly determine the nature of teachers’ professional engagement and influence the efficacy of pedagogical practices across various educational contexts. The purpose of this discussion is to elucidate the axiological, deontological, and aretological dimensions of the teaching profession as conceptualized in de Tchorzewski’s pedeutological work. An analysis of de Tchorzewski contributions reveals a profound concern for the ethical underpinnings of teachers’ professional endeavors, which is of vital importance in an ever-evolving and unpredictable educational landscape. Considering de Tchorzewski’s extensive body of ethical and pedeutological scholarship, the reflections presented herein serve as a modest prolegomenon to his broader corpus of work.Treści zaprezentowane w artykule koncentrują się wokół etyki zawodu nauczyciela jako jednego z obszarów twórczości naukowej prof. dra hab. Andrzeja Michała de Tchorzewskiego. Publikacje naukowe Profesora odzwierciedlają w szczególności świat wartości, powinności i sprawności moralnych nauczyciela. Wymienione kategorie etyczne uznać można za rudymentarne w dociekaniach wokół etyki nauczycielskiej, ponieważ w znaczącym stopniu przesądzają one nie tylko o swoistości aktywności zawodowej nauczycieli, w ramach której uobecnia się, w większym bądź mniejszym zakresie, pierwiastek etyczny, ale także decydują o jakości działalności pedagogicznej na różnych szczeblach systemu edukacyjnego, organizowanej i realizowanej przez przedstawicieli wspomnianej kategorii społeczno-zawodowej. Celem przedstawionych rozważań jest próba ukazania aspektu aksjologicznego, deontologicznego oraz aretologicznego zawodu nauczyciela w twórczości pedeutologicznej de Tchorzewskiego.               Dokonana analiza dorobku Profesora przekonuje, że jego publikacje naukowe stanowić mogą wyraz szczególnej troski o etyczny wymiar działalności zawodowej nauczycieli, co ma swoje istotne znaczenie w dobie dynamicznej i nie do końca przewidywalnej rzeczywistości edukacyjnej. Z uwagi na bogatą twórczość etyczno-pedeutologiczną de Tchorzewskiego przedstawione w tekście rozważania stanowią zaledwie jej skromne prolegomena

    Przygotowanie etyczne nauczycieli profesjonalistów do pracy

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    We often hear that representatives of numerous professions, including those in the teaching profession, are characterised by an above-average preparation for work. This is a sign of demanding professionalism and being a professional in the vocation practised. This condition of being above average refers to the multiplicity of dimensions of the teaching profession, including the ethical dimension. Reference is made to the fact that the teacher has also to be a professional in ethical terms and in the course of the professional activity undertaken by them; hence, the paramount importance that is attributed to the sound ethical education of teachers, which should be at the highest level and, thus, prepare candidates for the teaching profession to deal with a number of ethical dilemmas which they are going to face in the course of practising their profession.Niejednokrotnie słychać głosy, że reprezentanci wielu zawodów, w tym również zawodu nauczycielskiego mają charakteryzować się ponadprzeciętnym przygotowaniem do wykonywanej pracy. Stanowi to wyraz upominania się o profesjonalizm, o bycie profesjonalistą w uprawianym zawodzie. Ta ponadprzeciętność odnosi się do wielu wymiarów zawodu nauczycielskiego, a zwłaszcza wymiaru etycznego. Wskazuje się na to, że nauczyciel ma być profesjonalistą również pod względem etycznym w trakcie podejmowanej aktywności zawodowej. Stąd też tak doniosłe znaczenie przypisuje się rzetelnej nauczycielskiej edukacji etycznej, która powinna odbywać się na najwyższym poziomie, a co za tym idzie przygotowywać kandydatów do zawodu nauczycielskiego do radzenia sobie z wieloma dylematami natury etycznej, przed jakimi staną w trakcie uprawiania swojej profesji

    Suicide attempt of young woman by Propafenone overdose - case report

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    Introduction and purpose: Over the last few years, the number of suicide attempts in Polish women has been steadily increasing. This report presents a case of a 18 years old woman hospitalized in the Toxicology and Cardiology Department due to poisoning with antiarrhythmic drug – Propafenone, taken for suicide purpose. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Propafenone is an antiarrhythmic drug which belongs to class IC according to the Vaughan-Williams classification. The overdose of this drug can cause various symptoms and complications such as cardiac arrhythmias, liver damage, cardiac arrest and even death. This drug has no specific antidote.   Conclusions: Propafenone poisoning is a significant clinical challenge and the consequences are often unpredictable and life-threatening. Treatment options such as natrium bicarbonicum, insulin, intravenous lipid emulsion, calcium gluconate seem to be good choices and the effects of treatment with these drugs are promising for the future

    Poisoning with e-cigarette liquid (VPG Power Smoke Baze) - case report

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    Introduction and purpose: E-cigarettes have emerged as an alternative to traditional tobacco smoking. Toxicological studies have investigated the composition and potential toxicity of e-cigarette liquid components. While they are generally considered less harmful than combustible cigarettes, cases of poisoning associated with e-cigarette liquid ingestion or exposure have been reported. Brief description of the state of knowledge:  Nicotine intoxication resulting from e-cigarette liquid ingestion can lead to a range of symptoms and complications, including cardiovascular effects, neurological symptoms, gastrointestinal disturbances, respiratory issues, and even death. This report presents a case of a 58-year-old woman hospitalized in the Toxicology and Cardiology Department due to poisoning with e-cigarette liquid. Conclusions: Accidental or intentional ingestion and/or injection of e-liquid is becoming a new emerging challenge for Emergency Medicine, mainly because of the easy accessibility of advertisements and the sales of e-cigarettes online, and the high nicotine concentration in e-liquids. It is important to report instances of e-liquid-related nicotine intoxication in order to improve the legal restrictions on the sale of e-liquid

    Amantadine toxic effect and acute psychosis – a case report

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    Introduction and purpose: The pandemic of COVID-19 has induced patients to use different ways to struggle with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Amantadine has become more popular as a supportive drug in the treatment of COVID-19 symptoms. This report presents a case of a young, previously healthy woman hospitalized in the Toxicology and Cardiology Department because of acute psychosis induced by amantadine intoxication. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Several medications, including psychostimulants, antibiotics, antivirals, and antiparkinsonians can cause acute psychosis. Amantadine has primarily dopaminergic with some anticholinergic properties and is used predominantly as an adjuvant agent in the management of Parkinson's disease treatment. Psychomotor agitation, insomnia, excessive verbosity, delusions, and behavioral disturbances are typical toxic effects of amantadine primarily affecting the central nervous system presented by the patient described in this case report. Conclusions: Our case illustrates the adverse effects of amantadine on the central nervous system when given at the recommended dose to young, healthy women. Despite being rare, this induced psychosis may become more common, especially while becoming more popular as a supportive drug in COVID-19 treatment. While prescribing amantadine clinicians should be aware of the rapid onset of its psychotic complications


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    The purpose of the paper is to identify and assess changes in the financial situation of municipalities without Polish towns in Poland against the background of the whole country in the years 2010–2021. The empirical material of the paper concerns both the whole country and all municipalities without poviat towns in Poland. The numerical data comes from the Warsaw Central Statistics Office Local Data Bank and cover the years 2010–2021. The collected and ordered empirical material was elaborated in descriptive, tabular, and graphical form, using the method of comparative analysis. Furthermore, a point evaluation of all diagnostic features was made that illustrates the financial situation of municipalities without cities in Poland against the background of the entire country for the years 2010–2021, which constitutes a new approach to the research problem undertaken in the article. The analysis of the statistical data confirmed the research hypothesis assuming that the presence of a city, especially a bigger one, is a significant factor positively and permanently influencing the financial situation of communes without cities with poviat rights in Poland


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    The aim of this article was to identify and assess the financial situation of naturally valuable rural communes in Poland, set against the background of other rural communes and the entire country. The empirical material of the article concerns the whole of Poland, as well as all its rural communes. The figures concerning the years 2019–2021 were retrieved from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office in Warsaw. The collected and structured empirical material was developed in a descriptive, tabular, and graphic form, using a comparative analysis. Furthermore, all diagnostic characteristics were presented as a score, illustrating the financial situation of naturally valuable rural municipalities in Poland compared to other rural municipalities as well as the entire country for 2019–2021. This was an innovative approach to the discussed research problem. The analysis of statistical data confirmed the research hypothesis that the local governments of naturally valuable rural communes in Poland use the resources of the natural environment and successfully cope with existing difficulties related to the need to protect nature. Thus, they achieve similar economic and financial results to other rural communes in the country

    Poisoning with cardiological drugs in patients hospitalized in the toxicological and cardiological department from 04/2013 to 12/2021

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    Introduction and purpose: Cardiological drugs are widely used in the management of various cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, angina, heart failure, and arrhythmias. However, when these drugs are taken in excessive amounts or are not used as prescribed, they can become toxic and cause significant harm to the heart and other organs. Our study aims to illustrate the most frequent causes of poisoning with cardiological drugs in patients hospitalized in the toxicological and cardiological department from April 2013 to December 2021. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Poisoning with cardiological drugs is a growing concern for healthcare professionals. In 2019, cardiovascular toxins were one of the top 10 categories of poisons evaluated by medical toxicologists. Data collected from the analyzed toxicology and cardiology department include a group of 387 hospitalized patients. The largest proportion were cases intoxicated by beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists. The second most common group was poisonings by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors. A slightly lower proportion implicated poisonings caused by other, unidentified substances affecting the cardiovascular system - calcium channel blockers and other antihypertensive drugs. Conclusions: All of the data demonstrated in our study shows the importance of understanding the pharmacology, pathophysiology, and treatment strategies of poisonings caused by cardiological drugs which are one the most widely used medications worldwide