169 research outputs found

    Analysis of Present Conditions and Prospects of the Labour Market Development in Russia

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    The target programs directed on strengthening employees' positions with a high educational level on the labour market are extremely necessary in the Russian conditions. In order to decide on specific problems special departments should be created in the Ministry of Work and Social Development of the Russian Federation.Programy te powinny wzmocnić pozycję wykwalifikowanej siły roboczej na rynku pracy. W celu ich wdrożenia należy utworzyć specjalne departamenty w Ministerstwie Pracy i Rozwoju Socjalnego w Rosji

    New species of fungus gnats (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from the Kivach Nature Reserve, Russian Karelia

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    Eleven new species of fungus gnats are described from Kivach Nature Reserve, Russian Karelia: Mycomya indistincta Polevoi sp.n., Boletina triangularis Polevoi sp.n., B. minuta Polevoi sp.n., B. populina Polevoi sp.n., B. onegensis Polevoi sp.n., Allodia vernalis Polevoi sp.n., Brevicornu neofasciculatum A. Zaitzev sp.n., B. setigerum A. Zaitzev sp.n., B. parafennicum A. Zaitzev sp.n., Dynatosoma dihaeta Polevoi sp.n., Phronia myrtilli Polevoi sp.n. Illustrations of male genitalia and ecological data are provided. Brevi cornu improvisum A. Zaitzev is recorded for the first time from the Palearctic region

    Sylvenomyia gen. n. in Sweden and a key to the genera of the tribe Winnertziini (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae, Porricondylinae)

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    A new porricondyline genus, Sylvenomyia, is described. Another new porricondyline genus, Cryptoxylomyia, is erected for a species previously referred to genus Rhipidoxylomyia Mamaev

    Fungus gnats (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Keroplatidae and Mycetophilidae) new to Finland

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    Thirty-seven species of fungus gnats new to Finland are reported. Eleven of these are reported in Fennoscandia for the first time: Diadocidia fissa Zaitzev, Macrocera estonica Landrock, M. nigricoxa Winnertz, M. pusilla Meigen, Boletina pallidula Edwards, Mycetophila morata Zaitzev, M. ostentanea Zaitzev, Trichonta nigritula Edwards, T. subterminalis Zaitzev & Menzel, Neoempheria winnertzi Edwards and Neuratelia sintenisi Lackschewitz. The records are based on original material collected in large-scale trapping projects in Southern and Eastern Finland mainly in old-growth forests during 1997–1998. Detailed information on Finnish findings, and data on the general distribution of the species are given. Several species are known with only one (typematerial) or a few previous records ranging from Norway to Sakhalin. For two poorly-known species, Neuratelia sintenisi Lackschewitz and Rymosia pinnata Ostroverkhova, new figures of male genitalia are presented

    Excess Noise in Biased Superconducting Weak Links

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    Non-equilibrium excess noise of a short quasi one-dimensional constriction between two superconductors is considered. A general expression for the current-current correlation function valid for arbitrary temperatures and bias voltages is derived. This formalism is applied to a current-carrying quantum channel with perfect transparency. Contrary to a transparent channel separating two normal conductors, a weak link between two superconductors exhibits a finite level of noise. The source of noise is fractional Andreev scattering of quasiparticles with energies E|E| greater than the half-width Δ\Delta of the superconducting gap. For high bias voltages, VΔ/eV \gg \Delta /e, the relation between the zero-frequency limit of the noise spectrum, S(0)S(0), and the excess current IexcI_{\text{exc}} reads S(0)=(1/5)eIexcS(0)=(1/5)|e|I_{\text{exc}}. As Δ0\Delta \rightarrow 0 both the excess noise and the excess current vanish linearly in Δ\Delta, %Δ\propto \Delta, their ratio being constant.Comment: 8 pages (Latex), 1 figur

    Влияние факторов культурной идентичности на процесс самокатегоризации русскоязычных групп Кишинева и Тирасполя

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    The article describes the impact of cultural identity in the process of self-categorization with the Russian-speaking community in the Russian-speaking groups in Chisinau and Tiraspol. The main theoretical approach of the study of Russian-speaking groups is the concept of cross-border Russian language space. Analysis of the factors is conducted in the following areas: scope of the usage of the Russian language, identification with Russian culture and willingness to impart the traditions of Russian culture and language to children.В статье рассматривается влияние факторов культурной идентичности на процесс самокатегоризации с русскоязычным сообществом в русскоязычных группах Кишинёва и Тирасполя. В качестве основного теоретического подхода к изучению русскоязычных групп используется концепция кросс-граничного русскоязычного пространства. Анализ факторов культурной идентичности проводится по следующим направлениям: определялась сфера использования русского языка, исследовалась идентификация с русской культурой, а также готовность привить традиции русской культуры и языка детям

    Records of freedeveloping gall midges in Italy, with the description of four new species (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae)

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    Twenty six species of Lestremiinae, Porricondylinae and Cecidomyiinae are recorded in Italy, 19 of them are new for Italian fauna, four species (Polyardis pontignanorum, Peromyia mica, Neurepidosis solinasi, Stomatosema spinellosa spp. n.) are described as new. Key words: Italy, freedeveloping gall midges, fauna, new species. SEGNALAZIONI PER L’ITALIA DI CECIDOMIIDI (DIPTERA: CECIDOMYIIDAE) A REGIME DI VITA LIBERA, CON DESCRIZIONE DI QUATTRO SPECIE NUOVE Sono riportate 26 specie viventi in Italia, appartenenti alle sottofamiglie Lestremiinae, Porricondylinae e Cecidomyiinae. Diciannove di esse risultano nuove per la fauna italiana. Quattro specie (Polyardis pontignaniiorum, Peromyia mica, Neurepidosis solinasi, Stomatosema spinellosa) sono nuove per la Scienza. Parole chiave: Italia, Cecidomiidi non galligeni, fauna, nuove specie

    Further karyosystematic studies of the Boreonectes griseostriatus (De Geer) group of sibling species (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae)–characterisation of B. emmerichi (Falkenström, 1936) and additional European data

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    A lectotype is designated for the Tibetan species Deronectes emmerichi Falkenström, 1936 (Currently Boreonectes emmerichi (Falkenström)), and its habitus, as well as the median lobe and parameres of its aedeagus, are figured along with additional comparative material. Material of B. emmerichi from Sikkim (BMNH) represents the first record of a Boreonectes Angus, 2010 species from India. The karyotype of B. emmerichi is described as having 26 pairs of autosomes plus sex chromosomes which are X0 (♂), XX (♀). The karyotype is most like that of B. macedonicus (Géuorguiev, 1959), but with slight differences. Additional chromosomal information is given for B. griseostriatus griseostriatus (De Geer, 1774) in the French Alps, B. g. strandi (Brinck, 1943) on the Kola Peninsula, B. multilineatus (Falkenström, 1922) in the Pyrenees and B. ibericus (Dutton & Angus, 2007) in the Spanish Picos de Europa.This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Supercurrent noise in quantum point contacts

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    Spectral density of current fluctuations in a short ballistic superconducting quantum point contact is calculated for arbitrary bias voltages VV. Contrary to a common opinion that the supercurrent flow in Josephson junctions is coherent process with no fluctuations, we find extremely large current noise that is {\em caused} by the supercurrent coherence. An unusual feature of the noise, besides its magnitude, is its voltage dependence: the noise decreases with increasing VV, despite the fact that the dc current grows steadily with VV. At finite voltages the noise can be qualitatively understood as the shot noise of the large charge quanta of magnitude 2Δ/V2\Delta /V equal to the charge transferred during one period of Josephson oscillations.Comment: 12 pages, revtex, 2 figures by fax/conventional mail upon reques