229 research outputs found


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    Web-based monitoring of an automated fertigation system: An IoT application

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging system that incorporates many technologies from different areas. In this paper, we present the implementation of IoT in an agriculture industry, particularly in monitoring an automated fertigation system. The monitoring system comprises a web-based system, an automatic fertigation system and a communication network. The main focus of this paper is on the web-based system where the data from the SQLite database is used in the web-GUI to display parameters such as the status of water level, the flow condition of valves and pipes as well as the overall operation of automated fertigation system. The paper also described on how farmers can access the website, set fertigation schedule and determine fertilizer’s formulation. Different from others, this system is equipped with emergency mode to stop the fertigation system which can be controlled directly from the website. Our method uses a microprocessor to handle the databases, web-GUI and control communications between the fertigation system and the web-based system. This system will ease farmers in managing their automated fertigation system virtually using their mobile device

    Content Analysis of International Standards for Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation

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    Human-related factors account for more than 80% of accidents at sea, based on studies. According to Global Claims Review 2017 released by Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, an estimated 75-96% of shipping accidents have a high probability of involving human error (AGCS, 2017). Designs that do not meet human factors\u27 needs play a significant role in contributing to human error. Documents in terms of design standards and guidelines, rules, and laws are analyzed. As a result, several documents related to human factors have been identified. These documents are based on whether to implement it, even if some are prescriptive, and others are mandatory, being published at different enforcement levels. In ensuring the consistent implementation of human factors, regulators and authorities need to take stricter measures in all the processes involved in designing and building such ships

    Design of Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) for Low-Power Application

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    Inductive power transfer (IPT) is preferred for numerous applications nowadays, ranging from microwatt bio-engineering devices to high power battery charging system. IPT system is based on the basic concept of electromagnetics induction which able to transfer the power from a source of electrical to the load without using any type of physical interconnection. This paper present a low-cost designed and implementation of IPT system via magnetic resonant coupling. NI Multisim 14.0 software was used to simulate the circuit diagram and the hardware prototype was developed for testing


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    AbstractLeadership is the ability to actuate and direct people to the goal of the school through various systematic stages, and it is the key to support the improvement of teachers’ professional competence in learning activities. This research aimed to find out the composing of the principal’s programing improving  the teachers’ professional competence, principal’s technique in improving the teachers’ professional competence, and the obstacles faced by the principal in improving the teachers’ professional competence in State Islamic Senior High School of Kota Bakti. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive method. The techniques for the data collection were observation, interview, and documentation study. The data analysis procedures were data reduction, data display and data verification. The subjects in this study were the principal, vice principal and teachers. The results of this study were: (1) The program compilation of the headmaster was carried out by the principal with vice principal and teachers. The headmaster’s program in improving the professional competence of teachers was in the forms of: realizing the vision and mission of the school, complementing means and infrastructure, conducting activities for teacher development through seminars, continuing education and complementing means and facilities, and holding supervision for both teaching and administration; (2) The Headmaster’s technique for improving the professional competence of the teachers in State Islamic Senior High School of Kota Bakti was to guide, motivate teachers to do best in learning process, foster mental and quality of professionalism, make the climate of the school conducive, increase the motivation of teachers, and give reward and punishment; and (3) the obstacles faced by the headmaster were: less-motivated and careless teachers, the inclination of teachers that was very heterogeneous, either because of the position, age or because of education, lack of teachers’ awareness to their own learning device, teachers that did not have complete device, even it was just impressed sober, and the lack of utilization of internet media  as teachers’ reference in teaching.Keywords: leadership, principal/headmaster, professional competence, and teache


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of teachers in aspects of learning planning, implementation, and assessment of learning Islamic education in Aceh. The research method used is quantitative survey format. The study population was all PAI teachers in East Aceh District, totaling 62 people. The research sample is the whole population (total sampling). The research instrument used a questionnaire Data analysis using inferential statistical tests (F test) assisted by SPSS version 21.0. The results showed that aspects of PAI teacher planning in East Aceh District had been able to apply the 2013 curriculum in learning. This can be seen from their ability to implement PAI learning using the 5M approach and they are able to conduct authentic assessments well. Therefore, special attention needs to be paid by the Regional Government, especially the Aceh Education Office to improve the professionalism of PAI teachers in Aceh so that the objectives of national education can be achieved optimally

    Tinjauan awal penerimaan pelajar Universiti Malaysia Sabah terhadap radio kampus UMS

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penerimaan pelajar Universiti Malaysia Sabah terhadap radio kampus milik universiti tersebut dan peranannya. Radio Universiti Malaysia Sabah telah mengalami penjenamaan semula sebanyak dua kali sejak ia ditubuhkan pada tahun 2010. Namun, sepanjang ia ditubuhkan, kajian mengenai penerimaan dan peranan radio tersebut adalah kurang dilakukan. Maka timbul persoalan, masihkah ada yang mendengar radio kampus? Adakah ia diterima baik oleh pelajar universiti? Apakah intervensi yang perlu dilakukan oleh pihak radio kampus sekiranya penerimaan pelajar adalah sebaliknya? Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif dan seramai 357 orang responden yang terdiri daripada pelajar Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan penerimaan yang positif pada kadar lemah disebabkan ramai yang masih tidak mengetahui tentang kewujudan radio kampus. Oleh itu radio kampus perlu berani dan keluar daripada kepompong selesa jika ingin memastikan keberkesanan dan kejayaan radio tersebut. Pelajar sepatutnya memanfaatkan kemudahan radio yang disediakan oleh pihak universiti. Selain itu, radio kampus juga perlu lebih berani melakukan perubahan dan menambahbaik penggunaan teknologi sedia ada


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    Curriculum is an important element in an education. Because the curriculum provides direction and purpose where education will be brought. Therefore, changes and changes in curriculum are routines that are adapted to the demands of changing times. Similarly, the national education curriculum in school s has undergone several changes. The last is the 2013 curriculum. But in reality, most teachers are not ready for the curriculum changes. Because some teachers are not involved in the 2013 curriculum socialization and the information obtained comes from mass media and electronics. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe the professional competencies of PAI teachers in the fields of planning, implementing, and evaluating learning. The survey method was chosen as the methodology of this study, with a sample of 62 PAI teachers in East Aceh. The results showed that 1) PAI teachers in East Aceh did not have competencies in the field of learning planning; 2) however, they are able to understand and implement PAI learning with a scientific approach; and 3) PAI teachers are also competent in conducting evaluations with authentic assessments. The results of this study are expected to be used as a reference for efforts to improve learning planning and the development of PAI teacher professionalism in a better direction so that the objectives of national education especially PAI subjects can be achieved optimally. Keywords: Teacher professionalism, 2013 curriculum, and Islamic religious educatio

    Hand dominance on grip strength and muscle activity among physical education pre-service teacher

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    Hand dominance refers to the consistency of favouring to manipulate one hand over the other for the daify skiffed activity. This study was design to evaluate the grip strength and muscle activity for the right- and left-hand dominant among preservice physical education teacher.Fifteen (8 right-handed and 7 left-handed) subjects aged between 24-26 years old were involved in the study. The measurement of the hand grip strength and muscle activity had been measured using the EMG If (Hand Dynamometer) - BIOPAC Student LaM>. The results revealed that the right-hand grip dominant subjects exhibited stronger isometric strength and higher muscle activity than the left-hand grip dominant counterparts. However, no significance differences were shown on the grip strength between right-handed with left-handed subjects. On the other hand, significant differences had shown on the muscle activity on dominant hand preferences (t=2.45, p=0.03) and nolHiominant hand preferences (1=3.10, p=0.008) between right-handed and left-handed SUbjects. The differences of muscle activity amplitude indicate that the non-dominant hand grip requires more electrical impulse generated by muscle cens to after the motor control in undergoing the grip strength test

    Penilaian kendiri pelajar terhadap kemahiran generik melalui penglibatan dalam aktiviti kokurikulum badan beruniform

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti penguasaan kemahiran generik melalui penilaian kendiri terhadap penglibatan pelajar dalam aktiviti kokurikulum badan beruniform. Dalam kajian ini, hanya lima konstruk kemahiran generik dijadikan sebagai fokus kajian iaitu kemahiran kepimpinan, kemahiran komunikasi, kemahiran bekerja dalam kumpulan, kemahiran membuat keputusan dan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah. Seramai 150 orang pelajar dari sebuah sekolah terpilih yang menjalankan aktiviti kokurikulum melibatkan 10 jenis badan beruniform telah dijadikan sebagai responden dalam kajian ini. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan soal selidik sebagai instrumen kajian dan diedarkan kepada responden. Soal selidik mengandungi 25 item berbentuk penilaian kendiri dengan nilai kebolehpercayaan bagi item ini adalah a= .90. Penganalisaan data dibuat dengan menggunakan Stastistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20.0 dan hasilnya diterjemahkan dalam bentuk mod, median dan peratusan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa penilaian kendiri pelajar terhadap penguasaan kesemua konstruk kemahiran generik dapat dipertingkatkan melalui penyertaan aktiviti kokurikulum. Walaubagaimanapun, terdapat 2 kemahiran generik yang menunjukkan peningkatan yang ketara melalui dapatan nilai mod yang diperolehi. Peningkatan tersebut dilihat bagi item kemahiran kepimpinan dan kemahiran komunikasi. Secara keseluruhannya, pelajar menilai diri mereka secara positif melalui perubahan tahap penilaian kendiri setelah menyertai aktiviti kokurikulum