2 research outputs found

    Facial Attractiveness of Sisters of Thai Gay Men and Sao Praphet Song

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in The Journal of Sex Research in April 2020, available online: https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2020.1742858Androphilia refers to sexual attraction toward adult males. Androphilic males’ female genetic relatives might offset the fitness cost of androphilia by having elevated numbers of offspring. Increased attractiveness relative to other women may enable these females to marry up the social hierarchy, providing greater access to resources to support more offspring. In Thailand, there is a marked status hierarchy and male androphiles are highly visible – identifying as gay men or as a third gender known as sao praphet song. Thus, a field experiment was conducted in which 208 heterosexual men rated the facial attractiveness of 25 sisters of Thai gay men or sao praphet song and 25 comparison women with no known same-sex attracted relatives. Contrary to the prediction, the comparison group was rated as more attractive than the sisters, casting doubt on hypotheses that posit greater attractiveness of female relatives of male androphiles as a proximate mechanism facilitating the evolutionary maintenance of genes influencing male androphilia. Also, men from rural areas rated the women, regardless of group, as more attractive than men from urban areas, consistent with some prior studies showing rural-urban differences in perceptions of attractiveness.This research was funded by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada Discovery Grant [RGPIN-2016-06446] awarded to DPV

    Problematic alcohol use among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Canada: the role of proximal stressors and anxiety

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    Abstract Background Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBM) report high rates of problematic alcohol use, anxiety, and depression. This may, in part, be due to stressors related to their sexual identity (i.e., minority stressors). However, few studies have examined both distal and proximal stressors, as well as the specific psychological mechanisms by which these stressors may be related to alcohol use outcomes, in a representative sample of GBM. We explored the relationship between distal and proximal stressors and alcohol use outcomes, as well as the role of anxiety and depression as potential mediators of these relationships. Methods We analyzed the baseline data of 2,449 GBM from Engage, a cohort study of sexually active GBM recruited using respondent-driven sampling (RDS) in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver from February 2017 to August 2019. Using structural equation modeling, we examined the associations between distal minority stressors (i.e., experiences of heterosexist harassment, rejection, and discrimination), proximal minority stressors (i.e., internalized homonegativity, concerns about acceptance, concealment, and lack of affirmation), anxiety and depression, and alcohol consumption and alcohol use problems. RDS-adjusted analyses controlled for age, income, sexual orientation, ethnicity, recruitment city, and HIV serostatus. Results There were positive direct associations between distal stress and proximal stress, anxiety, and depression, but not alcohol use outcomes. Proximal stress had a positive direct association with anxiety, depression, and alcohol use problems, but not alcohol consumption. Anxiety was positively associated with alcohol consumption and alcohol use problems. Depression was negatively associated with alcohol consumption but not alcohol use problems. Regarding indirect effects, distal stress was associated with alcohol use outcomes via proximal stress and anxiety, but not via depression. Conclusions We found support for a minority stress model as it relates to alcohol use outcomes among GBM. Findings suggest that proximal minority stress and anxiety differentially impact the problematic alcohol use among GBM who experience heterosexist discrimination. Clinical providers should consider incorporating the treatment of proximal minority stressors and anxiety into existing alcohol interventions for GBM