13 research outputs found
The DUNDRUM-1 structured professional judgment for triage to appropriate levels of therapeutic security: retrospective-cohort validation study
- Author
- Publication venue
- BioMed Central
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study
Climate-tree-growth relationships of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in the French Permanent Plot Network (RENECOFOR)
- Author
- A Brêthes
- A Granier
- A Granier
- A Wickramasinghe
- A. Granier
- Bouriaud
- C Barbaroux
- C Cluzeau
- C Desplanque
- C Dittmar
- D Eckstein
- D Lemoine
- DG Giles
- E Gutiérrez
- E Holmsgaard
- E Piutti
- E. Ulrich
- EO Roberston
- F Biondi
- F Lebourgeois
- F Lebourgeois
- F. Lebourgeois
- FH Schweingruber
- G Aussenac
- GEP Box
- GF Antonova
- GF Antonova
- HC Fritts
- I Aranda
- J Guiot
- J Guiot
- J Guiot
- JF Dobremez
- JL Dupouey
- JR Foster
- KR Briffa
- L Tessier
- Lebourgeois
- M Becker
- M Saurer
- MC Bridge
- N Bréda
- N Bréda
- N. Bréda
- R Zahner
- R Zahner
- RL Holmes
- S Lebaube
- TM Wigley
- U Schmitt
- V Penninckx
- V Rozas
- W Gindl
- W Oberhuber
- Y Raftoyannis
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A longitudinal study of adolescent mental health service use
- Author
- American Psychiatric Association
- Carol Z. Garrison
- Cheryl L. Addy
- CZ Garrison
- D Shaffer
- DR Offord
- EJ Costello
- GEP Zahner
- H Orvaschel
- HM Hoberman
- J Beitchman
- Jamaluddin Moloo
- JC Anderson
- JD Burke
- Jennifer L. Waller
- Kirby L. Jackson
- LS Radloff
- National Institute of Mental Health
- NC Andreasen
- P Cohen
- P Cohen
- P Cohen
- PJ Leaf
- Robert E. McKeown
- S Sue
- SP Cuffe
- Steven P. Cuffe
- TS Langner
- VJ Schoenbach
- WJ Chambers
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Potential to Reduce Mental Health Disparities Through the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program
- Author
- A Angold
- A Elster
- AF Garland
- American Psychiatric Association
- Amy B. Goldstein
- BA Stroul
- Center for Mental Health Services
- Center for Mental Health Services
- Christine Walrath
- E Holden
- EJ Costello
- Elizabeth A. Stuart
- EM Foster
- GEP Zahner
- Keri Jowers
- LM Pachter
- Melissa Azur
- ML Ganz
- Philip J. Leaf
- Richard Miech
- RL Hough
- RL Stephens
- RL Stephens
- S Sharp
- SH Busch
- T Mark
- Tracy Dusablon
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- US Census Bureau
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Child Sociodemographic Characteristics and Common Psychiatric Diagnoses in Medicaid Encounter Data: Are they Valid?
- Author
- A Angold
- A Martin
- AG Renouf
- AS Young
- B Dickey
- BJ Burns
- Bonnie T. Zima
- BT Zima
- BT Zima
- CM Lewczyk
- DE Williamson
- DM Steinwachs
- DS Mandell
- EA McGlynn
- EM Foster
- EMZ Farmer
- Eric C. Kostello
- ET Aronen
- GEP Zahner
- H Fabrega
- Heather Ladd
- Institute of Medicine Committee on Quality Health Care in America
- J Piacentini
- JE Twiggs
- JL Carson
- JL Luby
- JL Rushton
- JM Zito
- JM Zito
- JT Lessler
- JT Walkup
- K Hodges
- KB Wells
- Lingqi Tang
- LP Richardson
- M Alegria
- M Radigan
- M Zwaanswijk
- Michael S. Hurlburt
- MJ Zito
- N Lurie
- Penelope K. Knapp
- R Bussing
- R Bussing
- RA Bright
- RL Hough
- S dosReis
- S Hennessy
- SH Kataoka
- SP Cuffe
- TI Shireman
- WP McMiller
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Help-seeking steps and service use for children in foster care
- Author
- AA Rosenfeld
- AA Rosenfeld
- AD Hightower
- AD Hightower
- AF Garland
- AF Garland
- American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Bonnie T. Zima
- C Kadushin
- DP Cantwell
- DR Offord
- DR Srebnik
- EJ Costello
- GEP Zahner
- HM Koot
- HR Bird
- Institute for Research on Women and Families
- J Piacentini
- JM Wilson
- JR Wilkes
- K Hoagwood
- K Hodges
- K Hodges
- K Hodges
- KB Wells
- KM Lin
- L Klee
- L Klee
- LH Rogler
- LN Robins
- ME Mitchell
- MJ England
- NM Stone
- P Cohen
- P Shrout
- P Szatmari
- R Bussing
- R Bussing
- R Bussing
- R Bussing
- Regina Bussing
- RM Andersen
- S Mannuzza
- SG Zimet
- SH Scholle
- SP Cuffe
- T Spencer
- Thomas R. Belin
- WE Pelham
- WP McMiller
- Xiaowei Yang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Mental health problems of adolescents as reported by their caregivers
- Author
- A Angold
- A Campbell
- A Nadler
- A Raviv
- AN Ortega
- AR Hornblow
- B Green
- BJ Burns
- Catherine Ramsay Roberts
- D Shaffer
- D Shaffer
- D Shaffer
- DJ Flannery
- DJ Kolko
- DW Hosmer
- EH Fischer
- EJ Costello
- EM Ensel
- EM Mann
- G Canino
- GC Gleser
- GEP Zahner
- HR Bird
- I Cuellar
- Irene Ger Chen
- J Landsverk
- J Veroff
- J Wachtel
- JE Trimble
- JE Trimble
- JR Weisz
- JR Weisz
- JR Weisz
- JR Weisz
- JW Walton
- K McCabe
- KJ Kelleher
- KV Bui
- L Steinberg
- LA Richardson
- LE Pachter
- M Yeh
- Margarita Alegria
- MC Lambert
- P Florsheim
- PJ Frick
- PJ Leaf
- PS Jensen
- PS Jensen
- RD Alba
- RE Roberts
- RE Roberts
- RE Roberts
- Robert E. Roberts
- RS Zimmerman
- SM Horwitz
- TM Achenbach
- TP Ho
- WS Tseng
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Structured Diagnostic Interviews
- Author
- A Apter
- AJ Costello
- AM Greca La
- American Psychiatric Association
- American Psychiatric Association
- B Herjanic
- B Herjanic
- B Herjanic
- BA Barrios
- C Edelbrock
- C Edelbrock
- C Edelbrock
- CD Spielberger
- CE Sylvester
- CG Last
- CG Last
- CH Ward
- CR Reynolds
- D Shaffer
- DC Beidel
- DG Spiker
- DP Cantwell
- EJ Costello
- GA Carlson
- GE Vaillant
- GEP Zahner
- H Orvaschel
- HA Skinner
- HC Quay
- HJ Eysenck
- J Endicott
- J Piacentini
- J Puig-Antich
- JC Piacentini
- JC Reeves
- JC Wakefield
- JG Young
- JH Kashani
- JP Feighner
- JS Werry
- K Hodges
- K Hodges
- K Hodges
- K Hodges
- K Hodges
- K Hodges
- K Moras
- KL Bierman
- KL Bierman
- L Phillips
- LC Miller
- LN Robins
- LN Robins
- M Kovacs
- M Kovacs
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- M Rutter
- M Schwab-Stone
- MG Sawyer
- MM Weissman
- MR Dadds
- MT Kane
- N Breslau
- N Breslau
- N Kreitman
- P Cohen
- P Fisher
- P Grayson
- PA DiNardo
- PJ Ambrosini
- R Lapouse
- R Loeber
- RE Mattison
- RE Mattison
- RG Klein
- RL Spitzer
- RL Spitzer
- SA Lewis
- SA Richardson
- SI Greenspan
- SR Weinstein
- TM Achenbach
- TM Achenbach
- TM Achenbach
- W Reich
- WJ Chambers
- WK Silverman
- WK Silverman
- WK Silverman
- WK Silverman
- WK Silverman
- WK Silverman
- World Health Organization
- Z Welner
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1994
- Field of study
Multi-Domain Predictors of Oppositional Defiant Disorder Symptoms in Preschool Children: Cross-Informant Differences
- Author
- A Ben-Sasson
- A Hipwell
- A Hodapp
- A Los Reyes De
- A Los Reyes De
- A Reyes Los De
- A Winsler
- AB Hollingshead
- AE Grills
- AJ Tomarken
- AM Duhig
- American Psychiatric Association
- AT Beck
- AT Beck
- C Conley
- C DeVito
- C Hoffman
- CI Mosier
- CM Treutler
- D Gross
- DAG Drabick
- DAG Drabick
- DAG Drabick
- DJ Kolko
- DM Zimet
- E Moss
- E Waters
- EA Harvey
- EA Youngstrom
- FC Verhulst
- GEP Zahner
- HI McCubbin
- HI McCubbin
- J Kim-Cohen
- J Strickland
- J Strickland
- J Zeman
- JD McLeod
- JE Richters
- JL Nunnally
- John V. Lavigne
- Joyce Hopkins
- JV Lavigne
- JV Lavigne
- JW Walton
- K Boylan
- Karen R. Gouze
- Katharine P. Dahl
- KB Burt
- KD Gadow
- KE Grant
- KR Dietz
- KR Gouze
- KS Lemery
- L Dunn
- L Munkvold
- LD Evans
- LJ Lengua
- LS Radloff
- M IJzendoorn van
- M Korkman
- MA McCubbin
- MC Lovejoy
- MK Nock
- MK Rothbart
- MS Choudhury
- N Eisenberg
- NICHD Early Childhood Research Network
- PL Andres
- PR Yarnold
- PS Jensen
- RH Moos
- RR Abidin
- RW Greene
- S Cohen
- S Collishaw
- SB Campbell
- SD McMahon
- SH Goodman
- SL Stone
- SP Deshpande
- Susan A. LeBailly
- TC Chi
- TL Heller
- TM Achenbach
- TS Berg-Nielsen
- W Mischel
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Organizational context and provider perception as determinants of mental health service use
- Author
- A Bandura
- A Donabedian
- AA Hohmann
- AB Hollingshead
- AC Kouzis
- AE Farmer
- AJ Flisher
- AR Stiffman
- AR Stiffman
- AR Stiffman
- AR Stiffman
- Arlene Rubin Stiffman
- BA Pescosolido
- BA Pescosolido
- BA Pescosolido
- BA Pescosolido
- BA Stroul
- BJ Burns
- BJ Burns
- BJ Burns
- BJ Burns
- BJ Burns
- C Caron
- C Glisson
- Catherine Striley
- D Armstrong
- D Mechanic
- D Mechanic
- D Schaffer
- D Srebnik
- DA Summers
- Diane Elze
- DK Padgett
- DR Offord
- DT Takeuchi
- EJ Costello
- EJ Costello
- EJ Costello
- EJ Costello
- Eric Hadley-Ives
- F Earls
- GEP Zahner
- HR Bird
- J Knitzer
- J Landsverk
- J Wallen
- JC Nunnally
- JH Kashani
- JM Raniseski
- JP Morrissey
- K Hoagwood
- KA Phillips
- KB Wells
- L Bickman
- L Hatcher
- LB Behar
- LH Rogler
- LN Robins
- M Alegria
- M Calloway
- M Fishbein
- M Vanstraelen
- MA Hoge
- MA Small
- MH Becker
- Michael Polgar
- MJ Commander
- MS Salzer
- NK Janz
- P Cohen
- PJ Bush
- R Gater
- RE Shumaker
- RG Frank
- Richard Pescarino
- RM Andersen
- RM Andersen
- RM Andersen
- S McLafferty
- S Saunders
- S Wasserman
- SAS Institute Inc.
- SM Horwitz
- T Cross
- TM Achenbach
- US Dept of Health and Human Services
- Violet E. Horvath
- W Hudson
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study