23 research outputs found
The Persistence of Acid Mine Drainage at an East Texas Coal Mine
The objective of this study was to estimate the time it will take for acid forming materials (pyrite) to be weathered to a state of equilibrium and thus cease to produce acid in ground and surface waters within Oak Hill Mine. This was accomplished using an ex-situ kinetic leaching study incorporating a humidity cell in a controlled laboratory setting. Leaching was conducted on soil cores obtained from the vadose zone at Oak Hill Mine and the humidity cell was used to accelerate oxidation of the pyrite within the cores.
An in-situ field study was also conducted that monitored groundwater conditions monthly to determine current redox conditions of the reclaimed mine site. Groundwater data was compared to the leachate humidity cell data to determine scaling factors that could be applied to the laboratory-based humidity cell experiment. These scaling factors coupled with regression analysis were then used to extrapolate the length of time it would take pyrite to fully oxidize at the mine site back to a state of equilibrium.
The data suggests that acid mine drainage will persist at the site within a range of 9 to 48 years. The results determined from this study are expected to help Luminant find the most cost-efficient remediation strategy to acid mine drainage in the study area
Emphasizing Learning How to Learn in a Nursing Course
This poster was presented during The Lyceum: A Student Research Showcase, and event hosted by the UT Tyler Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation and UT Tyler Honors Program.https://scholarworks.uttyler.edu/fac_posters/1001/thumbnail.jp
Reflexões Acerca da Justiciabilidade dos Direitos Sociais e da Dificuldade de Sua Concretização
After the edition of international treaties and the States have internalized legal instruments for the protection of social rights, the justiciability of these is still the subject of debate in the academic world. In this work we tried to analyze some aspects of this problem, in particular the difficulty of realizing these rights after the sentence. The Brazilian proceduralist tradition starts with an individualist and reparative approach, but it is concluded that when it comes to social rights, this paradigm deserves to be revised since social rights, as a rule, are directed towards the future, with a collective and preventive character. The methodology used was the bibliographical and documentary research.Após a edição de tratados internacionais e dos Estados terem internalizado instrumentos jurÃdicos para proteção dos direitos sociais, a justiciabilidade desses ainda é objeto de debate no meio acadêmico. Neste trabalho buscou-se analisar alguns aspectos dessa problemática, em especial a dificuldade de concretização desses direitos após a sentença. A tradição processualista brasileira parte de um enfoque individualista e reparador, porém concluiu-se que quando se tratar de direitos sociais, esse paradigma merece ser revisto uma vez que os direitos sociais, em regra, voltam-se para o futuro, com Ãndole coletiva e caráter preventivo. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental
Judicialização da saúde e orçamento público
A crescente demanda por decisões judiciais para dirimir questões sociais levou ao Poder Judiciário temas antes restritos aos demais Poderes. Muitas crÃticas dirigidas à esse fenômeno fundamentam-se nos custos financeiros advindos de decisões judiciais proferidas sem conhecer a polÃtica pública desenvolvida pelo órgão do Executivo e os gastos já efetuados ou contemplados em leis orçamentárias. Nesse particular, utilizando-se de pesquisa documental, o artigo analisa a legislação aplicável – em especial a Emenda Constitucional nº29/2000 e Lei Complementar nº 141/2012 que determinam aplicação de verbas do governo em saúde – buscando verificar se tais dispositivos são efetivamente cumpridos
Behavioral Health Guidelines For Medical Isolation
Contents: I. Introduction and Background II. Behavioral Health Guidelines for use with Hospital Isolation Precautions Section I: Patients Section II: Staff Section III: Family (of Patients Section IV: Community Table: Summary of Behavioral Health Guidelines for use with Hospital Isolation Precautions Appendix I: TEMPLATE – POLICY AND PROCEDURE Appendix II: Sample Suicide Precautions Protocol Appendix III: Screening Resources Appendix IV: COMMON STRESS REACTION
Letter from John Zagurski to Senator Langer Regarding Pool Level, April 7, 1955
This handwritten letter dated April 7,1955, from John Zagurski to United States Senator William Langer, asks for support for the government purchase of private lands in the Lewis and Clark Project. Zagurski notes that the raising of the reservoir level will flood the land and make it unusable for farming. Zagurski also states that the delegate sent from the Lewis and Clark Project was not selected by the landowners.
See Also:
Letter from Senator Langer to John Zagurski Regarding Pool Level, April 22, 1955https://commons.und.edu/langer-papers/1453/thumbnail.jp
Improving Retention and Fit by Honing an Honors Admissions Model
For over a century, admissions officers and enrollment managers have relied on external validation of merit in selective admission of undergraduates. A main criterion used for selection is standardized testing, i.e., the SAT and ACT. Since these tests have been long-suspected and then shown to contain class and race biases while not accurately predicting retention (Banerji), the Schedler Honors College at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) shifted to a holistic, multi-criterion selection process, de-emphasizing standardized tests, and then analyzed the outcomes. The statistical analysis served two goals. The first was to test whether variables in the admissions model, developed in 2007, predicted retention; the results led to changes in the weighting of variables for a revised rubric that we have used since 2010. The second goal was to improve enrollment of a more racially diverse population of students. Our findings demonstrated that most variables used in typical higher education admissions protocols did not accurately predict retention in the Schedler Honors College at UCA. Only one variable correlated to retention in honors, namely, high school grade point average (hsGPA). By increasing the value of hsGPA in the revamped selection rubric, UCA was able to increase rates of retention as well as diversity of incoming students
Behavioral Health Guidelines for Shelter-in-Place and Evacuation of Assisted Living and Long-term Care Facilities
This document is intended to assist Nebraska facilities to meet behavioral health needs of residents in assisted living or long-term care in the event of a disaster or other emergency requiring sheltering in place or evacuation. Disasters are typically chaotic and noisy. This can be overwhelming for residents, caregivers and responders. Facility administrators probably have plans already in place for most emergencies including evacuation and sheltering in place. Practicing the procedures related to implementing these plans will help residents and staff members deal with the chaos of an actual disaster better and could lessen everyone’s anxiety. Having a specific plan in place to address the psychological and emotional consequences that accompany a disaster is equally as important. This is especially true for facilities with residents who are frail or have chronic health conditions. We know from previous disasters that residents of assisted living or long-term care facilities may be at a higher risk for developing psychological reactions to the disaster due to their pre-existing conditions. Although not all problems can be prevented, they may be less severe or more manageable when facilities have good plans in place to minimize them
A exigência de compliance ambiental como instrumento de efetividade das contratações sustentáveis das entidades do Sistema S
Orientadora: Caroline Rodrigues da SilvaArtigo (Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Direito Ambiental.Resumo: O presente trabalho busca trazer o conceito de sistema S, bem como sua natureza jurÃdica, o significado de compliance e compliance ambiental. Mostrará a viabilidade da obrigatoriedade de se exigir um programa de compliance ambiental nas contratações públicas e das entidades compreendidas como paraestatais. O trabalho também apresenta as leis voltadas a essa temática, incluindo a nova lei de licitações e contratos da administração pública, aprovada pelo senado e aguardando a sanção pelo presidente da república, bem como as leis ordinárias que inovaram nesse tocante. Ainda, explicará a não subordinação das entidades do sistema S perante a lei das contratações públicas e a possibilidade de exigir programa de compliance ambiental como obrigação contratual