22 research outputs found

    The Role of Innovation Management Model to Improve Service Quality for Telecommunications Industry in Indonesia

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    Telecommunications industry in Indonesia has rapidly increased. An intense competition of telecommunication operators has  often neglecting quality of services which must be provided but instead focussing on offering cheap telecommunications costs. Every year average revenue per unit (ARPU) tends to decline, which result innovations, increase service quality, and prevent the customers switch to another operator. This research was using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) approach based on philosophy of Critical Systems Thinking (CST), and Strategic Assumption Surface Engineering and Testing (SAST). Data flow diagram (DFD) were used as tools for designing management model innovation for telecommunication companies in Indonesia. The result obtained an incentives to innovators which is an important factor for Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The further innovation model for telecommunication in Indonesia is producing innovations which ultimately  improve customer service quality. Keywords: Quality Service, Innovation Management, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Soft Systems Methodolog

    A Framework of Successful E-Business Incubator for Indonesian Public Universities

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    Abstract. In many developed countries, many business incubators take part to help starts-up company to develop their own business; especially the baby born business cannot compete with the giant industries that have become the old business players. Universities play an important role in motivating young graduates to become technology entrepreneur. Unemployment in Indonesia is still the main issue for the government program to increase welfare in the future. In year 2014 the data from Statistic Center of Indonesia state that Indonesia has 4% unemployment from Indonesia’ work generation. In Indonesia, incubators has been developed since 1992 initiated by the government, Cooperative Department and also universities. This effort continued in 1997 when there was a program called the Development of Entrepreneurship Culture in universities, and of its activity was New Entrepreneur Incubator. The objectives of the research are to investigate the success factor for e-business incubator, and to propose and develop a framework for successful e-business incubator for public universities in Indonesia. Research location is in Indonesia for the public universities that have their e-business incubator. This research will conduct quantitative and qualitative analyses based on data collection from incubator managers and business founders in Indonesia. The result of this research is a framework for successful e-business incubator in Indonesian public universities.Keywords: E-business incubator, Public university incubator, Successful e-business incubator, Framework, IndonesiaÂ

    Resilient Structure Assessment using Cobb-Douglas Production Function: The Case of the Indonesian Metal Industry

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    The metal industry in Indonesia is facing greater risks and challenges locally and globally. Therefore, decision makers in this industry should be able not only to be competitive in the market but also to be resilient in this dynamic environment. The purpose of this study is to assess and analyze the resilience of the metal sector in Indonesia through the Cobb-Douglas Production Function (CDPF). The analysis shows how labor expenses, capital investment, and Total Factor Productivity (TFP) contribute to sector growth. Shock, represented by the drastic changes in both global and local economies reflected in exchange rate shocks in 2008 and 2013, impacts not only sector growth but also the composition of labor expenses, capital investment, and TFP in the sector. Based on time series data, this study determines that the assessment is able to detect the structure of the sector’s production function, which becomes the building block of sector resilience after experiencing a shock. This study and its findings contribute to studies in resilience measurement in both the metal sector and other industries

    Research Gap of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Economic Development, Business Incubators Studies in Indonesia

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    In many developed countries, many business incubators take part to help starts-up company to develop their own business; especially the baby born business cannot compete with the giant industries that have been the old business player. Universities play an important role in motivating young graduates to become technology entrepreneur. Unemployment in Indonesia is still the main issue for the government program to increase welfare in the future. In year 2014 the data from Statistic Center of Indonesia state that Indonesia has 4% unemployment from Indonesia' work generation. In Indonesia, incubators has been developed since 1992 initiated by the government, Cooperative Department and also universities. The aim of this paper will determined the gap among some research and studies about Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Economic Development and Business Incubators in Indonesia. For the methodology of this paper will be described by comparison literature study, so in the future research could give contribution to blank area of study. Keywords: Innovation and Creative; Economic Development; Framework; Business Incubator; Indonesia JEL Classifications: L26, O

    A Framework of Successful Business Incubators for Indonesian Public Universities

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    Universities play an important role in motivating young graduates to become technology entrepreneurs. The objectives of this research are to investigate the success factors for business incubators and to develop and propose a framework of successful business incubators for public universities in Indonesia. Indonesian public universities that have business incubators were considered for this research. A preliminary study was conducted with a panel of experts who have the necessary insights and experiences in managing both the incubators and the relationships within the incubators with the tenant firms. This research examines some significant measures with reference to the unique features of university business incubators in order to better understand the manner in which incubators can be assessed in a developing country. The result of this research includes a framework of successful business incubators in Indonesian public universities. This framework is developed on the basis of previous studies and the preliminary study conducted with ten business incubator experts


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    The focus of this research is to analyze potential environmental impact in the supply chain of palm oil biodiesel industries. Simple Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is applied to analyze impacts, produced by the three main units in the supply chain of Palm-Oil-based Biodiesel, which are Palm Plantation, CPO mill, and Biodiesel Plant. We developed LCA calculation model using spreadsheet software, used to assess a number of input scenarios to evaluate the best scenario, in variation of: land quality, land area and the rate of clearing, land clearing technique and type of the original land. The biggest potential environmental impact is the contribution to global warming impact which emissions are produced mostly from unit plantation. Although plantation has biggest potential to contribute to environmental impact, it also gives biggest reduction to global warming impact. In general, the biggest environmental impact in the LCA category is climate change, followed by photo-oxidant formation and eutrophication. The biggest impacts in the supply chain are from the plantation, especially when choosing the right technique for land clearing. In addition, due to LCA linearity nature, the scenario that we tested does not change the total accumulative environmental impacts.Keywords: environmental impact analysis, life cycle assessment, palm oil biodiese

    Developing Models and Tools for Exploring the Synergies between Energy Transition and the Digital Economy

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    Developing models and tools to explore the synergies between energy transition and the digital economy has been an interesting topic, aiming to provide significant contributions to the domains of technological innovation, economic development, sustainability, and global establishment. All efforts from these models and tools can support the advanced and establishing countries by collaborating among all members, researchers, governments, and others.     Our continuing research presented the revolutionary potential of insights derived from data and demonstrated the connection between the digital economy and the search for sustainable energy solutions. The second phase of this ongoing investigation focuses on how the digital economy might catalyze beneficial changes in the energy sector. These computerized tools are crucial for improving the efficiency of renewable energy production, anticipating energy demand accurately, and optimizing patterns of energy usage. These technologies enable decision-makers in the energy sector to use complex algorithms and data processing to make precise and well-informed decisions. They represent a substantial shift from older, less data-driven techniques.The following argument highlights how important predictive analytics is for forecasting changes in energy consumption. Data analytics and machine learning models can foresee changes in demand and help energy providers make plans by examining historical data and current patterns. This capacity is essential for guaranteeing the best possible use of resources, avoiding waste, and preserving the equilibrium between energy production and consumption. Optimizing energy use is another important area where the digital economy could be helpful. Machine learning algorithms can make recommendations for ways to improve energy efficiency by analyzing usage patterns and user behavior. This contributes to general energy conservation, which is in line with environmental goals, in addition to perhaps saving consumers money.Numerous studies highlight how ICT-assisted modeling is becoming more and more common in various contexts. These include data modeling (representing and analyzing data structures) and behavior/pattern modeling (understanding and forecasting trends in diverse processes). The phrase refers to the cross-platform accessibility and adaptability of these technologies when referring to web-based and mobile-based applications. The conversation highlights the broad applicability of these technologies and suggests that they are not exclusive to any industry or business. The cross-domain applicability of ICT-assisted modeling is demonstrated by its potential benefits for corporate, government, and public groups. The concept of a digital twin with rich visualization is introduced as a particularly intriguing application. Creating a virtual representation of a real system or process allows for comprehensive tracking, assessment, and optimization. The paragraph argues that the energy sector's efforts to manage energy more effectively can benefit significantly from the adoption of digital twins. Moreover, the potential advantages of digital twins extend to the healthcare sector, where modeling and digitalization can address challenges in this field. In addition, the conversation presents the idea of digital platforms that offer rewards for environmentally conscious actions within the energy sector. These platforms can use innovative market mechanisms to encourage actions that contribute to environmental goals. The discussion claims that digital platforms can encourage demand response and energy conservation by offering users incentives to adjust their energy consumption patterns in response to market or environmental signals. The focus on sustainability draws attention to how integrating digital platforms into energy markets might help society and the environment more broadly. Incentives for demand response and energy conservation not only encourage the more economical use of resources but also contribute to global initiatives aimed at lowering carbon footprints and mitigating the effects of climate change. The 5th International Scientific Conference on Innovations in Digital Economy: SPBPU IDE-2023 has already been held on 12 - 13 October 2023 at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University located at Novorossiyskaya, Saint Petersburg, Russia, with interesting topics such as (i) Economic efficiency and the social consequences of implementing digital innovations, (ii) Regional innovation systems and clusters as drivers of economic growth during the Fourth Industrial Revolution, (iii) Industrial, service and agricultural digitalization, (iv) Responses of the educational system and labor market to digital-driven changes in the economic system, (v) Digital transformation in the government sector, (vi) Digital transformation in the financial sector. This conference is organized by the Graduate School of Industrial Economics (GSIE) of Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) and the Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure Development (CSID) of Universitas Indonesia (UI). SPBPU IDE-2023 is expected to have a significant impact on the economic, social, and environmental aspects of both regional and national levels. A thorough examination of this phenomenon was evident in the 21 papers that were presented, which mostly focused on researching important aspects such as support systems, finance structures, and regulatory frameworks that control industry operations. The expected results of these research efforts include increased efficiency in investment use, enhanced competitiveness of businesses, and a significant shift towards an ecologically conscious approach to industrial activity. Especially in industrial activities, there is a significant impact on the progress in the economic, social, and environmental conditions of regions and the country as a whole in Russia. The discussion is supported by the presentation of 21 papers, which primarily examine the main forms of support, financing, and regulation of industrial activities, identifying problematic aspects of state support for them. Their approaches are expected to result in more efficient investment utilization, enhanced competitiveness of enterprises, and a shift towards an environmentally focused approach in industrial activities

    Resolving Engineering, Industrial and Healthcare Challenges through AI-Driven Applications

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    The recent technological advances have proven to be successful in facilitating various strenuous activities and improving daily life performance. Furthermore, the public has been amazed by the presence of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence, often known as AI, is a type of technology in the field of computer science that has special abilities to solve problems. With its intelligence, which is said to be able to compete with human cognitive abilities, AI technology is, in fact, able to help a variety of human jobs, from easy to complex ones.The first work which is now recognized as AI was done by Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts in 1943 as they proposed a model of artificial neurons. Later from that day, research in machine learning were florished. Therefore, Alan Turing who was an english mathematician proposed a test to asses the machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to human intelligence. The word artificial intelligence was first adopted by American computer scientist, John McCarthy at the Dartmouth Conference for the first time. The finding of several computer language such as Fortran, LISP or COBOL marked the enthusiasm for AI at that time.The era of AI had several idle development along the way which called as AI winter in 1974 to 1980 and 1987-1993. This era refers to the time period where computer scientists dealt with a severe shortage of funding from government or companies. Until the year 1997, the IBM Deep Blue became the first computer to beat a world chess champion, the emergence of AI never went under. Companies like Facebook, Twitter and Netflix also started using AI deep learning, big data and artificial general intelligence since the 2006.     The applications of AI are vast, including in industrial automation, healthcare, transportation, finance, entertainment, and more. AI continues to develop along with advances in technology and research, with the ultimate goal of creating systems that have levels of intelligence and capabilities that increasingly approach human capabilities. Artificial intelligence also faces numerous debates regarding potential impacts on individuals. Although it could be risky, it's also offering a fantastic opportunity. It is estimated that the global Artificial Intelligence market will reach 267 billion dollars by 2027

    Performance factors for successful business incubators in Indonesian public universities

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    Measuring the performance of business processes is already a main concern for both faculty and enterprise players, since organizations are motivated to reach the productivity stage. Employing a performance achievement framework for the relationship between business incubator success factors will guarantee connection with commercial schemes, which support a high level of performance indicators in successful business incubator models. This research employs a quantitative approach, with the data analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 23 and Smart PLS version 3 statistical software packages. Employing a sample of 95 incubator managers from 19 universities which geographically located in Indonesia, it is shown that the image of business incubator factors has a positive effect on incubator performance. The study investigates the relationship between incubator performance and business incubator success factors in Indonesia. It was found that IT, as part of the business incubators’ facets/abilities, partially supports their performance; that the entry criteria directly support the performance of the incubators; that mentoring networks also support the performance, with good infrastructure systems as a moderating factor; that funding supports the performance of business incubators, also with good infrastructure systems as a moderating factor; and that university regulations and government support and protection enhance the performance of business incubators, with credits and rewards as a moderating factor. In addition, a variety of indicators from the local context affiliate positively to promote a community that highlighted the incubators’ strategies.N/

    Digital Innovation: Creating Competitive Advantages

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    The diffusion of innovations during the fourth industrial revolution reshaped economic systems and caused structural changes in different economic sectors. These innovations have become the basis of the new digital infrastructure of society. Digital technology is used to manage integrated product whole-life cycles and enhance efficient, reliable, and sustainable business operations. Intelligent production processes and supply chains can be used to optimize entire end-to-end workflows and create business competitive advantages. Artificial intelligence, internet of things, machine learning, blockchain, big data and other digital technologies have been used to create business agility and resilience and further transform societal behavior.Digitalization creates new ways for companies to create business added value. Modernizing business enterprises by combining digital technologies, physical resources, and the creativity of individuals, is an essential step in innovative business transformation that may constitute a competitive advantage. Companies need to transform their business processes and enhance the satisfaction of their customers by using digital technologies that connect people, systems, and products or render their services more effective and efficient. Digital technologies create new ways for companies to integrate customers’ requirements into product development or service delivery across entire process chains. Digital technologies are becoming increasingly important due to strong market competition. Many studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between business growth and the use of digital technologies to create innovative business models. Technological innovations create new products, processes, and services that generate more added value for companies.&nbsp