1 research outputs found

    Study of psychological skills in soccer players

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    En el f煤tbol, el entrenamiento psicol贸gico favorece, elimina o fortalece relaciones propias de la competici贸n con la intenci贸n de mantener el rendimiento deportivo. Una buena especializaci贸n en el deporte obliga a establecer qu茅 variables hay que considerar para el logro del 茅xito deportivo, y parece ser que hoy en d铆a, las habilidades psicol贸gicas son las que predominan para ser analizadas como intervinientes en el rendimiento deportivo. En este estudio se profundiza en investigaciones cient铆ficas que tratan sobre las habilidades psicol贸gicas y su influencia en el futbolista. Las habilidades seleccionadas son: motivaci贸n, autoconfianza, atenci贸n-concentraci贸n y control del estr茅s. Algunas de las conclusiones del estudio son que la mayor铆a de las investigaciones mantienen que los grandes deportistas tienen en com煤n: mayor concentraci贸n, elevada autoconfianza, menor ansiedad, m谩s pensamientos positivos, utilizan la visualizaci贸n, y su motivaci贸n va orientada hacia la tarea en lugar de hacia el resultadoIn soccer, the psychological training favors, deletes or strengthens relationships that were part of the competition with the intention of keeping the sport performance. A good specialization in sport requires to establish which variables must be considered for the achievement of sporting success, and it seems that today, the psychological skills are predominant to be analyzed as involved in the sport performance. This study delves into scientific research dealing with the psychological skills and their influence on the footballer. The selected skill are: motivation, self-confidence, attention-concentration and control of stress. Some of the conclusions of the study are that the majority of the research argue that the great athletes have in common: concentration, high self-confidence, less anxiety, more positive thoughts, use visualisation, and their motivation geared toward the task instead of toward the result