129 research outputs found
Scan for Marc1 : sintaxe e semântica de registros bibliográficos na conversão de dados analógicos para o Formato MARC21 Bibliográfico
The conversion of bibliographic records is studied and the object of study is delimited by understanding the conversion of analog data to the MARC21 Bibliographic format, based on the syntactic and semantic analysis of records described according to descriptive metadata structure standards and content standards . The aim is to develop a theoretical-conceptual model of syntax and semantics in bibliographic records, based on Saussurean and Hjelmslevian linguistic studies of the manifestations of human language, which supports the development of a computational interpreter, aimed at converting bibliographic records to the MARC21 format. , capable of confirming both the semantic value of the represented informational resource and the reliability of the representation. The methodological route of the research is based on a qualitative approach, with an exploratory, descriptive and experimental character and resorts to bibliographical research. Contributions on the theoretical level are envisaged in view of the development of questions inherent to the syntactic and semantic aspects of bibliographic records, and for involving, at the same time, the interdisciplinarity between Information Science, Computer Science and Linguistics. Contributions in the practical field are identified by the fact that the study covers the development of Scan for MARC, a computational interpreter for converting printed bibliographic records to MARC21 Bibliographic format
Scan for Marc: sintaxe e semântica de registros bibliográficos na conversão de dados analógicos para o Formato MARC21 Bibliográfico
The conversion of bibliographic records is studied and the object of study is delimited by understanding the conversion of analog data to the MARC21 Bibliographic format, based on the syntactic and semantic analysis of records described according to descriptive metadata structure standards and content standards . The aim is to develop a theoretical-conceptual model of syntax and semantics in bibliographic records, based on Saussurean and Hjelmslevian linguistic studies of the manifestations of human language, which supports the development of a computational interpreter, aimed at converting bibliographic records to the MARC21 format. , capable of confirming both the semantic value of the represented informational resource and the reliability of the representation. The methodological path of the research is based on a qualitative approach, with an exploratory, descriptive and experimental character and resorts to bibliographical research. Contributions on the theoretical level are envisaged in view of the development of questions inherent to the syntactic and semantic aspects of bibliographic records, and for involving, at the same time, the interdisciplinarity between Information Science, Computer Science and Linguistics. Contributions in the practical field are identified by the fact that the study covers the development of Scan for MARC, a computational interpreter for converting printed bibliographic records to MARC21 Bibliographic format
Simbiose entre catalogação e recursos tecnológicos: associações entre Ciência da Informação e Linguistica pelo viés dos registros bibliográficos automatizados.
Recursos tecnológicos têm sido admitidos e necessários no desenvolvimento das mais variadas atividades profissionais, sociais, culturais e políticas. Com a Catalogação não seria
diferente. Esta pesquisa apresenta, no bojo da Ciência da Informação, o estudo do relacionamento entre as áreas de Ciência da Informação e Linguística por meio da correlação
entre a catalogação e os recursos tecnológicos e delimita-se pelo entendimento de que a simbiose entre eles se faz necessária ao estabelecimento dos processos de produção,
armazenamento, acesso, uso e reuso de tais registros bibliográficos. Na área de Ciência da Informação o emprego de tecnologias de informação e comunicação se tornou constante tanto no gerenciamento de estoques informacionais quanto na oferta diferenciada de produtos e serviços. O objetivo definido para esta pesquisa volta-se para traçar a associação entre a Ciência da Informação e a Linguística no que concerne o estudo dos registros bibliográficos
em ambientes informacionais digitais. Para o arcabouço teórico-metodológico recorre-se a pesquisadores que contribuíram para a Linguística e para a Ciência da Informação, dentre eles, Hjelmslev, Saracevic, Saussure, Shannon e Smiraglia. Dentre os resultados discute-se a
necessidade de se recorrer a padrões de conteúdo e a padrões de estrutura de metadados descritivos na produção de registros bibliográficos em se tratando de interpretação de dados em meios automatizados. Como considerações finais estabelece-se que a simbiose entre catalogação e recursos tecnológicos ocorre nos níveis semânticos dos registros bibliográficos, o que torna viável a mudança do paradigma comportamental dos catálogos automatizados por
conta da utilização de padrões de estrutura de metadados descritivos e, consequentemente, pela inferência semântica, prevista em uma aplicação computacional
Recurso informacional e representação documental.
Articulating the relationship between information resource and its representation is at the heart of the discussions in this text and emphasizes the understanding of registered information as an object of study of Information Science. In this proposal, aspects of knowledge representation are strongly argued, consolidated in information resources, and permeates issues of communication via catalogs, as a result of the visualization of representative records of such objects, in cultural heritage institutions. It is understood that the description and visualization schemes in cataloging are decisive in the communication process between the informational needs of users, whether human or mechanical, and informational resources, analogue or digital
AACR2r e necessidades de usuários: o papel da representação na recuperação de partituras
The aim is to study the care needs of the users of the Conservatory "Cacilda Becker, Pirassununga, SP rules for descriptive representation of documents in the established musical AACR2R. The study was conducted among piano teachers to identify their needs for search and recovery of piano scores in the local collection. This research is justified given that the forms of knowledge representation of the records and how your recovery should be convergent. It establishes general aim to examine the rules of AACR2R description of printed music and definition of access points to the needs of users of the Conservatory "Cacilda Becker, " on the recovery of piano scores. How to draw up specific goals: to identify elements in the musical scores for piano; understand how to identify aspects of recovering from the records of scores and, consequently, access points used in the process, understand the rules used for describing and defining points of access to printed music, and collating elements, forms of description and retrieval of music. To achieve these goals, the procedures are based on exploratory qualitative approach for the identification and collation of cataloging rules address the needs of users, using the questionnaire as a research tool. As a result, there is verification that the rules of AACR2R did not fully meet the needs of search and retrieval of such document. Suggestions are proposed to adapt these rules
Representação documental: pesquisa e ensino.
Em Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação o tratamento da informação é comumente trabalhado na perspectiva descritiva e temática. Compreendendo a representação documental como uma convergência de processos e instrumentos destinados à criação de produtos documentais, considera-se oportuno que a construção de conhecimentos relativos ao campo de estudo sejam cada vez mais pensadas em conjunto, quer seja para a consolidação de pesquisas teórico-metodológicas, quer seja como respaldo à formação acadêmica. Nessa perspectiva, este estudo propõe-se a contextualizar o ensino e a pesquisa que envolvem a representação documental praticada no curso de
bacharelado em Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Para tanto, realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica e exploratória acerca da temática no
âmbito da literatura especializada da área de organização da informação e das disciplinas formativas que compõem os eixos “Organização da Informação” e “Representação dos
registros do conhecimento” da grade curricular do respectivo curso. Mediante uma análise crítica, verificou-se os avanços obtidos no que se referem ao ensino e à pesquisa
acadêmica, bem como a correlação que pode ser estabelecida entre o ensino de graduação e as perspectivas multidisciplinares na pós-graduação e na pesquisa docente
Perspectivas da representação documental: discussão e experiências
Access to information is at the heart of the discussions of contemporary society, whether due to the multiplicity of infotechnological mechanisms that are geared to its generation and use, or through the arguments for promoting information for social and cultural democratization through citizen education. The Information Science, for consecrating the information as its object of research, systematizes, in the Documentary Representation, the critical and analytical study of theories, instruments, methods and methodologies that allow to make the information accessible. It is in this scope that this book is proposed, since it adds knowledge, concepts and applications of the relationship between Technology, Information and Representation for the consolidation of the Documentary Representation and that aims to promote debates about the consolidation of discussions and actions that involve the organization and the representation of the information resources, as well as the processes of data management in automated environment and its use. The discussions also envision the technological and media resources, through computational structures, which permeate the production, organization, distribution, access, storage, preservation, use and reuse of information resources through representation methods and recovery. It is understood, above all, the plurality of epistemological, theoretical and methodological conceptions present in Information Science. This book is, therefore, the result of efforts of researchers of the Documentary Representation and reflects research and teaching actions that imply the descriptive and thematic treatment of information
Práticas coletivas de leitura e integração social: propostas para políticas educacionais.
The term “reading” is very broad, and, contrary to what many people think, it is not restricted to written texts. Its main function is to transmit messages with the purpose of establishing communication between people, having, in this process, a transmitter and one or more receivers. The object of reading is much broader than textual reading and involves the reading of symbols, words, figures, signs and even behaviors. For Yunes (2009) the act of reading makes the individual assume a critical stance in the face of a situation, making him able to take the floor and position himself in the face of information. Similarly, Neves (1998) presents reading as a necessary element for the realization of citizenship and criticizes the lack of social commitment to its promotion. Silva (2009, p.84), in turn, states that reading is extremely important in today's society, so much so that he classifies it as a prerequisite for social coexistence and the achievement of citizenship, conceiving it as an “extension of human essence”,
since the non-mastery of this practice can lead to the non-appreciation of the individual before society. The knowledge acquired by the individual, through reading, directly contributes to a critical formation. According to Freire (1981, p. 19), reading is fundamental for individuals and is present before
any type of literacy, since "reading the world precedes reading the word". In the modality of reading written texts, problems are identified that interfere with the main role of reading, that of understanding the message that makes communication effective. Thus, decoding symbols is not enough for the full exercise of reading, being necessary, in addition to literacy, literacy, which consists of understanding the message in a contextualized and critical way (BEKER; GROSCH, 2008). Reading, then, is given by the particular meaning of the world, because only it allows establishing relationships and awareness of oneself and others. In this way, what can be understood is that reading is present from an early age.
age and indicates functions of formation and transformation of individuals in favor of the full exercise of citizenship, that is, to act in the world. Discussing issues involving reading in a country like Brazil, with more than 200 million inhabitants (POPULAÇÃO..., 2014), is a great challenge and can show lack of access to information and encouragement of reading as barriers to be overcome. overcome. For this, it is essential to know educational policies and actions that encourage the formation of critical readers. The survey “Portraits of Reading in Brazil”, dated 2011, indicates that the biggest reading encouragers are, respectively, the teacher, parents, relatives, friends, religious leader, co-workers and partner (LEITE , 2012). Another interesting data from this survey is that 17% of respondents said they had no influence to become readers. Such results show some difficulty in identifying those who encourage reading in the school environment, which, in a way, indicates that there are many reader-forming agents with a fundamental role in this process in the school environment
Estudo sobre o comportamento leitor dos alunos do curso de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal de São Carlos.
This paper analyses the reading habits of the Library and Information Science students of the Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil) applying research fields techniques. It identifies, specifically, the profile of a students sample and the profile of readers and non-readers. It shows the reading preferences of the students and the meaning of reading for them; their reading frequency; motivations for reading; ways and styles of reading and their major influences for reading. It also exposes how do students have access to books and their major barriers to reading. The paper also establishes a parallel between some aspects of the students profile and the answers to a questionary applied to them. The answers were analyzed and presented in the form of graphics, tables and figures. Results reveal that the course has more readers than non-readers. In fact, it has more readers than the readers average identified in the research Reading Portrait of Brazil in 2008. Our paper identified that all the students has read more than five articles in the last three months
Catalogação de histórias em quadrinhos à luz da semiótica da cultura
This research discusses the documentary analysis of comics in a semiotics framework in order to guarantee library retrieval by users. Comic cataloging presents difficulties due to their being a resource that integrates both verbal and non-verbal language. The objective of this exploratory, qualitative and applied research is to look into the relationships that can be established between cataloging and semiotics of culture, in order to contribute to the theoretical and epistemological grounds of the organization and representation of information in comics. Through bibliographic procedures, the results are traced by means of the content analysis method. The concepts developed by the semiotics of culture can contribute to cataloging, mainly in the processes of document reading, subject analysis, and subject cataloging. e results demonstrate that the concepts of cultural semiotics allow defining aspects of the semiosphere of the author and the cataloguer, since both permeate the construction of the bibliographic record of
comics. In conclusion, the cataloger, as a mediator, is in charge of understanding the cultural codes that make up the semiosphere of comics, thus assuring the user the conditions to satisfy their informational needs, through translation and transcoding
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