8 research outputs found

    La comprensión de los conceptos históricos por los alumnos de 1º de ESO

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    En este trabajo se analiza la comprensión de conceptos históricos como temporalidad y causalidad por alumnos de 1º de ESO de un centro concertado de Zaragoza. El estudio se basa en el análisis de un cuestionario anónimo y de las preguntas abiertas de un examen. Se comparan los resultados en función de la edad, del sexo y del grupo al que pertenecen los alumnos. La investigación ha mostrado que la mayoría de los alumnos todavía no ha alcanzado el nivel suficiente para poder menejar estos conceptos sin dificultades, aunque para ellos resultan más fáciles las nociones temporales que las causales. No se ha podido mostrar una dependencia clara de los resultados con la edad. Por una parte, los alumnos de 14 y 15 años no se pueden considerar como una representación significativa por su escaso número y porque son repetidores. Por otra parte, a veces los alumnos de 12 años han mostrado mejores resultados que los de 13. Tampoco hay diferencias significativas entre los chicos y las chicas, aunque hay conceptos que los manejan mejor los varones, a su vez que otros son más fáciles para las mujeres

    Training of future teachers of natural sciences for the use of information and communication technologies in their professional activities

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    Today, an important aspect of future teachers training, in particular, natural sciences, is the usage of innovative technologies and approaches in the educational process of higher education institutions. The features of training future teachers of natural sciences using information and communication technologies are considered. The general global trends in the development of informatization of education are highlighted: expansion of the scope of use new information technologies.The principles of using information and communication technologies in the educational process are highlighted: the principle of visibility; the principle of expediency; the principle of systematicity and consistency; the principle of strength of knowledge; the principle of accessibility; the principle of individualization; the principle of connecting theory with practice; the principle of multimedia; the principle of interactivity. Online tools are highlighted to enable the use of innovative technologies for teaching future teachers of natural sciences. It is noted that in the educational system there are applications and information and communication technologies that widely used in the education system: word supercomputers, databases, demonstration programs, catalogue organization schemes, planners, graphic packages, etc


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    Professional standards for educational managers establish the compliance of a person with the professional requirements; therefore, it is important to study them in order to develop the content of university training programs for school principals. The aim of the present research is to examine the experience of standardization of educational managers’ professional activity in the countries of different socio-economic development and various degrees of participation in the global educational integration processes, as well as to highlight the possible use of best practices to develop and implement the most effective university training programs for educational managers. We conducted the study during 2018 – 2020 according to the methodology of the aspect analysis, having distinguished two aspects: functional and behavioural. We analysed the professional standards within the framework of regional clusters taking as a basis the mutual convergence and interaction of their educational systems, namely regions that are the generators of integration processes; regions that respond positively to integration processes but do not initiate them; regions that are inert to the integration of educational processes. Furthermore, we chose a few countries from each cluster, which adopted the standards at the state level or at the level of individual administrative units within a particular country. The results of the analysis made it possible to identify general and special trends, peculiar to certain groups of countries. The results obtained within the framework of the study made it possible for us to develop the construct of the standard that takes into account the particular features of socio-economic development of Ukraine.

    Определение оптических характеристик изображений с нанофотонными элементами, изготовленными струйным способом печати

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    Дослідження проводилися за підтримки Міністерства освіти і науки України в рамках НДР № 2873п. Публікація містить ре зультати досліджень, проведе них при грантовій підтримці Державного фонду фундамен тальних досліджень за конкурсним проектом Ф64/10 2016 від 28.03.16У статті досліджено вплив технологічних факторів на оптичні характеристики друкованих зображень з нанофотонними елементами, виготовлених струминним способом друку. Розроблено математичну модель, яка дає можливість шляхом зміни значень досліджених факторів створювати за допомогою струминного друку зображення з нанофотонними елементами із наперед заданими оптичними характеристиками.This article provides the research of the influence of the factors of inkjet printing process on the production of printed images with nanophotonic elements for smart functional packaging on their optical (photoluminescent) characteristics. As usual paper contain optical brighteners which are luminescent under UV light papers without optical brighteners were used for research. To obtain an analytical dependence of luminescence intensity of printed images, which takes into account the influence of factors (concentration of nano-ZnO; concentration of PVP, percentage of gradations of a tone image, smoothness of paper surface), there was conducted a full factorial experiment, and there was created a mathematical model based on the regression equation. The obtained analytical dependence gives an idea of how technological factors of inkjet printing affect the optical characteristics of printed images with nanophotonic elements. The estimation of the parameters of the equation shows that smoothness of paper surface and percentage of gradations of a tone image have the greatest impact on luminescence intensity. Fluorescent component concentration in the ink carries a smaller impact in the selected range of variation. Concentration of PVP in the ink has the lowest impact. The research results allow using inkjet printing for production of printed images with nanophotonic elements with predetermined optical characteristics.В статье исследовано влияние технологических факторов на оптические характеристики печатных изображений с нанофотонными элементами, изготовленных струйным способом печати. Разработано математическую модель, которая предоставляет возможность путем изменения значений исследованных факторов создавать с помощью струйной печати изображения с нанофотонными элементами с наперед заданными оптическими характеристиками

    Візуалізації пандемій у культурі Заходу

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    Epidemics and the associated feeling of closeness to death at all times caused strong emotions which were embodied in art. It is difficult to overestimate the impact of pandemics on different spheres of society. Deadly diseases not only devastated cities and entire regions but also created the conditions for the appearance of new sciences, art movements, architectural, artistic and literary works. This article analyzes visual images related to the theme of the pandemic and examines the meanings behind the works devoted to mass epidemics.The plague epidemic reinforced the themes of death, suffering, cruelty and madness in European art. In the era of the “Black Death”, there are allegorical plots “Dance of Death”, “Triumph of Death”, “Three Living and Three Dead”, which later became a separate synthetic genre. Another echo of the plague is the plot “Death, which plays chess”, common in the painting of Northern Europe. So in the 14th century the plots of macabre became popular. Macabre is the dance of death, a medieval custom that consisted of a ceremony that took place in a cemetery and was based on an imaginary dance of the dead.Now humankind faces something that is just partly dependent on it, something unusual. Each of these kinds of clashes allows us to stop the automatism of our actions, words, things, rituals, to pause and see the emptiness where it was not yet possible to move. Not only geographically or temporally but also existentially. In other words, the epidemic is an extremely rare cause for reflection, which hints that we are not alone in the world and not everything in the world depends on us. This pandemic is different from war, which is the work of human hands.What kind of art will the coronavirus become? And will it? For now, it looks like a minimalist: it works not with a thing or concept, but with the absence of a thing. These works bring us closer to our ancestors and show that we still are children of nature and depend on its whims, despite all the achievements of science and medicine. Moreover, our fears must be consistent with the current pandemic, because the coronavirus in scale and lethality is significantly different from the plague, cholera or Spanish flu.Manuscript received 24.08.2020Епідемії та пов’язане з ними відчуття близькості смерті в усі часи викликали сильні емоції, які втілювалися в мистецтві. Переоцінити вплив пандемій на різноманітні сфери діяльності суспільства важко: смертоносні хвороби не лише спустошували міста й цілі регіони, а й створювали умови для появи нових наук, течій у мистецтві, архітектурних, художніх та літературних творів. У цій статті проаналізовано візуальні образи, пов’язані з темою пандемії, а також розглянуто смисли, закладені авторами у твори, присвячені масовим пошестям.Матеріал надійшов 24.08.202


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    The article substantiates expediency and shows the possibility of computer modeling of laboratory works on medical and biological physics for students in the field of training 1201 «Medicine» in the study of the discipline «Medical and Biological Physics». On the example of the laboratory work «Study of the fundamentals of hemodynamics using the apparatus «Perfusion System SORIN C5», the main stages and principles of the creation of virtual laboratory works for institutions of higher medical education were determined. The authors analyze the scientific and methodical literature on the use of specialized software products for reproduction and demonstration of various physical phenomena, the development of virtual laboratories and their implementation in the educational process of higher education institutions. The paper proposes methodical recommendations for the creation of virtual laboratory work in the classes on medical and biological physics for students in the field of training 1201 «Medicine». The article describes the main structural units (menus and submenus), the characteristics and possibilities of using the software developed by the authors in the educational process, which virtually realizes the main stages of the patient's preparation for open heart surgery using the heart-lung machine SORIN C5. The advantages of conducting virtual laboratory works on hemodynamics have been determined, as well as an analysis of educational material with the aim of improving the professional component of medical students' training and their informational and subject competencies. The possibilities of creation a series of laboratory works with their subsequent placement in the virtual learning environment «System of medical and biological physics laboratory works» are considered. Thanks to the leadership of the Municipal Institution «Regional Cardiology Center» (Kropyvnytskyi) for the assistance and provision of information on the work of the apparatus «Perfusion System SORIN C5»

    Influence of Meteorological Factors on Covid-19 Incidence in the Conditions of Ukrain

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    The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a problem for the health care systems of many countries around the world. Seasonal nature of influenza and other the respiratory viral diseasesis commonly known. The nature of the relationship between the frequency of registration of cases of COVID-19 and natural factors is still being studied by researchers. The purpose is to determine the influence of air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and atmospheric pressure on the incidence of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 in the conditions of Ukraine