132 research outputs found

    Potential of natural forest production in Sinop County in the Amazonia region, Brazil.

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    Edição dos abstracts do 24º IUFRO World Congress, 2014, Salt Lake City. Sustaining forests, sustaining people: the role of research

    Longitudinal and radial variation of the wood density in an unmanaged stand of Araucaria angustifolia.

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    Edição dos abstracts do 24º IUFRO World Congress, 2014, Salt Lake City. Sustaining forests, sustaining people: the role of research

    Non-invasive imaging methods applied to neo- and paleo-ontological cephalopod research

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    Several non-invasive methods are common practice in natural sciences today. Here we present how they can be applied and contribute to current topics in cephalopod (paleo-) biology. Different methods will be compared in terms of time necessary to acquire the data, amount of data, accuracy/resolution, minimum/maximum size of objects that can be studied, the degree of post-processing needed and availability. The main application of the methods is seen in morphometry and volumetry of cephalopod shells. In particular we present a method for precise buoyancy calculation. Therefore, cephalopod shells were scanned together with different reference bodies, an approach developed in medical sciences. It is necessary to know the volume of the reference bodies, which should have similar absorption properties like the object of interest. Exact volumes can be obtained from surface scanning. Depending on the dimensions of the study object different computed tomography techniques were applied

    Traumatic events in the life of the deep-sea cephalopod mollusc, the coleoid Spirula spirula

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    Here, we report on different types of shell pathologies of the enigmatic deep-sea (mesopelagic) cephalopod Spirula spirula. For the first time, we apply non-invasive imaging methods to: document trauma-induced changes in shell shapes, reconstruct the different causes and effects of these pathologies, unravel the etiology, and attempt to quantify the efficiency of the buoyancy apparatus. We have analysed 2D and 3D shell parameters from eleven shells collected as beach findings from the Canary Islands (Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura), West-Australia, and the Maldives. All shells were scanned with a nanotom-m computer tomograph. Seven shells were likely injured by predator attacks: fishes, cephalopods or crustaceans, one specimen was infested by an endoparasite (potentially Digenea) and one shell shows signs of inflammation and one shell shows large fluctuations of chamber volumes without any signs of pathology. These fluctuations are potential indicators of a stressed environment. Pathological shells represent the most deviant morphologies of a single species and can therefore be regarded as morphological end-members. The changes in the shell volume / chamber volume ratio were assessed in order to evaluate the functional tolerance of the buoyancy apparatus showing that these had little effect. Key words: pathology; parasitism; Spirula; mesopelagic; ecology; predator; buoyancy; cephalopod

    Density of Araucaria angustifolia wood from overstocked stand.

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar as variações radiais e longitudinais de massa específica básica da madeira em um plantio superestocado com 65 anos de Araucaria angustifolia. O plantio, localizado na Floresta Nacional de Açungui, Campo Largo, PR, foi desbastado entre 1970 e 1980, não havendo registros de desbastes posteriores a essa data. Foram selecionadas três árvores para cada classe de diâmetro: 10-30 cm, 30-50 cm e 50-70 cm. Para a análise longitudinal, foram seccionados discos em sete alturas (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100% da altura comercial e a 1,3 m do solo), sendo removidas as cascas e retiradas duas cunhas opostas até a medula e cinco corpos de prova no sentido radial de cada disco. Em geral, na direção radial houve aumento da massa específica. As médias da massa específica diferiram estatisticamente ao longo do fuste, com diminuição da massa específica na direção longitudinal. No entanto, a massa específica média a 60% da altura comercial foi maior do que a 40%, com redução a partir dessa altura em direção ao topo, indicando efeito da competição que ocorreu na área. A desuniformidade da madeira ao longo do fuste é um indicativo dos efeitos negativos da falta de manejo na área

    Considerações sobre o manejo da estrutura diamétrica do cumarú-ferro (Dipteryx odorata), em empresa no estado do Acre.

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    Manejo florestal no Mato Grosso.

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