44 research outputs found

    The use of computer-based programming environments as computer modelling tools in early science education: the cases of textual and graphical program languages

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    This is an interpretive case study seeking to develop detailed and comparative descriptions of how two groups of fifth grade students used two different Computer-Based Programming Environments (CPEs) (namely Microworlds Logo and Stagecast Creator) during scientific modelling. The primary sources of data that were used in this four-month-long study include videotaped students' group work and whole-class discussions, and the instructors’ reflective journals. For the data analysis contextual inquiry was used in conjunction with analysis of student conversation in order to gain better insight in students’ activity and conversation patterns while working with CPEs. Findings highlight the differences in the ways that the students used the two CPEs in the context of developing models of natural phenomena with respect to three distinct phases that emerged from data analysis that include student approaches to (i) planning, (ii) writing and debugging code and (iii) using code to represent the phenomenon under study. Lastly, findings highlight which aspects of students work during the three phases can be productive for scientific modelling, proposing possible relationships between student work and CPE features

    Stakeholder responses to core aspects of integrated STEM education: Instrument development and pilot study

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    The present paper reports on work undertaken within the frame of the STE(A)M IT project on integrated STEM education (Erasmus + program; Grant agreement 612845-EPP-1-2019-1- BE-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD). We will focus on a comprehensive review of grey and scientific literature published on integrated STEM and how this background desk research informed the development of an instrument designed to elicit stakeholder responses to core aspects of integrated STEM education. We have pilot tested the instrument to assess the validity and reliability of the scales it includes and we present the results of this pilot study together with some implications for educational policy and stakeholder involvement